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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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It means to be human.

@ecstajoy:= A combined state of ecstay and joy. Invented about 1964 to describe the reaction of my mother's house cat to being petted.

Example: When I began petting her, Gato fell on her side and entered ecstajoy.

@ECW-style:= E-C-dub. Term used when about to lay a serious ass-whuppin' on someone,

taken from name of Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Example: That's it, George! I'm gonna whup you ECW-style!

@Eddie Haskell:= Someone who kisses up to his or her friends' parents unendurably, from Leave it to Beaver.

Example: Chris tells my mom her dress is pretty whenever he sees her. He's an Eddie Haskell.

@eddress:= Email address.

Example: What's your eddress?

@Edge:= (adj) On the (cutting) edge, pushing the envelope, out of the mainstream, not the accepted norm

Example: I know you like underground bands, but they are way too edge for me

@edge:= in German teenagers' slang this is a synonym for 'mouth'

Example: shut your edge!

@edgema:= Thresholds in Space; used to describe websites.

The word 'ma being a loose translation of the Japanese concept of space (in architecture).

Example: What's the edgema?

@edicated:= Term for a stupid person who lacks education, it's what one of my friends said once when he meant to say educated, it's stuck to him ever since.


@edjaymic:= Disgusting, dirty, foul.

Example: I think Janet's underwear is edjaymic because it smells and it is really disgusting.

@edress:= E-mail address

Example: What is your eddress?

@edrolthiledge:= A big bee.

Example: Don't move. That edrolthiledge might sting you.

@edubication:= Also edumication. Meaning education, misspoken by a not-too-with-it high schooler.

Example: I got my edubication at Ebbison (Edison).

@edumacated:= This term describes one who is going to or has been educated in some sort of way

Example: Yes, I am now edumacated. OR He's going to get edumacated at the college.

@EEEeeeeeeeeeeeee:= You play guitar in a band.

Your guitar's a bit flat.

You ask for a reference note to help you tune it.

Gimme an 'E,' you say.

Instead of a musical reference, you get eeEeeeeeeeeeeeee--done in a wavering, silly, and sarcastic voice.

Useless for tuning anything, but usually worth a giggle or two.

Example: Gimme an 'E.'... EEEeeeeeeeeeeeee.

@eekles:= A word I use either when I am excited or something amuses me.

Example: Eeekles! Look at that man dancing with the cheese.

@eep!:= A short, succinct gasp of surprise. Usually used when you have been found doing something you're not supposed to be doing.

Example: Boss: Ah, Jenkins. We caught you looking at porn at work Jenkins: Eep!

@eerugh:= Offensive, disgusting, unrefined.

Example: Eeurgh, this sandwich is nasty.

@eewwwwwwww:= Used to let someone know you think something is bad--the more w's, the worse the situation.

Example: Eewwwwwww. You failed another exam? Bummer to the max.

@eeyorish:= 1. Acting like the A.A.Milne character Eeyore. 2. Depressed and resigned to fate but slowly plodding through and getting the job done. 3. Injecting realism into everyone's enthusiasm.

Example: He's been acting rather eeyorish lately.

@eff-me:= Sexually provocative. (See DFM shoes.)

Example: She's wearing her eff-me shoes tonight.

@effasaurus:= A person resembling a dinosuar, usually used as a comeback when losing an argument.

Example: What an effasaurus.

@efficicize:= To make efficient. (An example of just how wrong we can go when we use ize to turn a noun into a verb.)

Example: Steve is efficicizing a very slow process.

@efficious:= This word describes a person who beleives in the adherence to rules, no matter how ridiculous they are. I made it up to describe my office managers old assistant. I guess it's a combination of efficient and vicious--and probably officious.

Example: What an efficious bitch.

@egad:= someone who is a bigot based on ethnic, gender, age, or demographic -- in other words, a safe way to call anyone a bigot, since it covers most root causes for bigotry

Example: What an egad! He/she just eliminated every candidate who's black, Latino, gay, lesbian, over 40, female/male, not Ivy-League educated and handicapped.

@egadzooks:= Exclamation of surprise and astonishment. A combination of egad and gadzooks.

Example: Egadzooks! That is just WRONG.

@egg roll stand:= Austin colloquial phrase for a fencing operation. See http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/keye/20020621/lo/suspects_on_the_drag_suspected_of_buying_stolen_goods_1.html

Example: Before he got busted, that guy was pulling a total egg roll stand.

@egg:= Any small, white hatchback. Think clown car, only a bit smaller and with more bumper stickers.

Example: So you couldn't get your parents' car...guess we're taking the egg tonight...

@Eggnosia:= When eating eggs makes you dizzy and sometimes leads to death.

Example: If you have eggnosia, by all means keep yourself away from eggs.

@eggs:= (adj) Trying too hard to be what you are not.

Example: Chris is just eggs, always trying to show off how smart he is--or how tough.

@egit:= Ee-jit. Idiot. Irish origin, so usually has feckin' added to the front.

Example: Ya feckin' egit.

@egli:= Out of shape, fat, obese.

Example: Get off the couch. Exercise, jog, do some aerobics. For God's sake, do something. You're getting really egli.

@ego fodder:= Young ladies who attend singles events in the hope of meeting rich men.

Example: She was only ego fodder to the CEO with the paunch and toupee.

@ego surfing:= To use a search engine to look up one's own name for the sake of vanity. (E.g., typing John Doe into google if your name happens to be John Doe.)

Example: I found a cool site which references an article I wrote while I was ego surfing. They quoted me.

@egotesticle:= The root of all evil, generally fueled by too much testosterone.

Example: He said egotesticle things to me just to sleep with me.

@Egresselation:= The hope that someone will leave.

Example: James had egresselation when The Press entered the room.

@egunge:= The disgusting detritus that falls out when you tip your computer keyboard upside down.

Example: When cleaning your keyboard, you find a disgusting cascade of egunge.

@egypped:= cheated or shorted money or merchandise in an on-line transaction. Pronounced like the country.

Example: I won the auction and sent the money but I was egypped when I did not recieve the merchandise.

@eh:= An involuntary noise at the end of a sentence that turns it into a question. This is genetic in Canadians.

Example: It's aboot time I got some new flannel, eh?

@eh:= Totally false Canadian stereotyped word

Example: How you doin', eh?

@Ehap:= 1. To hit or slap with a tail.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006