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2. Dizzy person. (Compare to actual English word dotard.)

Example: Look at those rotards getting off the roller coaster.

@ROTFLMAO:= Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off. Used to show that something is extremely funny.

Example: Yesterday, Jeff was about to sneeze, so he turned to the left. When he sneezed, his head hit the wall.

ROTFLMAO, I was crying.

@rotisserie geek:= Noun - A person obsessed with rotisserie or fantasty sports. They are becoming more rampant with the ease and convenience of leagues on the internet.

Example: I saw George last night and he couldn't put down the paper. He spends all day checking how HIS players are doing. He's becoming a real rotisserie geek.

@rotted:= Rotted is something that is plain awful. It can also be used to describe a person, place or thing.

Example: Geez, that guy is really rotted.

@Rotten Ronnie's:= MacDonald's, not in favour of.

Example: Where do you wanna go for lunch? Anywhere but Rotten Ronnies.

@rovalert:= One dog barking setting off all the other dogs barking.

Example: The man walking down the alley set off a rovalert from all the neighborhood dogs.

@rowd:= Noun form of rowdy.

Example: While the substitute teacher had poor anticipations of the pupils from the start,

their rowd and poor behavior proved even these low expectations to be too high.

@rowdical:= A word used to describe a particularly rambunctious reveler, protester,

or generally loud and over-the-top individual.

Example: Was that guy in the crowd ever rowdical!

@rowr:= A playful, cat-like sound. A cross between a growl and a purr.

Used when you want to say something is sexy.

Example: She rowr-ed at her boyfriend.

@roxedo:= The formal attire worn when attending a rock concert or rock related gathering.

Usually consisting of black jeans, black t-shirt (band name optional) and a black jacket (tassles are illegal).

Example: I am going to wear my roxedo to the Metallica concert tonight.

@roxy:= Funky, stylish girl.

Example: That girl at the club was a real Roxy.

@royal sampler:= A collection of objects that are all different; typically implies that they are more-or-less useless.

Example: I found a royal sampler of video adapters at Radio Shack, but there was nothing to convert from RCA to coaxial.

@royally:= adverb - 1. to it's furthest extent. 2.majorly

Example: After the scooter crash, his knees were royally screwed. (or screwed up, royally!)

@RTG:= Ready To Go.

Example: After five hours of shopping I was RTG.

@Rubar:= The shoulder of the road, not paved.

Example: Whoa! Stay off the rubar.

@rubba:= someone who is not of legal age to have sexual relations with; usually refering to little boys.

Example: Billy Bob, you can't do that with her she's a rubba.

@rubbage:= a combination of rubbish and garbage which refers to discarded envelopes, paper, letters, junk mail, etc.

Example: I burn my rubbage in the fireplace and throw my garbage in the trash can.

@rubber mousing:= hang around a site


@Rubbie:= A rubbie is a term used in Vancouver to describe an alcoholic, mentally ill, or drug addicted homeless person. They are generally found scattered around the West End and heavily concentrated in the Lower East side.

The history of the word seems to stem from the word rubbish. The rubbies are often dirty, and wheel around shopping carts full of junk.

Additionally, they often sleep in garbage cans, which might be the inspiration for the term.

Example: From the adjacent building I could see up on the roof and there were a couple of dead rubbies up there.

@rube:= Person or persons with little clue about culture. A clueless dolt.

Example: Josh is a rube, he needs to grab a clue from the clue bag.

@rucker:= Punk wannabe with mohawk or mullett.

Example: Chris changed his hair--yeah, it's a wig--and everything just to hang with the punks. Nothing but a rucker.

@ruckinsnuckincursinfursin:= A mild all-ages expletive, usually applied to family situations

beyond control or belief.

Example: Jim: Who put the wet towel on top of the clean laundry?

Family: (no answer)

Jim: (under breath) Ruckinsnuckincursinfursin!

@rucks:= RUCKS, meaning lots. (Used by all generations in Welshpool, Mid-Wales)

Example: I've got rucks of work. There were rucks of people.

@rude o'clock:= 1. Ridiculously early in the morning. 2. Any time before I get up

Example: What are you ringing me for? It's rude o'clock!

@rudeling:= pl. rudelings. def. a rude person. for starcraft fans, similar to zergling.

Example: The professor thinks the students were a bunch of rudelings for using their cellphones in the middle of class.

@rudestrian:= An able-bodied jaywalker who, being waved across the street by a courteous motorist, seems to cross slower than he or she would if there were no traffic.

Example: As Jeremy sat helpless and fuming in the cab, his train beginning to roll out of the station without him, he considered what a fine hood ornament this latest rudestrian would make.

@rufferee:= A referee who allows rough play to continue without calling penalties.

Example: Uh oh. This is going to be a rough hockey game. See who the rufferee is?

@Ruffus:= Really Cool

Example: That party last night was very Ruffus.

@rufus:= A person in power who thinks and acts as if she's the greatest thing in the universe--and makes sure everyone knows it. Taken from Rufus Shinra of FF7 fame.

Example: Christina Aguilera is no Barbra Streisand or Madonna, not even a Britney Spears. But she's definitely a rufus.

@rufus:= Cooler than cool

Example: That jacket is way rufus!

@rufus:= Crazy, out of control.

Example: The party I went to last night was rufus.

@ruh-roh!:= A form of the phrase uh-oh! compliments of Scooby Doo.

Example: Ruh-roh! We're out of Lucky Charms!

@ruka, ruca:= a female gangster. Girl involved in a gang.

Example: My ruka is hangin with the homies!

@rule 0:= v - In RPGs (Role Playing Games), when the gamemaster changes a rule for whatever reason, usually to resolve a problem

Example: It was being abused so I rule 0'd it to make it more specific.

@rule:= To excel at something.

Example: When Dr. Peikoff appeared on a radio talk show to discuss his views on the terrorist crisis, he was bewildered by a caller who told him, Dr. Peikoff, you _rule_!

@rumble guts:= That unsettling churning in your stomach, experienced when one has the intestinal flu,

food poisoning, or a dose of Montezuma's Revenge .

Example: I shouldn't have eaten that whale fat and blue cheese burrito.

Now I've got a serious case of rumble guts.

@rumdum:= A dummy, or dumb dumb

Example: What did you do that for you rumdum?

@rumka:= This is the official drink of the Amish Mafia intra-mural team.

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