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It fools the listener into thinking that her last comment was appreciated and approved of before, a

t the last second, it is shockingly shot down. It is pronounced Ek-sell-NOT, with the final syllable having the accent.

Example: Well Jeremy, it looks like you'll get to work a couple of extra hours tonight!

That is excelNOT.

@exclammigration:= The urge to speak loudly in English in an attempt to get foreigners to understand you.

Example: After 10 minutes of trying to use his Spanish dictionary to no avail,

Frank gave in to exclammigration and ended up infuriating the native Spaniard.

@excrucimeeting:= An excruciating meeting, either in length or subject matter.

Example: N. Every Wednesday the office mavens called an overly detailed and tediously long excrucimeeting.

Adj. Rebecca emerged from the conference room with dark circles under her eyes and clumps of her own hair clutched feverishly in her hands. That was excrucimeeting, she managed to gasp.

@Excuselocis:= When someone completely lies to you with a straight face, having good excuses at all times to make you feel good.

Example: Excuses, excuses your always lying to me you have Excuselocis.

@excusercise:= Making up many excuses to cover your actions--it's almost a form of exercise.

Example: Bob's girlfriend was told he was at a bar instead of working late. He's really going to have to do some major excusercising.

@execucute:= Excessive meddling by studio or network executives that ruins a motion picture or television show.

Example: The first Batman movie wasn't too bad, but the rest of 'em got execucuted.

@execuglide:= to maneuver oneself around the room while seated in a wheeled office chair.


@exersistical:= A word used to desribe someone who is more fit or likes exercise more than you do!

Example: You're way more exersistical than me!

@exhausticated:= when you are extremely tired

Example: I can't go out tonight, I am too exhausticated.

@exigranibat:= To be abused by a scantily clad frog

Example: I just got exigranibated down at the swamp.

@exoskeletaxidermy; exoskeletax:= The process of sealing and preserving the metallic exoskeletons of aliens.

(Which are sure to devour us all.)

Example: Though normally I am an exoskeletaxidermist, on this mission I will be attempting to save the universe, using my unique knowledge of the structure of these beasts as my main weapon. Oh, and some large guns.

@expanditis:= the condition, often encountered in office situations, of creating more work than necessary for oneself or others.

Example: Generating seven strikingly similar drafts of the document was a clear example of expanditis.

@explose:= To explode while exposing (such as in photography).

Definition thought of by FPM2K, word first used by Bjarni Cool.

Example: Had I removed the bomb first, I wouldn't have explosed all my photos.

@expoobident:= Extraordinary, phenomenal, wonderful.

Example: She kissed me in the most expoobident manner. She dances the waltz expoobidently.

@exposive:= An object, action etc. that exposes something.

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