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It is not uncommon for tumors to metastasize to the kidney by the hematogenous route. Metastases most often originate from the breast, bronchi, or gastrointestinal tract, or from the lymphogenous or hematogenous spread of ipsilateral or contralateral renal cancers.

Renal metastases appear sonographically as round, nodular, relatively homogeneous, hypoechoic masses located in the renal parenchyma or the sinus echo complex (Fig. 9.74).

Fig. 9.74 Patient with non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC)

b CEUS: marginal enhancement, suspicious for metasta-

and mass in the kidney (images courtesy of Professor C.

sis. Fine-needle biopsy confirmed metastasis of a bron-

Goerg, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Mar-

chial cancer.

burg, Germany).


a Hypoechoic mass.


PapillaryAdenoma,Oncocytoma, Inflammatory Tumor

Fat-like adenoma. Adenoma (classification in Table 9.7) is a benign, well-circumscribed neoplasm of 1 cm or smaller. It is usually solitary. Papillary adenoma is the most common neoplasm of the epthelium of the renal tubules. It is found in 10% to 40% of specimens.13

Sonographically, adenoma appears hyperechoic. It has smooth margins. No reliable sonographic criteria are available ( 9.4 g,h).

Oncocytoma. Oncocytoma is also a slowgrowing tumor that is always benign. Its echogenicity varies from hyperto hypoechoic, but the presence of cystic parts excludes the diagnosis of an oncocytoma. In CEUS, an oncocytoma displays a slower uptake of contrast medium and an overall decidedly diminished vascularity (Fig. 9.75).

Fig. 9.75 Renal oncocytoma (CT, operation).

a Sharply circumscribed, very hypoechoic mass. Based on ultrasound morphology, the fine echogenic wall (arrows) is suggestive of a hemorrhagic cyst. N = kidney.

b Color Doppler shows subtle but constant vascularity, ruling out a cyst or abscess in favor of a solid mass.

Inflammatory tumor. By contrast, inflamma-

tory tumors in the sinus echo complex are

tory tumors (like tumor-simulating vasculitis)

virtually indistinguishable from masses due to

are rare lesions that tend to have ill-defined

bacterial inflammation, although the former

margins and an inhomogeneous, hypoechoic

show intense vascularity on color duplex ex-

structure. In gray-scale ultrasound inflamma-


Complex Structure


Anomalies, Malformations







Diffuse Changes







Circumscribed Changes








Anechoic Structure





Hypoechoic or





Isoechoic Structure





Complex Structure









Hyperechoic Structure





Echogenic Structure

Abscess, Pyonephrosis

Xanthomatous Pyelonephritis

Hematoma, Intracystic Hemorrhage

Renal Cell Carcinoma, Cystic Renal Carcinoma, Malignant Lymphoma

Renal Trauma

Abscess, Pyonephrosis

Large abscesses and pyonephrosis present so-

forming hyperechoic and hypoechoic areas.

presentation, fine-needle aspiration, CT, or the

nographically as an irregular mass that de-

They may also contain bizarre, anechoic com-

histological analysis

of surgical specimens

stroys the normal renal architecture while

ponents. The diagnosis is based on the clinical

(Fig. 9.61, Fig. 9.76,

11.3 g–i on p. 394).


Fig. 9.76

a Pyonephrosis: hypoechoic mass with ill-defined margins, partially filled with echogenic material (debris, inspissation).

b Xanthomatous pyelonephritis: complex mass at the lower renal pole; hyperechoic margins around the medullary pyramids and hyperechoic spots (image courtesy Dr. Katleen Möller, Berlin, Germany).

changes are accompanied by the presence of (sometimes combined with focal urinary tract (Fig. 9.76b).

Hematoma, Intracystic Hemorrhage

Depending on its stage, a hematoma may con-

erogeneous, or hyperechoic structure, raising

cystic hemorrhage. CDS may be helpful, but

tain anechoic to hyperechoic components that

serious sonographic differential diagnostic

CEUS provides an unequivocal diagnosis of

create an irregular echo pattern. Intracystic

problems, especially since renal carcinomas

hemorrhage when an enhancement is lacking

hemorrhage leads to a hypoechoic (rare), het-

also tend to bleed and may be masked by intra-

(Figs. 9.68, 9.70, 9.77).


Circumscribed Changes

Fig. 9.77 Intracystic hemorrhage.

a Large, sharply circumscribed, irregular structure with cystic and solid components.

b Color duplex shows no vascularity even at a low pulse repetition frequency. This means that a tumor is unlikely.

c Traumatic hematoma; CEUS demonstrates no enhancement in the perirenal hematoma (images courtesy of Professor C. Goerg, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Marburg, Germany).

Renal Cell Carcinoma,Cystic RenalCarcinoma, Malignant Lymphoma

Diffuse RCC, cystic RCC, and high-grade lymphoma are additional lesions that can acquire a heterogeneous echo texture as they enlarge.

Predominantly regressive tumor changes in the form of calcifications and cystic tumor liquefaction determine the ultrasound appearance of the affected kidneys. Anechoic elements may also represent displaced blood vessels or focal obstructions of the pyelocaliceal system (Fig. 9.78, Fig. 9.79, 9.4).

Fig. 9.78 Cyst-associated renal cell carcinoma (arrows). Histology: chromophobe clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (pseudocystic transformation to cystic RCC occurs only in clear-cell and papillary carcinomas).

a Nonhomogeneous, hyperechoic tumor areas accompanied by partially infiltrated, tumor-compressed cysts with irregular margins. N = kidney.

b Cyst-associated renal cell carcinoma: cystically transformed (necrosis, hemorrhage, Z) clear-cell carcinoma. Color duplex shows scant vascular signals.




Fig. 9.79 High-grade renal lymphoma (enlarged view).

a Irregular mass with echo-free components (obstructive pyelectasis, P) and vascular structures (arrow, A) along with intact, hypoechoic medullary pyramids (MP).

b Color Doppler: echo-free to hyperechoic areas (arrows), irregular tumor vessels.

Renal Trauma

In trauma, an irregular (hyperto anechoic) circumscribed transformation of the regular structure and an additional perirenal anechoic mass can be seen.

The most important information is the extent of viable renal tissue. CEUS adds to the color Doppler assessment with clear delineation of hematomas, and additional evidence for a persistent bleed (Fig. 9.70, Fig. 9.80).

Fig. 9.80 Extensive traumatic haematoma of the right kidney. Heterogeneous mass (arrows); band-shaped nonreflective marginal area dorsally (perirenal fluid collection). The extent of the destruction may be estimated in CEUS as the best diagnostic procedure. N = kidney.20

Hyperechoic Structure


Anomalies, Malformations







Diffuse Changes







Circumscribed Changes








Anechoic Structure





Hypoechoic or





Isoechoic Structure





Complex Structure





Hyperechoic Structure









Echogenic Structure

Renal Abscess, Carbuncles

Hemorrhagic Cyst

Renal Cell Carcinoma



Renal Abscess,Carbuncles

Renal abscesses, like hepatic abscesses, often acquire a structure that is hyperechoic to the normal parenchyma. Renal carbuncles are staphylococcal abscesses that arise in the kidney owing to hematogenous spread (Fig. 9.81).

Fig. 9.81 Mass in the renal parenchyma (N) caused by abscess formation.

a Circumscribed mass with an echogenic border (cursors).

b Color Doppler shows an absence of vascularity in the abscess structure (arrows), which is surrounded by displaced normal parenchyma (N). The kidney is generally enlarged with a washed-out appearance. Patient presented clinically with headache and septic fever.



Circumscribed Changes

geneous structure. The structure alone is therefore not a reliable criterion for the differentia-

the appearance of its peripheral rim and fine internal vascularity or, if necessary, by ultra-

Fig. 9.82 Two renal tumors. The large tumor (T) is a renal cell carcinoma (RCC), appearing as an oval mass isoechoic or slightly hyperechoic to the renal parenchyma (N). It has a faint peripheral rim and creates an outward bulge in the renal sinus. These features are typical of RCC (and could justify surgery without further testing). The second mass is a small, echogenic tumor (arrow), most likely a benign nonepithelial tumor.

Fig. 9.83 Echogenic renal cell carcinoma (T). The differential diagnosis includes angiomyolipoma, and therefore CT should be performed.

a Transverse scan through the right upper quadrant shows a sharply circumscribed, homogeneously echogenic mass with a vascularized rim. N = kidney.

b Flank scan reveals intratumoral vessels. The vascular rim and intratumoral vessels are consistent with renal cell carcinoma, not angiomyolipoma. N = kidney.


Angiomyolipomas are a common type of benign nonepithelial tumor. They contain thickwalled vessels, smooth muscle, and fatty tissue in varying proportions. In ultrasound they appear round or oval, smoothly defined, and mostly homogeneous and more hyperechoic than the renal sinus; but slightly less echogenic when containing only a small amount of fat or when hemorrhage is present. In harmonic imaging an incomplete shadowing sometimes presents (Fig. 9.84, Fig. 9.85). No intratumorous vessels are detectable in CDS except an entering vessel. In CEUS, a rapid enhancement and wash-out after 19 minutes is detectable.

The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography for typical angiomyolipomas can be as high as 85%, but the positive predictive value is

lower because of the small hyperechoic RCC. As result, some examinations require CT (Fig. 9.85b).

The tumor can be confidently diagnosed by the fat attenuation observed on CT, but this line of investigation is almost superfluous when typical ultrasound findings (also in color duplex and CEUS) are present. The accuracy of CT is compromised by an absence of fat in some tumors (< 10%). (Fig. 9.84, Fig. 9.85).

Multiple, bilateral angiomyolipomas occur in the setting of tuberous sclerosis (von Hip- pel–Lindau syndrome). This disease is frequently associated with clear-cell renal carcinomas, however, and so additional tests should be performed (Fig. 9.85a, Table 9.8).

Table 9.8 Sonographic features of angiomyolipoma

Hyperechoic mass

Size 1–3 cm (occasionally > 5 cm)

Globular shape

Harmonic imaging: incomplete shadowing (high specificity and sensitivity)

Rarely causes a bulge in the renal outline

CDS: No detectable intratumoral vessels, power Doppler, eventually intratumoral vessels and feeding artery vascularity

Multiple in 80% of patients with tuberous sclerosis; only angiomyolipomas associated with this condition may undergo malignant transformation




Fig. 9.84 Hemangiomyolipoma, showing distinctive sonographic features: echogenic intraparenchymal tumor with a fine, reticular internal structure and smooth contours.

Fig. 9.85

b Color duplex shows no detectable internal vascularity

a Three hemangiomyolipomas (arrows). Multiple angio-


myolipomas, often in both kidneys, occur in tuberous


sclerosis (Bourneville–Pringle disease).



“Scarring” refers to any circumscribed, fibrous area of postinflammatory or postinfarction contraction. The areas may be solitary or multiple and tend to undergo focal calcification, producing high-level entry echoes with acoustic shadowing. Scars may appear as linear or large-area lesions ( 9.6).

Cause. It can be difficult to establish a cause in any given case (pyelonephritic abscess formation, stone-related, tuberculous, or secondary

to anemia or infarction), although funnelshaped scars most likely result from an old renal infarction ( 9.6a) while pyelonephritic scars tend to have an irregular shape ( 9.6 d).

Multiple wavy parenchymal notches and rarefactions are characteristic features of peripheral renal arteriosclerosis in a setting of long-standing hypertension ( 9.6a–c). These cases show undulant thinning of the parenchyma with no overall decrease in renal size.

Rarely, sites of irregular scarring are also seen in panarteritis nodosa.

Scars in the setting of chronic, nondestructive interstitial nephritis are diffuse and therefore produce an irregular renal surface with indistinct outlines. Calcifications may occur.

True scars require differentiation from a parenchymal notch in duplex kidneys, a medially tilted scan plane through the renal hilum, and fetal lobulations ( 9.6f, Fig. 9.66a).

9.6 Scars and Parenchymal Notching

Vascular scars

a Wedge-shaped infarction scar (arrows) in a patient with absolute arrhythmia in atrial fibrillation. P = renal pelvis.

Postinflammatory scars and differential diagnosis

b Vascular scar (arrows) with focal thinning of the parenchyma. The patient presented clinically with advanced atherosclerosis. N = kidney.

c Broad, echogenic atherosclerotic scar extending focally through the entire parenchyma (arrow) in a patient with chronic hypertension and generalized atherosclerosis. N = kidney.

d Pyelonephritic scar (arrow). Cystic transformation of two medullary pyramids and a calix (arrows), appearing as “caliceal cysts” in the urogram.

e Broad, echogenic scar in the anterior parenchyma following renal tuberculosis.

f Anteroinferior notching of the parenchyma (arrow): scan plane cuts the renal hilum.



Anomalies, Malformations Diffuse Changes Circumscribed Changes

Anechoic Structure

Hypoechoic or Isoechoic Structure

Complex Structure Hyperechoic Structure Echogenic Structure

Papillary Calcification

Interlobar and Arcuate Arteries

Bacterial Gas Bubbles

Parenchymal Calcification

Nephrocalcinosis, Medullary Sponge Kidney

Renal Tuberculosis, Putty Kidney

Pyelocaliceal Stone, Staghorn Calculus


Calcifications at the tips of the renal papillae are characteristic findings in analgesic nephropathy and diabetes mellitus. They appear only as echogenic flecks on ultrasound survey scans, where they often go undetected. They are easily detected and identified in strongly magnified views (Fig. 9.86).

Interlobar andArcuate Arteries

Fig. 9.86 Medullary (papillary) (MP) calcification (arrows) with an acoustic shadow. Clinical presentation: neglected type 1 diabetes.

The renal artery itself, its branches in the renal

straight and interlobular arterioles arising


will occasionally


sinus, and the interlobar and arcuate arteries

from the arcuate artery along with the more

these thickened, echogenic vessels, some of

tend to undergo atherosclerosis and calcifica-

distal afferent vessels and the postglomerular

which have

shadowing wall


tion in patients with long-standing hyperten-

efferent vessels).

(Figs. 9.87, 9.88, 9.89).


sion (arteriolosclerosis would affect the






Circumscribed Changes

Fig. 9.87 Vascular sclerosis: echogenic renal artery in the renal sinus (arrows), shadowing (S); 60-year-old patient, intensive nicotine abuse, general arteriosclerosis.

Fig. 9.88 Bright double echoes with a central, narrow echo-free band (arrow). Atherosclerosis of the arcuate artery at the base of the medullary pyramid (MP). N = kidney.

Fig. 9.89 Extensive atherosclerosis of the small renal arteries, close-up tangential parenchymal view in pseudoxanthoma elasticum.




BacterialGas Bubbles

Small, vesicular, hood-like echogenic masses may be observed in the setting of emphysematous (bacterial gas-forming) pyelonephritis; the shadowed region usually obscures the abscess itself. These findings indicate an urgent need for treatment (immediate broad-spec- trum antibiotics or nephrectomy) due to existing or impending bacterial sepsis (Fig. 9.67,

Fig. 9.90).

Fig. 9.90 Hood-like bacterial gas collection (arrows) with associated reverberations. An actual abscess cannot be identified. Sepsis, emergency surgery, nephrectomy.

N = kidney.

Parenchymal Calcification

Parenchymal calcifications can have a variety of

athy or analgesic nephropathy. Some calcifica-

develop as a sequel to old renal trauma, and

causes. They may reflect an old focal pyelo-

tions suggest a cystic etiology because of their

others remain unexplained (Fig. 9.91).

nephritis, possibly in a setting of renal lithiasis,

shape. Calcifications also occur in the setting of


as well as calcifications in diabetic nephrop-

tuberculosis (see below). Other calcifications


Fig. 9.91

a Broad scar with calcification (arrows) of undetermined cause. Acoustic shadow (S).

b Echogenic lesion (arrow), incomplete shadowing (S).

c CDS with high pulse repetition frequency (PRF): “twinkling artifact,” which favors a calcification and not an angiomyolipoma.

Nephrocalcinosis, Medullary Sponge Kidney

Nephrocalcinosis and medullary sponge kidney are different renal diseases that are associated with calcifications and have similar or identical ultrasound appearances.

Medullary nephrocalcinosis (medullary sponge kidney) is based on a dysontogenic disorder that can be broadly classified among the cystic diseases. It is characterized by a cystic dilatation of the collecting tubules in the renal papillae, leading to stone formation (a cauliflower or rosette pattern is seen in the intravenous pyelogram). Ultrasonography shows echogenic, rosette-like calcifications with acoustic shadows in the medullary pyramids.

Cortical nephrocalcinosis is marked by calcifications of the parenchyma and medullary pyramids and the formation of kidney stones. Calcifications of the medullary pyramids are the dominant feature. Nephrocalcinosis develops in a setting of hypercalcemia or tubular acidosis. A calcium excess is common to both disorders (increased supply or decreased tubular reabsorption).

If caliceal stones and renal pelvic/ureteral stones are also present, scans will show more or less intense, anechoic areas of caliceal and pelvic ectasia (Fig. 9.92).

Fig. 9.92

b Medullary nephrocalcinosis: annular calcifications in

a Medullary nephrocalcinosis (renal tubular acidosis):

medullary pyramid projection (arrows). S = acoustic

echogenic medullary pyramids (arrows) and obstructive


pyelocaliectasis (C) with multiple renal pelvic and ureteral


stones. N = kidney.




Circumscribed Changes

Fig. 9.93 Renal tuberculosis: focal parenchymal calcifica-

Fig. 9.94 Renal tuberculosis: calcifications (arrows, acous-

tions (arrows) around a presumably destroyed medullary

tic shadow S), cavernous cysts (Z). N = kidney.

pyramid (see also Fig. 9.60).


PyelocalicealStone,Staghorn Calculus

Pyelocaliceal stones or staghorn calculi are easily diagnosed on ultrasound, which demonstrates the bright stone-surface echoes and associated shadows that are typical of stones and calcifications. Occasionally the stones are so small that their presence is revealed only by an acoustic shadow. This introduces a degree of uncertainty, as the shadowing focus may represent a vascular calcification.

Staghorn calculi in the renal pelvis may exhibit various shapes, depending on the orientation of the scan plane. If the scan is directed

through the greatest width of the renal pelvis, it will display a broad, hard linear echo with an equally broad acoustic shadow. But if the plane cuts portions of the stone in the calices, multiple echoes and acoustic shadows will be seen (Fig. 9.96, Fig. 9.97).

Some small stones may be missed within the bright reflections of the sinus echo complex. A helpful guide in these cases is the “twinkling artifact” seen in color duplex scanning. It consists of red and blue color artifacts appearing within the shadow cast by calcified

Fig. 9.96

b CDS, high PRF: “Twinkling artifact” (red–blue artifact in

a Small calculus of the left kidney (arrow); incomplete

the region of the shadowing).

shadow (S).


Fig. 9.95 Putty kidney (following tuberculosis): diffuse calcifications, acoustic shadow (S). An actual renal structure is not defined (N, cursors). L = liver.

renal stones (or calcium stones in general:

Fig. 9.91; see also Figs. 4.47, 11.43, 11.44,

11.46). Reportedly, this phenomenon is seen even with very small stones.5 Explanations for that may be changes in velocity, phase or Doppler shifting, or mechanical forces on stones leading to minimal movements. Changing the scan direction leads to a variant twinkling.

Fig. 9.97 Small atrophic kidney (N, cursors) due to renal pelvic stones or (unlikely here) multiple calcifications. Acoustic shadows (S). Excretory urogram showed a silent kidney with no focal opacities (urate stones?).




Tips, tricks, and pitfalls

Since most renal tumors found today are diagnosed in localities where ultrasound is commonly used, they are most often at a local operable stage. Therefore:

The kidneys should be always investigated in case of abdominal scanning; what is the renal structure and the vascular architecture? Examination with magnification is called for.

Renal tumors, renal calculi, infarction scars, cysts may be hidden: careful lamelliform examination of all kidney regions in two sectional planes including lateral decubitus position is indicated.

Normal kidneys are movable.

Pay attention to dynamic criteria (movement by respiration, normal movement by the iliopsoas muscles regarding also liver and spleen).

Examine the patient in a standing position when nephroptosis is suspected.

Parenchymal thickness correlates with age:

In youth, the renal parenchyma is robust.

In older people it is reduced, but to no less than 1.2 cm; values below this level indicate pathological changes through arteriosclerosis, scars, or renal artery stenosis (Fig. 9.98).

Fusional, positional, and form variants (e. g., horseshoe or pelvic kidneys, lateral humpback, nodular formation) are not uncommon.

In such findings a second ultrasound exam including CDS (in the case of regular vascularity) should be performed; otherwise, CEUS should be performed.

Transplanted kidneys are denerved.

A slight pyelectasis is a nearly normal finding. Pyelectasis also results from an ampullary renal pelvis, from fluid diuresis, and pathologically from highly inflamed pyelitis.

Renal calculi are frequently not enveloped by fluid and therefore difficult to differentiate:

Look closely: does CDS show a “twinkling artifact”)?

Fig. 9.98 Small kidney with diminished parenchyma. Accidental finding. Clinically, general arteriosclerosis.


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