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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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Visions concerning the future.

Example: Ulrich in his writtings is an adept of the prodantism.

@prodiginiferous:= Extremely cool. More cool than prodiginous.

Example: Wow, your monkey servant is so prodiginiferous!

@prodiginous:= Very cool.

Example: Wow, your fro looks prodiginous!

@production:= Refers to a person acting more dramtic than they would in a show,

making the situation epic.

Example: After Tasha got up, she caused even more of a scene by throwing her purse on the ground,

punching her boyfriend, and stomping into a store. What she did was a production.

@Profanisaurus:= Online dictionary of words that would never be admitted by Pseudodictionary. Compiled by Roger Mellie (The Man On The Telly) from Viz Magazine.

Example: If your word is too rude for Pseudodictionary you might find it on Profanisaurus.

@Professor Smarty-Pockets:= One who always finds it necessary to correct everything someone says.

Coined by Rich Lowtax Kyanka.

Example: John: Toronto is a great city, no wonder it's the capital of Canada.

Jack: Actually, Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

John: Thank you, Professor Smarty-Pockets

@programmer's hunch:= A slight curvature of the back, caused by excessive hours spent coding.

Example: Sophie spent so much of her time coding for ACME Security that she began to develop a programmer's hunch.

@proinactive:= Being generally in favor of not being proactive. {You should also be proinactive about using constructions such as proactive.}

Example: Schlackel has good ideas--he just chooses not to act on them because he is proinactive.

@prolly bees:= A mangling of probably because.

Example: A. Why did you do that? B. Prolly bees I was bored.

@prolly:= Contraction of probably.

Example: I'll prolly use this word again today.

@proly:= Parolee.

Example: Q. Did Chris finish serving his time? A. No, he's a proly.

@promissuseous:= Issuing tickets, pink slips, etc. far more often than is justified by the circumstances.

A mangling of promiscuous, issue, and misuse.

Example: I can't believe it!

Over a hundred cars got ticketed during the festival.

Apparently, some traffic cop was feeling particularly promisuseous.

@promote:= (tr. v.) Euphemism for acquiring something, usually by nefarious means;

take possesion of by dubious ingenuity.

Established slang variant of the more common definition of promote--i.e., to advance in station, rank, or honor.

Example: I just might have to promote your new girlfriend.

@pronghead:= A person who has little prongs sticking out of the side of her head that prevent her from ever extricating her head from between her buttocks.

Example: She always hacks me off. What a pronghead!

@ProNoblem:= Mangling of no problem.

Example: Hey, I can pick you up at the airport, pronoblem.

@pronoun-phobia:= A condition whereby one involuntarily eliminates all pronouns from one's speech.

Example: Am so tired; must stop walking everywhere. Wonder if there's a cafe nearby where can stop for drink.

@Pronunciate:= To pronounce and enunciate your words correctly.

Example: Would you please pronunciate your words, Billy? I can't understand you.

@pronuncification:= When you are making fun of someone who mis-pronounces a word and then you botch the pronunciation yourself.

Example: Elizabeth: You need to pronuncificate that word. Carl: What?

@proof battleships:= When two sub-editors or designers mark things as a mistakes or bad style on each others'

proof pages purely as retaliation for marking something reasonable on theirs earlier.

Also known as proof jousting. Partly derived from calendar battleships--

two people exchanging salvos of dates in an attempt to agree a meeting,

either business or social.

Example: Honestly, I was playing proof battleships with Tom all day yesterday. What a waste of time.

@propagucci:= Any expensive campaign, promotional stunt, or advertisement designed to encourage the acceptance of a message or political agenda.

Example: Those commercials are a bunch of artless propagucci.

@propery:= A collective and alternative term for props. Used frequently in Dude Studios UK film-making.

Example: Please pass me that box of propery.

@proproprofilephile:= A person who is in favor of being in favor of filing profiles, of course!

Example: What's a proproprofilephile? Fuhgedaboudit!

@props:= Props: Giving respect, thanks admiration to someone for their outstanding talents. Talents usually associated as worthy of nuf-props are usually related to the delicate arts of rap-music production, picking up and dating several women/ men at the same time, and or driving a vehicle worth more than a 4 scholarship at Harvard.


@props:= respect, recognition

Example: Gotta give that girl props for her web site...

@prospects:= Word describing the amount or quality of the opposite sex at the party.

Example: There sure are a lot of good prospects here.

@prostitot:= A young girl dressed in hooker wear, a la Britney, Christina, etc.

Example: Look at that little girl's hoochy diva ensemble. Oooh, prostitot.

@prostrate gland:= Mispronunciation of prostate gland. (Prostrate means lying down.)

Example: Sippowicz: The doctor says I gotta get my prostrate gland removed.

@protard:= Someone who's been acting in an unaccustomed and slightly annoying or stupid manner. Playful term.

Example: Quit messin' around, protard. (From New Brunswick, Charleston Lake.)

@proximate:= you are called this when your best friend gives you the 'go' to date his ex

Example: To be my proximate, brave Lancelot, thou shalt have to search for the Holy Mascara.

@prozactly:= 1.adv. condition of not giving a ratsass about an unacceptable outcome or situation.

Example: Frozen dinners again tonight? That's prozactly what I wanted.

@prozookinookie:= An especialy good time.

Example: Sara and I shared a prozookinookie last night.

@prube:= non-macho

Example: Chris, ray, Sam and kerem are all prubes

@prufrockery:= an annoying propensity for indecision and lameness

Example: Carol's prufrockery over what slacks to pack caused her to miss her flight.

@prunk:= exclamation when mispronouncing or messing up the speaking of a word

Example: We need spaghubbub... oohh... prunk! speghetti!

@pry:= Probably or pretty.

Example: That girl is pry cute. I'll pry see you in a few hours.

That car is pry cool looking!

@Psed:= A short-hand version of pseudodictionary.

Example: Did you see my latest word in Psed?

@pseud'oh:= The term used when you think of a word to submit to pseudodictionary.com, but soon discover that it actually *is* a word.

Example: Hey, I just thought of a good word we could send in to.... Oh, pseud'oh!

@pseud:= Person who pretends to know much more than he/she does, in order to impress an audience

Example: Those philosophy majors are all such pseuds about Wittgenstein and such.

@Pseudiction:= The state of being addicted to submitting entries to Pseudodictionary.

Example: Xaphod: I was up until 3am last night submitting words

Kelly: Wow, talk about Pseudiction.

@pseudictionaria:= A disease that doesn't let you stop entering words at pseudodictionary.com.

Example: I'm sorry, Mrs.Vukasovich, your son has pseudictionaria.

@pseudoaddress:= A bogus email address. Can be provided by an anonymizer or by a service such as www.spammotel.com. Mail sent to your Spammotel address gets forwarded to an addres you provide--the senders know only your Spammotel address. If you start getting nuisance email, just close that particular Spammotel account. Any future email gets returned to the sender.

Example: With Spammotel, it's like checking into a motel room and using it for your snail mail address. If you start getting junk mail at your pseudoaddress, you just check out--and leave no forwarding address.

@Pseudobatch:= Submitting a whole lot of Pseudodictionary entries in the hope that some of them will be accepted.

Example: Terry: Ooh, Safrlte, that sounds like a good one... How about terlska and trofns?...

Yes, this will make a fine Pseudobatch.

@pseudoctrinate, pseudoctrinati:= Revising descriptions and examples to meet pseudodictionary.com's ever-changing and somewhat arbitrary site standards. The result may be better in the eyes of the editor, but worse in the eyes of the submitter. That is, the submitter may see his post as being thoroughly Americanised, and thus losing most of its appeal.

Example: Thought my post was amusing--until it got pseudoctrinated. Asshole editor!!!

@pseudodate:= A maybe date. Could be considered a real date or just hanging out together,

depending on how it goes.

Example: I'd have talked to him, if I hadn't been on a pseudodate with that loser, Chris.

@pseudodict-a-phone:= When Steve calls someone, at all hours of the night, to talk to them about an internet site.

Example: I would have got to sleep, but I got a pseudodict-a-phone.

@pseudodicterrorist:= One who spends way too much time browsing through pseudodictionary (often a pseudodork)

and e-mails words to friends and colleagues with the sole purpose being to annoy them.

Example: Dirty Sanchez: Look Duke, if you don't stop these wanton acts of pseudodicterrorism,

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006