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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I woke up this morning with a real atom splitter.

@atomstalgia:= Nostalgia for 1950s/60s cold war imagery. The feeling of disappaointment that the World War III hsan't started yet.

Example: These really bright August days remind me of Doctor Strangelove. I'm getting a strong burst of atomstalgia.

@atonavoicia:= A disorder of comprehension. Sufferers are unable to extract the hidden (and often completely contrary) meaning of a sentence based on the speaker's tone of voice alone.

Example: Sufferers are unable to discern that No, I'm fine can actually mean Oh, God! I want to die!

@Atsumara'u:= meaning same as what's the matter with you

Example: Atsumara'u, I told you to get me the shovel.

@attachй:= A person who uses a fake ID to get into a bar, but still makes his friend over 21 buy him his drinks.

Example: Jane: Who's he?

Jay: He's my attachй, he's too scared to get his own drinks.

@attackle:= Sringing on top of someone and knocking them to the ground.

Example: Gena attackled me after I got home from overseas.

@attakid:= A (usually sarcastic) expression of acknowledgment, nice job, or congratulations.

Example: I didn't finish my chemistry homework!


@attention whore:= A person or housepet who is starved for attention to the point of being annoying.

Example: Your dog always follows me around. What an attention whore.

@attitudal:= When someone is sporting an attitude.

Example: What's her problem today, she is being so attitudal.

@Attitude:= Pornographic material.

Example: Schools ban all attitude websites.

@attitudinal:= Being overly difficult or cranky.

Example: Listen to me, young lady. Don't get attitudinal with me.

@attorniquette:= 1. The established rules of civility between lawyers.

2. Rules of engagement between adversarial lawyers.

3. What lawyers used to kill each other in combat.

Example: Jan's objections to the color of the witness's tie was outside the bounds of attorniquette.

@attritionist:= someone who actively tries to be abrasive and rude;

someone whose people skills involve rubbing people the wrong way to make them go away.

Usually associated with someone whose postion grants her power by who she's

associtated with, such as an administrative assistant (secretary).

Example: Barbara is a real attritionist unless she likes you.

@Audi Like Five Geez:= To leave quickly.

Example: I'm Audi Like Five Geez, gee.

@Audi:= To leave.

Example: I'm audi.

@audient:= Singular of audience.

Example: I'll sing. You be the audient.

@audiographic:= A sound effect of original design used in electronic media designed to stimulate an image in the subconscious mind

Example: The use of clucking hens in the radio commercial inspired an image of women

hagnagging in the deli, an audiogrqaphic only a man could appreciate.

@audiolize:= to imagine what something would sound like; analogous to visualize, only with sound

Example: When reading a boring textbook, it's fun to audiolize your favorite cartoon character saying the words

@aufschlagen:= the very moment of arriving at a place, after some fast travel, to take some action at the place. used as a verb.

Example: i will aufschlagen at benґs tonight.

@Auger or Augered:= A mountain biking term for crashing. Specifically, the impact between rider and the ground.

Example: I flew off the trail, hit a log, then augered really bad.

@Aunacity:= Asinine+ audacity. Being stupidly stubborn in a very bold way.

Example: Can you believe the aunacity of that Chris?! Sandy said as idignantly as possible for dramatic effect.

@Auntie Em:= 1. Affectionate colloquialism for automatic teller machine, or ATM.

2. Very generous relative so as to be like an ATM.

3. To open betting, as in ante.

Example: 1. Can we go visit Auntie Em? I'm strapped.

2. I'm always glad when grandma comes cause she always Auntie Ems when she leaves.

3. Will you Auntie Em already so we can play this hand?

@austintexious:= A prententious display of largeness.

Example: My neighbor's new SUV is really austintexious.

@autemail:= Sounds like naughty mail. Those annoying emails that you must reply to in order to activate your account.

Example: After signing up for a bunch of e-zines, I had a billion autemails to reply to.

@authentimasticate:= To chew in order to confirm authenticity of an object or person.

Example: Make sure you authentimasticate any would-be triangle players before you allow them to join the band. You can never be safe these days-- there's lots of bogus tambouriners itching to have a go.

@auto-ballet:= The dance done in heavy traffic by cars competing for lane spots and exit ramps.

Example: After witnessing a dangerously complex auto-ballet, Ed took the next exit to wait for traffic to subside.

@auto-buyography:= One's own buying history.

Example: Read my auto-buyography to see why my bank balance is zero.

@auto-spillosis:= The unsettling feeling of thinking you've spilled the drink you hold between your legs while driving, when in fact you haven't.

Example: Derek, distracted by a momentary case of auto-spillosis drove his car off of the bridge into a concrete embankment, thereby actually spilling his soda.

@Automagically:= A word used to describe an event or action that one cannot explain rationally.

Example: I got in the shower, and automagically my date called. or So, you put the fabric in the machine and it comes out the other end as a shirt. How's that happen? I dunno..automagically.

@automagically:= Something that automatically works but nobody knows why, especially used in reference to web design and development.

Example: We called him Magic Mike-- because so many things he did seemed to work automagically.

But there was no magic at all.

He just saw something the rest of us didn't.

@automatic diva:= The rise of a pop star to angelic status via the success of a hit single.

Example: Britney Spears? She's a good example of an automatic diva.

@automobility:= To have possession (and uninhibited use) of a car.

Example: You have automobility; give me ride home.

@avagoodweegend:= Traditional australian salutation spoken when leaving place of work on Friday.

Orignally from an insect repellent commercial.

Example: You off then? Avagoodweegend.

@avagoodweekend:= Australian slang used to wish someone a pleasant weekend.

Example: Remember the Aeroguard, and avagoodweekend.

@avaladhan:= That's all. Conveying that nothing more can be done.

Example: When Sachin's wicket fell, Swami got up exasperated saying, Avaladhan.

@averative:= Average of an adjective and an adverb.

Example: Percentaqegly is an averative.

@avigastronome:= One of a number of words we don't need for things we don't have. An avigastronome is a restaurant where they serve the same kind of food you get on airplanes.

Example: Montmorency stopped in for a quick snack at his neighborhood avigastronome prior to going to his job at the silo.

@Avoconesocial:= An insult. No real meaning, it's just a word used to make you look smarter than the other person because it's a long word.

Example: Parker, I've had enough of your avoconesocials.

@avoision:= To keep away, refrain from doing something or seeing someone, etc.

Commonly mistaken as evasion or avoiding. Coined by the news reader Kent Brockman.

Example: Krusty the clown was arrested for tax avoision.

@avolio:= The hourglass shaped connecting part that traditionally joins the bowl to the stem of a goblet.

(See also merise)

Example: The martini glass was poorly made; the avolio was way off center and not well proportioned.

@Aw, pixy stix!:= A phrase you say when you see a mess and just know you're gonna have to clean it up.

Example: Aw, pixy stix! Somebody spilled sugar all over the kitchen floor.

@awesomity:= The highest state of awesome.

Example: Joe is making leaps and bounds towards awesomity

@awkwidity:= The term given during a moment of awkwardness

Example: When Marty told Michael that he loved him, you could sense the awkwidity in the air.

@aws:= Awesome. Usually preceded by totally.

Example: All the hot Craver chicks are totally aws.

@awtfristo:= A local slang word for a bus stop.

Example: Are you going to the awtfristo?

@AWW-ite:= Good and bad word.

Can express pleasure or disdain.

Stress is on the AWW, never the ite.

Watch Friday or next Friday for more hints on usage...use sparingly...

Example: Them: We going out tonight?

You: AWW-ite.

Them: Can I borrow some money?

You: Nope.

Man, you always borrow money--you need a job.

AWW-ite, you need some paychecks in your pocket, so what are you waiting for?

A grant for being you?

Get some real dealio billios in your wallet.

@axe:= to make an inquiry

Example: John wants to axe you a question

@ay me:= It is used when someone is really frustrated or stressed out.

Especially if they are trying to deal with a lot of things at once or if they are confused about what's going on.

Example: Ay me! Why can't I figure this out?

@ay:= Used to get someone's attention. If you can't remember a name, don't know it, or just don't feel like saying it.

Example: Ay! Can you get me a bottle of coke, please?

@aya:= (exclam) Used when you remember something you were supposed to have done an hour ago

Example: Aya! I should have mailed that check this morning!

@AYPWIP:= Abbreviation for the infamous catanoic reponse of The Brain from W.B. Animaniacs,

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Example: Say Dave, AYPWIP?

@Ayrton:= London rhyming slang for a ten pound note,

named after late Formula 1 driver Ayrton Senna. Ayrton Senna = tenner.

Example: Lend us an Ayrton, you tight git.

@Ayup:= pron (ee-up) Lancashire (UK) dialect used as a welcome (Hello) or an exclamation (To draw attention to something).

Example: Ayup, how are you? OR Ayup, have you seen that over there?

@b'cept:= Bersept. But except--joined. Thanks to Natalie for this word.

Example: I was going to go to the beach b'cept the forecast called for rain.

@b'oh:= a term derived from a specific simpsons episode, it is literally used in failure to remember the word d'oh. Common usage occurs when schooling selfappointed simpso-philes, overquoters or just to be different. used in same context as d'oh.

Example: A) did you see that simspsons episode last night?

B) b'oh. no, i forget to get work off last night.

@b'shower:= That annoying cross between a bathtub and a shower. Why can't it make up its mind?

Example: I hate the b'shower--the floor is always so slippery that I'm afraid I'll fall and break my hip.

@b'wamber:= But remember.

Example: Older sibling to younger sibling, I'm going out with my friends. See you later.

Younger sibling, B'wamber, Mum said you had to take me with you.

@B-list:= A list containing those who did not quite make the top list, which is the A-list

Example: The term B-list makes the B-list.

{Makes sense when appended to its own quotation makes sense when appended to its own quotation.


@B-team:= Inferior group. A sarcastic way to tell people they suck.

Example: I'm singularly unimpressed. That wasn't amazing. You should be on the A-team.

@b.i.t.:= Bitch In Training. Preteen or teenage female with way too much attitude.

Example: God, my kid sister has become a B.I.T. since she turned thirteen.

@b:= Alternative used in place of a friend's name.

Example: What's up b?

@Ba:= An explosive form of goodbye, when in a hurry, and wishing to have the last word. (There is no come-back to Ba.)

Example: eg.See ya. See ya. I've got to go. Yep, see ya. BA!

@baa:= Bad. Not good.

Example: Baa, no more tofu.

@babble fish:= A fish that translates any spoken language into a language that the person possessing the fish can understand.

Example: To understand the Vogons, you'll have to have a babble fish in your ear. (For those who think this should be spelled babelfish or babel fish or BabelFish or Babel Fish--guti. Douglas Adams (who died May 11, 2001) would probably have appreciated the whimsy of randomly using alternative spellings.)

@babblescent:= A pre-teen or adolescent based on the characteristic behaviors of such young people--they are always talking.

Example: In my 8th grade class, the babblescents could not settle down.

They continued talking and giggling long after the bell rang.

@babbling ram:= A verbal technique used to suppress opposition by using forceful, senseless babbling.

Example: Eric never answered my question, but after his babbling ram, I wasn't curious anymore.

@babe ratio:= The ratio of babes to total women present in any gathering, expressed as a percentage. If two women are there, and only one is a babe, the babe ratio is 50.

Example: The babe ratio at the mall is approaching 99 today.

@babelicious:= Physically attractive to a high degree.

Example: Jeff noted that the new girl, Jessica, was babelicious.

@Babu:= No. From the Central African language of Hausa.

Example: Q: Would you like some toad eye soup? A: Babu.

@bacachopam:= General term for red meat or livestock used for red meat (ie. ham, pork, beef; pigs, cows).

Example: Enough with the greenery, let's have at the bacachopam.

@back-asswards:= doing something in the most ridiculously wrong order.

Example: No one would give Stu any critical projects because he does everything back-asswards.

@back button panic:= The spasmodic, uncoordinated movements you make when you're surfing porn on the Net and you realise that somebody is standing behind you and can see what you're doing...

Example: I'd've managed to click out of weirdogirl.com before Mom saw anything if it hadn't been for back button panic.

@back drill:= Anything really boring.

Example: Camping out waiting for tickets must have been a back drill.

@back spackle:= The dirt, mud, and other gunk that accumulates on the back of your shirt or jacket when you ride a bike on a wet or muddy surface.

Example: Joe kicked up a lot of back spackle when he rode his mountain bike through the muddy puddle.

@back:= Bar room slang for a chaser.

Example: I'll have whisky neat with a beer back.

@backatcha:= A reply to a sent message.

Example: Backatcha. Thanks so much for sending that bad news.

@backblog:= (n,v) Overflow of incidents you intend to write about on your weblog/diary.

Example: I've been meaning to write about my last five dates, but I have to work through my backblog.

@backbruiser:= a paticularly uncomfotable chair. A chair with a hard back.

Example: The backbruisers in the school make it very hard to sleep through class.

@Backlist:= To back to an earlier part of a conversation and repeat that part.

Example: Hey, backlist for a minute. What about Jenny?

@backne:= Acne on one's back and shoulders.

Example: Ewww! Ben's backne was so gross!

@backognize:= To recognize from behind; to correctly identify someone, having only seen her back.

Example: I backognized Richard Simmons on Broadway the other day.

@backseatwards:= The direction you face when you sit in a station wagon's very back seat.

Example: Aww, Ma, you know I get nauseated when I sit backseatwards.

@bacne:= (BAK-nee) Acne covering a person's back

Example: She should not be wearing that shirt with her bacne.

@bacon bit:= Derogatory term for a security guard.

Example: The mall bacon bits are too afraid of the gangs to try to stop them.

@bacon cruiser:= Police car.

Example: Don't speed through that section of the highway. There's usually a bacon cruiser under the bridge.

@baconhammer:= A Canadian--from the fact that Canadian bacon is really just ham.

Example: Generally, nobody has a problem with baconhammers, but people like Celine Dion are an exception.

@bad-lib:= Changing what was going to be a curse word into an acceptable word right before saying it.

Example: Realizing she was in church when she stubbed her toe, Susan quickly bad-libbed and said Oh, sugar.

@bad hair day:= A day when everything goes wrong--except for the hair on the left of your part.

Example: I had a nightmare last night that I was Don King. I think I'm in for a bad hair day.

@bad larry:= Impresive.

Example: That's one bad larry of a website.

Look at the size of that bad Larry! It's like an orange on a toothpick.

@bad wheel:= Injured or sore foot or ankle

Example: You look like you're limping a little. Bad wheel?

@Bad:= Extremely good, awesome.

Example: That's one bad car you've got there.

@badakalistical:= Having qualities beyond the usual adjectives, possessing qualities of multiple positive adjectives.

Example: The preview shots of the Matrix sequel in Cinefantastique are badakalistical.

@badass:= Something or someone that is just too good for their own good.

Example: I wouldn't wanna mess with badass Chuck Norris

@baddo:= An exclamation of surprise or joy, derived at age 6 from playground banter during the height of the word bad meaning good...circa 1982.

Example: I can pop a wheelie--it's baddo!

Obi-Wan has a blue lightsaber, that's baddo!

@badge:= (v) To be an off-duty police officer and flash one's badge to get out of a traffic ticket.

Example: I got pulled over last night, but I just badged 'em and got off.

@badify:= To take something that is already terribly bad and make it worse.

Example: I have been badified by The Angel of Death.

@badillectomy:= Removing the bad from the pseudodictionary.

Not necessarily bad words, but also bad spellings, grammar, punctuation, and so forth.

Not bowdlerizing the pd--but getting rid of lame, trashy, and unentertaining words that don't meet the guidelines;

duplicates; already existing words; words with no explanatory examples; and words with a description that has nothing to do with the example given.

Example: Time to go through the pseudodictionary and perform a badillectomy.

@baditude:= A good attitude. Composed of bad in the sense of good, plus the -itude part of attitude.

Example: I don't care what anyone says, I love your baditude.

With that baditude, she'll do fine here.

@baditude:= Bad attitude.

Example: The new guy has a baditude.

@badookadunk:= A phat ass.

Example: James: Mark, look at that badookadunk. Mark: You're right. She's got a nice ass.

@badoonka:= Longish drum roll played on high-tuned tom-toms,

usually at the beginning of a bombastic bridge in a Heavy Metal or Adult Contemporary Song.

Example: Bert: Ernie, do you remember the notation for scoring a badoonka?

@badow:= Usually used in excitement. When you win something such as a bet.

Example: (Josh just proved Tony wrong) Josh: Badow!

@bafflegab:= Meaningless talk, often meant to impress the ignorant or conceal the truth.

Example: His sales-pitch was pure bafflegab.

@bafflegarb:= This is the english wording politicians use to smear over an important issue. They BAFFLE us with GARBAGE!

Example: use your own examples. You can find them coming out of their mouths daily.

@Bag Fries:= The french fries that fall out of the individual containers, and collect at the bottom of the larger bag.

Example: A: I call bag fries!

B: No way, I drove here, and driver always gets bag fries. It's a rule common to all civilized nations.

@bag of spanners:= really ugly

Example: She has a face like a bag of spanners

@Bag:= A slightly promiscuous person, one still endearing in a nasty sort of way.

Example: No doubt about it, Tracy is definitely bag.

@bagel-logic:= (noun) circular logic with a big hole in the middle

a.k.a donut logic

Example: Emanuel Kant is an expert in the use of bagel-logic.

@bageling:= The act of eating a bagel OR something really really cool.

Example: Those shoes are bageling.

@bagels:= Used instead of cursing.

Example: 1. Holy bagels!

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006