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Regionally Inhomogeneous Texture


Diffuse Changes in Hepatic


Enlarged Liver

Small Liver

Homogeneous Hypoechoic Texture

Homogeneous Hyperechoic Texture

Regionally Inhomogeneous


Diffuse Inhomogeneous Texture

Localized Changes in Hepatic


Differential Diagnosis of Focal Lesions

Focal Fatty Infiltration


Portal Venous Gas Embolism

The sonographic texture of the hepatic parenchyma is determined by the size, density, brightness, and distribution/arrangement of the individual echoes. In other words, irregular ultrasound texture is the sequel to changes in one or more of these echo characteristics. These changes may pertain uniformly to the entire organ or just to a segment, region, or zone.

In parenchyma with limited segmental, regional or zonal irregularities (parenchyma with circumscribed “splotches”) one has to differentiate between changes found in one or more segments (Fig. 2.35), or those developing in typical perivenous fashion or along the portal structures ( 2.2 g and h), and those whose distribution appears without any semblance of order. In the latter case, in B-mode ultrasonography it becomes rather difficult to distinguish these changes from infiltrating metastatic changes (Fig. 2.36).

Fig. 2.35 Segmental inhomogeneity: varying degree of fatty infiltration of the liver (segment II): varying degree of fatty infiltration and/or heterogenetic fatty infiltration of the parenchyma, the segmental limits are respected; the portal branch runs unrestrained within this segment.

Fig. 2.36 Example of periportal inhomogeneity: periportal infiltration in metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Focal FattyInfiltration

Focal fatty infiltration of the liver (FFI) appears as a mass within the classic findings of fatty liver ( 2.6, Figs. 2.35, 2.37, 2.38, 2.39) (see above). It is a rather common finding, characterized by the juxtaposition of two different areas of the parenchyma with echoes of the same size/brightness, which may be densely (hyperechoic) packed as a sign of high fat content or more loosely (hypoechoic) packed when fat content is low, but always displaying a homogeneous arrangement. The underlying pathologic etiology of this difference in density of the fatty infiltration is caused by an organic (aberrant vessels) or a functional failure of perfusion. These regional differences in density of the fatty infiltration can be seen more often in certain situations, such as nutritionally related or after narcosis fatty infiltration.

There are a number of prime locations for focal fatty infiltration (posteriorly in segment IV, at the gallbladder fossa, around the veins, left > right). Quite often they exhibit a smooth map-like delineation toward the neighboring

Fig. 2.37 Focal fatty infiltration. Inhomogeneous splotches of hyperechoic/hypoechoic parenchyma in the left hepatic lobe without involvement of the vessels.

Fig. 2.38 Segmental fatty infiltration. Hyperechoic parenchyma with fatty infiltration along segment II of the left hepatic lobe; tongue-like delineation of the fatty infiltration without any changes in the surface or the course of the vessels.


parenchyma but still fit in harmoniously with the hepatic architecture, i. e., they do not deform any boundaries, or change the surface, or alter the course of any vessels. Focal fatty infiltration seems to take place more frequently in certain situations, such as severe nutritional steatosis or after anesthesia. If B-mode ultrasonography is the only diagnostic modality used, it is sometimes impossible to differentiate between focal infiltration and diffuse metastasis, in which case abdominal CT or hepatobiliary scintiscanning would have to be employed. However, the difference can be easily detected if the homogeneous isoechogenic contrasting of the parenchyma of both densities can be seen in the portal phase of CEUS after the introduction of the contrast agent.

Fig. 2.39 Segmental fatty infiltration. Pseudotumorous pseudonodular hyperechoic areas respecting the boundaries and surfaces of vessels and segments.


Segmental necrosis requires a break in the

tion and is characterized by swelling and

blood supply from the corresponding branch

edema, with a hypoechoic, somewhat broken-

of the portal vein as well as from the hepatic

up, parenchyma. Older necrosis presents as

artery. The early phase usually evades detec-

segmental coarse changes in the parenchymal

Portal VenousGasEmbolism

Necrotizing intra-abdominal disease (e. g., acute mesenteric ischemia, pancreatitis), diseases with a breakdown in the barrier between the intestinal lumen and the portal venous system (e. g., penetrating gastrointestinal ulcer, diverticulitis, ileus), and septic conditions with gas-producing pathogens from the portal catchment areas (e. g., toxic colon, necrotizing enterocolitis) may sweep gas bubbles into the liver via the portal vein. In ultrasonography, these bubbles appear as coarse turbulent echoes within the portal vein; in the hepatic parenchyma they are deposited first in the periportal regions and present there as coarse echoes (Fig. 2.40). Eventually, these coarse echoes spread across the entire parenchyma, and within just a few hours portal venous gas embolism can develop into life-threatening acidosis (Kussmaul respiration) and fatal hepatic failure.

texture, with an irregular arrangement of echoes of varying coarse graininess and brightness.

Fig. 2.40 Portal venous gas embolism. Small particles (gas bubbles) are detectable within the portal branches. Initial periportal deposits of gas bubbles (abundant gas leads to hyperechoic echoes within the whole liver).


Diffuse Changes in Hepatic Parenchyma




Diffuse Inhomogeneous Texture


Diffuse Changes in Hepatic


Enlarged Liver

Small Liver

Homogeneous Hypoechoic Texture

Homogeneous Hyperechoic Texture

Regionally Inhomogeneous


Diffuse Inhomogeneous Texture

Localized Changes in Hepatic


Differential Diagnosis of Focal Lesions

Chronic Hepatitis


Disseminated Tumor Growth

Diffuse Tumor Growth

Chronic Hepatitis

During the course of hepatitis there will be periportal and parenchymal inflammation, accompanied by edema and necrosis. As a result size, density, brightness, and distribution of the individual echoes within all of the hepatic parenchyma will exhibit coarse inhomogeneity of varying degree. The surface becomes increasingly irregular and displays fibrotic dimpling, which also will be found along the hepatic veins where it leads to irregular margins (“nibbling away”). Eventually the veins will become tortuous and increasingly rarefied in the periphery. The branches of the portal veins present with multiple periportal echoes, while

the consistency of the liver becomes increasingly firm and in the end hard (Fig. 2.41). The extent of the sonographic changes depends not so much on the possible etiology of chronic hepatitis but rather on its duration and severity. Any pathologically enlarged lymph nodes at the porta hepatis will correlate with the severity and activity of chronic hepatitis caused by autoimmune or chronic viral infections. There is a fluid transition between the sonographic findings of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Fig. 2.41 Chronic hepatitis. Irregular surface, inhomogeneous parenchyma, irregular corkscrew-like hepatic vein with so-called “nibbling away.” Other criteria: firmer consistency.


In a liver with cirrhotic changes, the diffuse irregular parenchymal echotexture by itself is a rather poor criterion for the presence or absence of any cirrhosis. Irregular surface, typical changes in the shape, firm/hard consistency of the organ, rarefied hepatic veins, splenomegaly, and collateralization in portal hypertension are much more reliable indicators of any cirrhotic transformation (Figs. 2.42, 2.43, 2.44, 2.45, 2.46, 2.47, 2.2 l, 2.4f–h, 2.7). The types of parenchymal disturbance may differ: a relatively homogeneous hyperechoic texture is more typical of fatty cirrhosis, while a parenchymal change characterized by large nodules is most probably due to autoimmune or chronic viral inflammation. The vascular architecture could also provide clues about the possible etiology: rarefied vessels are typical of autoimmune or chronic viral inflammation, whereas in toxic cirrhosis quite often the vessels can still be imaged, and in cardiac cirrhosis the hepatic veins will always be easy to visualize.

Fig. 2.42 Chronic autoimmune hepatitis. Irregular surface, inhomogeneous and coarse parenchyma. Hepatic veins already rarefied. Other criteria: firmer consistency, splenomegaly; in this case ascites.

Fig. 2.43 Cirrhosis of the liver. Irregular surface, ascites, coarse inhomogeneous parenchyma, rarefied hepatic veins. Other criteria: firmer consistency at one-finger palpation.


2.7 Cirrhosis of the Liver

Surface and structure

a Cardiac cirrhosis with engorged hepatic vein visible far into the periphery; homogeneous dense parenchyma with subtly irregular surface, ascites.

d In the longitudinal view at the midline, typical beak-like/dolphin-nosed appearance, large caudate lobe.

b Atrophic posthepatitic liver cirrhosis with coarse, irregular surface, inhomogeneous surface and coarser parenchyma, rarefied liver veins, ascites. Accessory finding: gallbladder stone.

e Plug-like parenchymal hump beside the gallbladder (echogenic wall thickening) in liver cirrhosis; ascites.

c Primary biliary cirrhosis: irregular surface, inhomogeneous coarsened parenchyma, rarefied liver veins.

f Rigid inferior right lobe with coarsely irregular surface, ascites.

Parenchyma in liver cirrhosis

Liver veins and portal veins in liver cirrhosis

g Inhomogeneous coarse parenchyma, subtly irregular surface, the rarefied hepatic veins cannot be visualized.

j Parenchyma of a liver cirrhosis with rarefied hepatic veins (same scan as in k, grayscale image).

h Necrotizing liver cirrhosis with inhomogeneous coarse parenchyma, irregular surface, rarefied hepatic veins, “amputated” portal vein.

k Rarefied hepatic veins, visible in CDS.

i Differential diagnosis of irregular parenchymal echotexture; in this case, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in underlying cirrhosis.

l Normal hepatic flow in the portal vein.


Diffuse Changes in Hepatic Parenchyma




2.7 Cirrhosis of the Liver (Continued)

m Arterial multiperfusion with readily de-

n Arterial multiperfusion of the left liver

o Hepatopetal flow in the proximal portal

tectable hepatic artery in the liver hilum.

lobe. No detectable flow in the portal vein,

vein with occlusion of the intrahepatic


due to low pulse repetition frequency

segment in liver cirrhosis with collateral



varicosity in the gallbladder fossa.

Extrahepatic findings in liver cirrhosis

p Hepatomegaly of the left liver lobe may

q Thickened gallbladder wall in liver cir-

r Liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension;

be identified by its position between the


noncompressible splenic vein and inho-

diaphragm and the spleen; varicosity with


mogeneous pancreas—concomitant reac-

enlarged veins in the splenic hilum.


tion of the pancreatic parenchyma in



portal congestion caused by toxic origin.

Fig. 2.46 Cirrhosis of the liver: small organ with coarse inhomogeneous parenchyma, rarefied hepatic veins, thickened gallbladder wall.

Fig. 2.44 Cirrhosis of the liver. Irregular surface, ascites,

Fig. 2.45 Toxic liver cirrhosis, irregular surface, inhomoge-

coarse inhomogeneous parenchyma, with regenerative

neous and coarse parenchyma. Rarefied hepatic veins in

nodules protruding the ventral contour; rarefied hepatic

the beginning. Other criteria: firmer consistency.

veins. Other criteria: firmer consistency.


Fig. 2.47 Coarse nodular liver cirrhosis of posthepatic origin (HBV) with coarse regenerative nodules, rarefied hepatic veins.


Disseminated Tumor Growth

Metastatic infiltration of the liver by tumors

others) can sometimes only be suspected by

missing. The use of CEUS is indispensable in

with isoechogenic metastasis (often stomach

an unspecified structural “disturbance” of the

these cases.

cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer and

parenchyma if distinct signs of malignancy are


Diffuse TumorGrowth

Diffuse infiltration of the liver by a tumor is an infrequent finding; in rare cases, it may simply lead to increased liver size and coarse hypoechoic parenchyma (e. g., in chronic lymphocytic leukemia), but more often it is seen as an irregular region within the liver (e. g., breast

cancer) (Figs. 2.48, 2.49, 2.50). The decisive diagnostic aspect is the presence of criteria for malignancy (see below). On the other hand, diffuse tumor growth is rather the rule in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cannot be clearly differentiated from the cirrhotic tis-

sue. Secondary signs of malignancy (see above) and the use of CEUS can be an option for locating tumor tissue.


Diffuse Changes in Hepatic Parenchyma

Fig. 2.48 Differential diagnosis of irregular parenchymal echotexture; in this case, large metastasis of a colonic carcinoma in the right liver lobe.

Fig. 2.49 Metastasis (Fig. 2.48) unmasked by a hypoenhancement in CEUS.

Fig. 2.50 Unmasked metastasis of gastric cancer in the center of the right liver lobe, not visible in native ultrasound.

Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS)

CEUS and intravascular contrast agents (e. g., Levovist, SonoVue) make use of defined vascular phases caused by the dual blood supply of the hepatic artery and the portal vein (see Table 2.10, Fig. 2.51). In this way a vascular structure with increased

Table 2.10 Vascular phases in contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) of the liver


Phase time

Early arterial

< 10 s


10–15 s


15–30 s

Portal venous

30–90 s


> 120 s

These vascular phase times are individual hemodynamic situations in a healthy adult person. The individual circulatory regulation will influence the time of onset of the three vascular phase times.

and decreased dispersion can be observed in every region of interest (ROI) and a different vascular density can be documented for each ROI. This allows the characterization of focal masses in the liver (see Tables 2.11 and 2.12) as well as the detection (and

characterization) of native (in B-mode) isoechogenic or nondifferentiable lesions which can be traced by their different vascular density in comparison to their surrounding tissue.

Fig 2.51 Measurement and course over time through all phases of enhancement of the aorta, hepatic artery, portal veins, and liver sinusoids. The dual vascular supply of the liver—artery earlier than portal vein—establishes the role of CEUS in the diagnostic algorithm.




Table 2.11 Enhancement patterns of benign focal liver lesions in CEUS4,5


Tumor entity

Arterial phase

PV phase

Delayed phase


Peripheral nodular enhancement

Partial/complete centripetal filling

Complete enhancement


Feeding artery, hyperenhancing, cen-

hyperenhancing, central scar

Iso/hyperenhancing, central scar


trifugal filling, spoke-wheel arteries



Regenerative nodule

Isoenhancing, hypo/hyperenhancing







Focal fatty change





Flush, hyperenhancing, nonenhancing

Isoenhancing, hyperenhancing



areas (necrosis)




Nonenhancing, no central enhancing

Hyper/isoenhancing, rim, no central

Hypoenhancing rim, no central en-





FNH = focal nodular hyperplasia; PV = portal venous.

Table 2.12 Enhancement patterns of malignant focal liver lesions in CEUS4,5


Tumor entity

Arterial phase

PV phase

Delayed phase


Hyperenhancing, complete nonenhancing




areas (necrosis) chaotic vessels, vasculated




tumor thrombus




Rim enhancement nonenhancing

Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing

Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing

Hypervascular Mets

Hyperenhancing, complete chaotic vessels


Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing

Hypovascular Mets

Rim enhancement

Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing areas

Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing







Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing

Hypoenhancing, nonenhancing

HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma; Mets = metastases; PV = portal venous.

■ Localized Changes in Hepatic Parenchyma

The detection and identification of focal masses in the liver largely depends on their size, the difference in echogenicity and echotexture compared to the adjacent hepatic parenchyma, the location of the mass within the liver, the impairment of the surrounding tissue, and the diligence with which the sonographer studies the organ.

It is vital to cover all possible views (longitudinal, transverse, along the costal margin, intercostals, and those adapted to the particular findings) in order to image the liver completely. Despite all efforts, there remain some problem areas (subphrenic, surrounding the round ligament of the liver, capsular) where focal masses might be missed owing to location, technical reasons, or the finding itself (Table 2.13).

Despite this caveat, B-mode ultrasonography is the prime diagnostic modality of choice when it comes to imaging focal masses in the liver, particularly when one takes into account its easy availability and only minor discomfort for the patient.

After the mass has been detected by B-mode ultrasonography, its analysis, characterization, and assessment according to visual criteria is of vital importance (Fig. 2.52).

Sonographic criteria. The following criteria are used.

Number. The quantity is detailed as “solitary”, as a specific number (e. g., “4”), or as “multiple”. It is useful to specify the estimated volume of the mass as a percentage of the whole liver.

Location. For solitary masses or a small number of masses, their location is specified. The distinction is made between central masses and those that have reached the surface of the liver. If at all possible, the segment involved is noted and whether or not the margins of the segment are clear; at minimum, it must be stated whether the mass is in the left or right lobe.

Distribution. Masses may be disseminated or focal (periportal, perivenous, at the porta hepatis, subcapsular).

Size. For solitary masses it is quite useful to specify the size, particularly in follow-up studies. The size is defined by two orthogonal diameters and given in centimeters or millimeters; it is better to measure a mass in all three planes (longitudinal, transverse, sagittal). To compare the findings for future reference, reproducible reference structures should be included in the image. Multiple masses are characterized by descriptive terms (e. g., small nodular, large nodular).

Shape. A mass may be round, oval, bizarre, or map-like; only the shape of solitary masses should be described.

Margin. This term specifies how the mass is delineated against the surrounding tissue; the margin may be sharp, smooth, and easily detectable, or blurred and irregular, or even undetectable.

Center/edge. Masses may possess a capsule, a hypoechoic ring of parenchyma (“halo”), and peripheral vasculature. Others present with an anechoic, hypoechoic, or hyper-


echoic center signifying central necrosis, liquefaction, or hemorrhage.

Interrelationship with adjacent tissue.

The surface may be unchanged or it may undergo local bulging or protrusion, while other masses may produce localized indentation of their surface. Vessels may be indented, compressed, or locally displaced. Masses may grow infiltratively into vessels or infiltrate the adjacent tissue with podlike offshoots.

Changes in the surroundings. It is not always possible to differentiate between marginal changes of a mass and reaction of the adjacent parenchyma. However, hypoechoic coarse parenchyma (usually caused by inflammation/edema) or hyperechogenicity are typical such changes.

Echogenicity. Masses may be anechoic, hypoechoic, isoechoic, or hyperechoic compared to the surrounding parenchyma. It should be noted that this is not a definite or absolute measure and does not characterize the properties of the mass on a concrete level, but specifies them relative to the surrounding tissue without taking into account that the echogenicity of this parenchyma is by itself not a constant but may vary substantially depending on numerous factors (e. g., disease, nutrition, age).

Texture. Assessment of the echotexture of a mass is based on its size, brightness, and echogenicity and the distribution/layout of the individual echoes within the mass.

Architecture. The architecture of a mass takes into account structural changes caused by reaction at the margins, formation of a capsule, peduncle, etc.

Consistency. Although often the consistency of a mass may not be amenable to direct examination, sometimes it can be assessed by one-finger palpation or by observing the resilience of the liver to vascular pulsation. The terms used are firm, tightly elastic, and soft/pliant.

Tenderness. Rapid growth of a mass may be painful. The reason may be tension in the wall/capsule or pressure on adjacent tissue by cysts, bleeding, or abscess.

Vascularization. Vascularization of a focal mass is assessed by color Doppler or pulsed Doppler, or by administration of contrast agent during CEUS. Doppler examinations assess the direction of flow and the type of

Fig. 2.52 Criterion: location of the mass/its relation to the

Fig. 2.53 Metastatic liver: demonstration of small hyper-

surface; in this case a regenerative nodule on the surface

echoic masses transforming by growth into a target

of the right hepatic lobe at segment V (to the gallbladder

shape with a hypoechoic and later on an anechoic center

fossa). Cyst in the gallbladder fossa with impression on

and a hyperechoic rim.

the gallbladder wall (additionally: inspissated bile, choles-


terol polyp).

Table 2.13 Detection of intrahepatic masses—problems and possible solutions





Anterior subphrenic

Examine in inspiration/expi-


At the round ligament



Posterior in the caudate lobe

Use sector probe


Mass outside the focal range

Alter the focal range


Frequency-dependent resolution of the probe

Use high-frequency probes



Tissue harmonic imaging


Small mass

Use high-frequency probe


Isoechoic mass

Contrast harmonic imaging




vascularization (arterial, venous, shunting), especially the range of frequencies of the arteries. The use of contrast agents in CEUS allows better detection of small isoechogenic and hidden lesions in addition to B- mode criteria.1 Using the additional assessment criteria of dynamics and density of vascularization in lesions, it is often possible to characterize these lesions and determine their pathogenesis (see below).

Extrahepatic factors. Proper assessment of a mass has to include any changes in other organs (primary tumor? lymphadenop-

athy?) and clinical parameters (e. g., fever, night sweat).

Change in or activity of the mass. In fol- low-up studies the sonographer can track any changes taking place spontaneously, under an antibiotic regimen, or with chemotherapy (Figs. 2.53, 2.54, 2.55). Structural changes due to age and size of focal masses, especially in fast-growing tumors, can cause completely different appearances at the time of assessment even if they arise from the same tumor (Fig. 2.56).


Localized Changes in Hepatic Parenchyma


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