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2. Anything overly cute, sappy, sentimental, etc. Could be considered to be winky.

(Note, this is not necessarily a derogatory adjective. It is only if the elocutionary force behind it is derogatory.)

Example: Those pants with the pink hearts as backpockets are definitely winky.

@winner:= Loser. Idiot.

Example: This poor bastard left his headlights on. Definite winner material there.

@winner:= Loser. Idiot.

Example: This poor bastard left his headlights on. Definite winner material there.

@winnet:= Mild friendly insult that also can be used if you are mad at something that has happened.

Example: Someone spills a drink over you. Oh, my winnet. OR What a winnet.

@winshipers:= win-shy-pers (noun) windshield wipers

Example: The winshipers quit working right in the middle of the rain storm.

@wintel:= A computer running Windows on an Intel processor is a Wintel machine.

Example: No, Mr. Huffaker, we will not use a Wintel machine for our server!

@Winterfresh:= A guy/girl that you never can tell if the like you.

Example: Mack is my winterfresh, I love him, but I can't stand how confusing he is.

@wiper:= Used extensively in Paintball.

Someone who wipes off his hits after the paintball has splattered on his body, in order to stay in the game.

Example: I KNOW I hit that guy at least three times! He must be a wiper.

@wire-fu:= See matrix fighting.

Example: Jet Li was surrounded by eight gangsters when, in a stunning display of wire-fu, he leapt out of the pack, spun-kicked four of them and then ran up the wall.

@wire fairies:= Wire fairies aren't tiny imaginary beings in human form, possessing magical powers. They are tiny little evil beings in human form, their sole purpose in life is to tangle wires up when humans aren't looking and this is how wires become messed up always.

Example: oh my, all of my wires have become tangled, damned those Wire Fairies damn them all.

@wireability:= To be able to be wired, connected to power.

Example: I don't want a smoke alarm that takes batteries, I need one with wireability.

@wirehead:= 1: person possessing an extensive knowledge of electrical wiring and/or electronic circuitry.

Before the advent of computer technology, these progenitors of the modern nerd attempted to

satisfy their insatiable curiosity by tinkering with radio, television, and telephone circuits.

The occasional lethal result of these endeavors served to thin the herd, thereby ensuring the survival of the geekiest.

Example: Okay, I'm officially a wirehead now; my PC's connected to my stereo, my TV, my phone, my guitar, and a cappuccino machine!

@wirelust:= (n) A deep, burning, almost primal need to have a fast, reliable, always-on connection to the internet. Experienced by just about anyone who actually bought into the wireless web marketing hype and spent hundreds of dollars on what ultimately results in a very expensive way to risk injuring one's thumb.

Example: Despite the relative success of his thumb physical therapy program, after the 9th dropped connection, Doug could no longer deny the wirelust that was beginning to consume his every thought.

@Wireout:= To describe the complete and utter chaos of wires and cables in the back of any complex

family entertainment system with an assortment of VCR, DVD, TV, AMP, Speakers, Karaoke,

Cable, MP3 players, play stations, etc.

Example: The stupid VCR is not taping again; the whole thing is all wireout.

@wirgin:= A wimpy, reluctant virgin.

Example: Jill was hesitant about her first sexual experience, so her friends began to call her a wirgin.

@wish-wipers:= Windscreen wipers, because they make a noise that sounds like wish.

Example: It's raining, turn on the wish-wipers.

@witch's tit:= It's an old wives' tale that the mammary gland of a female, magic-practicing individual can be used to gauge cold temperatures. Cold as a witch's tit means freezing or slightly above freezing. Any temperature below freezing is colder than a witch's tit. (See balls.)

Example: It was very windy and snowing, almost a blizzard. It was colder than a witch's tit, and we were miserable.

@witcha:= A request for something, particularly a cup of tea or coffee, especially if the person to whom the request is made is walking by the kettle, coffee machine, etc. From If you are making a drink, I'll have one with you. Originates from one C (K) Leong.

Example: Person sees other person walking into the kitchen, calls out Witcha!

@with-a-hay-nonnie-nonnie-and-a:= A phrase expressing extreme jubilation.

Example: Teacher: Billy, you got an A on your spelling test.

Billy: With-a-hay-nonnie-nonnie-and-a-ho-ho-ho.

@with a pound of Morton's iodiz:= More than a grain of salt; for verbal garbage that needs a little extra seasoning to make it palatable.

Example: Joe: I've never known him to be a violent guy. Which is why I have to take these stories about his sudden rage explosions with a pound of Morton's iodized.

Don: You're obviously not talking about Chris.

@withdrawal:= Suffering from missing somone you dearly love and comparing it to withdrawal from an addiction.

Example: I was gone for month without my girl, so I was getting some major withdrawal.

@withe:= This word is short hand writting and typing for the words with and the

Example: I went to the store withe car i got last week.

@Witlag:= The amount of time that transpires between the telling of a joke and the comprehension of the listener. May be applied as a factor of ignorance.

Example: In the middle of dinner my date bursts out laughing, Chunks is the dog! I get it! she said to me. She's obviously suffering from major witlag because I told the joke in the car on the way to the restaurant. OR He may be good at laying pipe, but he's a witlag to the third degree. I mean, He thought Tchaikovsky was a Korean dish made from dogs.

@witlings:= People who think they're funny but aren't. (From Paul McFedries, The Word Spy. http://www.logophilia.com/WordSpy/hominist.html)

Example: And now I, too, am one of the witlings who submit their unfunny words to pseudodictionary.com.

@wittle:= White trash women.

Example: My sister in Alabama is a wittle.

@wivvy:= Something or someone that is dumb, strange, or funny.

Example: Your new shirt is wivvy.

@Wix:= wicked (as in good) but far cooler

Example: We found this wix new restaurant down on Queen Street...

@wixed mords:= A phrase used after you accidentally mess up 2 words in what you just said.

Example: Sorry. I wixed up my mords.

@woc:= Woman of Character.

Example: His life would have been so very much better if he’d picked a woc.

@wock:= An all-round champion, or top bloke.

Example: Carl was a wock.

@Woday:= Homie, friend. Often heard in rap lyrics. Alternate spelling of whodie, but also pronounced differently (whoa-DAY, as opposed to WHOA-dee).

Example: Woday, wusup? You heard that new Juvenile song?

@Wodie:= The word comes from New Orleans, which is divided into sections called wards. Wodie is like homeboy except that instead of it being a neighborhood thing, it's a ward thing.

Example: You know Charlse, don't you? He's my wodie.

@woftam:= accr. for waste of friggen time and money

Example: Any repair on this toaster is a woftam

@Wog:= A combination of walk and jog.

Example: Jason and I hate to wog around the track during gym.

@WOIDS:= for some years now I have been inventing words for use in cyberspace religion discussion groups.

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