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I use it when I agree or disagree with my friends.

Example: Caitlin: You know, that guy's ass is so fine.

Sara: Oh, I disagree. Circle take the square.

or if you want to extend on this phrase, you can block (i.e. Sara: I'll take Whoopie for the block, his ass is far from fine. )

@Circlemouth:= An individual who becomes overly talkative when drunk; term is used, however, for a much deeper defect of character

whose symptoms are antisocial behavior and a tendency to blame others for things they didn't do.

The term is to be used as a proper monicker as well as a generic.

Example: A: Jim told me he didn't want to go to breakfast with us. But when we got back from Shoney's he asked us why we didn't take him to breakfast!.

B: Ah, fergit it. That's just Circlemouth.

A: He's a circlemouth all right.

@Circling the drain:= Preparing to die.

Example: That guy on life support is circling the drain.

@Circumstantial Intelligence:= Intellect coming by the wayside, and having nothing at all to do with intentionality.

Example: Saving money by being a commuter wasn't a smart decision on my part.

It was a case of circumstantial intelligence.

@circumvegetate:= To go completely around the house in a vegetative state;

to go around the house only in an imaginary way such that one is merely daydreaming

of the act instead of actually doing it.

Example: Over the past two weeks, Mark has circumvegetated his home several times a day,

making quite a mess in the process.

@circus sex:= Unprotected sex, working without a safety net. Unusual sex.

Example: John was having circus sex with the midget.

@citidiots:= Rich New York City Idiots that descend upon the Hamptons in the summers.

Example: The citidiot in the Mercedes was parked in the handicapped spot at the supermarket.

@city juice:= Water from the tap.

Example: Could I get a glass of city juice? asked the man of the waitress.

@city:= Implies an abundance of something in a given place.

Example: After I had been gone for a month, my house was dust city.

@citydrop:= To casually mention exotic cities you have visited, in an attempt to appear superior.

Example: Don't bother asking John about the international conference. He's just citydropping again.

@ciupacabra:= Mythologic.

Example: Chris is ciupacabra. You know, one of those who's a legend in his own mind.

@clackett:= The little ball inside a can of spray paint, so-called because of the noise it makes when you shake the can.

Example: I was doin' a tag, and this cop heard the clackett. I was so busted!

@claim:= To claim someone is to beat the hell outta them; usually said in a very bad Cork (Ireland) accent.

Example: If you don't shut up I'm gonna claim ya!

@clam slam:= Aggressive fighting move.

The assailant raises one arm above his own head,

places the other along his leg,

and then brings them together in a rapid motion on another's body in order to cause injury;

the arms make a motion similar to that of a clam.

Example: I was really kicking john's behind until he clam slammed me right in the face.

@clandestiny:= A secret or hidden future or fate.

Derived from the words clandestine and destiny.

Example: Before his death, Bob could never have imagined the clandestiny of his brain.

@clankie:= Word used to describe an engineer. Due to the noise created when working.

Example: Tell the duty clankie that the ballast pump is leaking.

@clarisma:= Having the ability to clarify; expand meaning; to make clear, less puzzling.

Example: John has clarisma in deciphering the federal regulations.

@Clark Kent-ing:= The practice of using a tame online identity in the presence of friends in order to hide the real Internet freak you are.

Example: Most people don't know about my Usenet antics because I am Clark Kent-ing with my main email address.

@Clashion:= Items of clothing or accessories that should not be worn together.

Example: Leg warmers worn with white dinner gloves are serious clashion.

@clasp shakers:= the handtouch which is speech without words

Example: They always gotta clasp shakers

@claustrophobisized:= To succumb to the effects of claustrophobia.

Example: She became claustrophobisized when the zipper on her sleeping bag got stuck.

@Clavichord:= An invisible muscle on the thigh. Originated from The Catcher in the Rye.

Example: My clavichord hurts, don't sit on my lap.

@Claytons:= The large black sunglasses that are worn over eyeglasses,

mainly by senior citizens (also called cataract sunglasses).

The name derives from the large shades that Clayton Moore had to wear

when he was told he could not continue wearing a Lone Ranger mask in public appearances because the rights to the character and representations of the character were owned by someone else.

Example: Two women were waiting for the bus, both wearing large black Claytons that covered most of their upper faces.

@clean the closet:= A phrase used by married couples when referring to the sex act.

This allows one to discuss it without the taboo as only the people familiar

with the term know what it really means.

Example: Sorry, Susan, we're unable to come over tonight. Bill and I really need to clean the closet.

@cleaver:= Clever, but in a Wouldn't your mother be proud? kinda way.

Example: You got all A's on your report? Well, aren't you cleaver?

@Clem:= Refering to any male from the country.

Example: Here comes Clem

@cleo:= An imaginary and unpleasant body part; can be used to describe an unpleasant person.

Example: Haha! You have a cleo. OR Stop being a cleo.

@Cleveland:= Cleavage.

Example: In that low-cut dress she was wearing, you could see Cleveland.

@Clickage:= Mental synergy. The phenomenon of finding yourself on the same wavelength as another person.

Example: She and I aren't going anywhere- I mean, we just haven't achieved any sort of clickage.

@clicklur:= Remote control.

Example: Gimme the clicklur. This show's a rerun.

@Cling Cling:= As in super Clean!

Example: If My mom saw my room so Cling Cling my mom will know its gotta be the puppy chow

@clingon:= A driver of another vehicle who increases her speed when you attempt to pass her.

Example: I had to get it up to 80 in order to pass that clingon back there.

@clink:= Noun: A clickable link. Hypertext link.

Verb: The act of clicking a hypertext link.

Example: The page needs a clink to pseudodictionary. Clink to visit pseudodictionary.

@Clinton's Legacy:= A society in which ten- to sixteen-year-olds (pre-adolescents and adolescents, children all) engage in all kinds of sexual activities and say what they are doing isn't sex.

From fellatio and cunnilingus with a single partner to pulling trains anally, orally, and vaginally. Nasally? Aurally? With krelbows? Backs of the knees? Definitely with their hands.

Example: What I'm doing is OK.

The other girls are doing it, too.

It's just the sort of thing President Clinton did--and you voted for him both times.

I don't intend to get pregnant, so it's not sex.

It's part of Clinton's Legacy.

@Clinton:= To flirt shamelessly.

Example: That drunk girl is Clintoning on my boyfriend.

@cloan:= To loan something out that was borrowed in the first place.

Example: Arthur cloaned my CD to Debbie. She turned around and asked me if I wanted to borrow it.

@clock dollars:= To earn money.

Example: My new job allows me to clock dollars.

@clock:= To capture the eye of an admirer. Possible origin: cops' radar.

Example: Ryan, I think Brit just clocked you.

@Clockblock:= When a person sleeps between the alarm clock and another person so that said person doesn't turn off alarm to make you oversleep, thus missing work.

Example: I can't afford to miss work again, so I will have to clockblock you.

@clockstalking:= Watching a clock so as to get the absolute last second out of being on the computer.

Example: Bob's Starcraft strategy was weak. He was clockstalking so he wouldn't be late for work.

@clocksucker:= One who drags out a job, either to earn a lot of overtime or to avoid new assignments

Example: Those clocksuckers in the mail room were here 'til midnight.

@clockulations:= Any mathematics involving time.

Example: The game starts at seven and it's quarter to six now. By my clockulations we have 75 minutes.

@Clodpoll:= Archaic term for a stupid person.

Example: That new guy is a clodpoll.

@Cloe:= Used in describing one article of clothing. Singular form of clothing.

Example: Can you hand me that cloe (refering to a shirt lying on the bed)?

@clonus:= A type of muscle spasm.

Example: As he twitched spasmodically on the floor, I thought to myself, He's sure having one sweet clonus!

@Clorange:= A word that doesn't rhyme with anything else--except orange.

Example: Orange is a clorange.

@closature:= How something closes or ends. The opposite of opening or overture.

Example: 1. The romance was fizzling but the final closature was way too cold.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006