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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I was entertained by this for quite an inappropriatly long time... Not in front of her, of course...

Just thought you'd like to know, even thought none of that could go on the site...

Example: Man, that is one gigangic cat that just walked by.

@gigantalar:= (adj) Bigger than anything else.

Example: The election was a gigantalar mistake.

@gigantasized:= Very big.

Example: The Washington Monument is gigantasized.

@gigantomongous:= Bigger than humongous

Example: That six-pound hamburger is gigantomongous!

@giggersnort:= Snorting sound, produced by laughing through the nose.

Often derisive laughter.

Example: Haha. That was so funny. (giggersnort)

@gigglefest:= Two co-workers sitting around laughing instead of working.

Created by Bonnie Lintick in 1995.

Example: It was one big gigglefest when Noelle and Gail got together.

@gigglepalooza:= A large collection of co-workers sitting around laughing instead of working.

Example: Judging from the noise coming from down the hall, gigglepalooza is back in town.

@gigmungous:= Combination of gigantic and humungous. Something that is extrememly BIG.

Example: The pyramids in Egypt are bigger than huge... they're gigmungous!

@gigroncous:= Bigger than ginormous. Quite big.

Example: The hangover after the college party was gigroncous.

@Gigundo:= Huge.

Example: I made myself a gigundo cheeseburger.

@gihorrific:= Large and especially frightening.

Example: The recent elections were gihorrific.

@gihugeic:= Much bigger than giant and huge put together.

Example: The sound of the audience applause was gihugeic. OR Jack's bean plant was gihugeic. It reached all the way into the clouds.

@Gihugic:= Incomprehensibly large

Example: I have a gihugic amount of work

@gimme:= The lust for more stuff.

Example: He bought the thing he didn't need just to satisfy his gimme.

@gimmer:= Fool or idiot.

Example: Outa my seat, gimmer.

@gimmish:= Irritating minutia, trivial nonsense, often used to minimize the importance of another's request or concern.

Example: Don't bother me with that gimmish right now.

I'll finish the quarterly report after I'm done with this game of Tetris.

@gimongous:= Extremely large; gigantically humongous.

Example: I have this gimongous fungus growing on my toe.

@gimoungus:= Gigantic and humoungous--that is, rather large.

Example: Alas! The sky is absoloutly gimoungus.

@Gimp:= A computer nerd that will not help a person with a computer related problem, other than to talk in techo-babble.

Example: I would asked John but he's a gimp.

@gimpified:= Messed up, not normal.

Example: Oh, my God! My hair is like, so gimpified today. OR Look at that boy over there.

Have you ever seen someone as gimpified as him?

@gimpner:= A score of ten or more on any indidvidual hole in golf.

No one ever puts down more then 10 anyway (named after Bill Buckner's effort in the 86' series)

Example: What did you get on the last hole?

Oh, just put me down for a gimpner.

@Gimputer:= An old, old, slow computer that can just about handle running one program at a time. Prone to system crashes and obscure application errors. Comes in a nice range of yellowed beige plastic.

Example: DAMMIT! My gimputer crashed again!

@ginch:= Pronounced with a hard g as in again.

(n) Synonym for story as in What's the story?

(v) Ginching--an all-encompassing term for having a good time.

(adj) Ginchy. Meaning really great.

Example: 1. What's the ginch, lads?

2.Basically I was ginching last night on the dance floor.

3.That meal was really ginchy.

@gino:= To screw someone, to cheat, to lie, to generally be a sleaze.

Example: Aw, that bastard really gino'd me good that time.

@ginormous:= Somewhere between gigantic and enormous. Especially handy when describing Jennifer Lopez' rear end.

Example: Did you see the J Lo rear end on that one chick. It was ginormous, too.

@Gintestines:= Refers to the upset nature of one's stomach after a night of hard drinking.

Example: Ooooh, my gintestines are killing me today.

@giraffe:= A person with a long neck, large protruding Adam's apple, and large sideburns.

Example: Did you see the giraffe with the sideburns?

@giraffiti:= Vandalism spray-painted very, very high up.

Example: The giraffiti at the top of the Golden Gate Bridge will simply have to remain there until fall.

@girdle:= A circle of girls found in malls and high school halls, usually obstructing passage.

Example: I ran into a girdle, so I was late for class.

@Girk:= never had a boyfriend/girlfriend

Example: Kyle is a girk.

@Girl-goyle:= Combination of girl and gargoyle. This is a girl of lower beauty. Often kept in a group of girls with higher beauty to make them feel better.

Example: Joe, you go for the girl-goyle and keep her busy.I'm going for the good-looking one.

@girlchick:= A term of endearment used by young women for each other.

Example: Heya, girlchick! How ya' doin'?

@girleen:= What you call a female acquaintance when you can't remember her name, and have no intention of learning it.

Example: Girleen, how are you?

@git:= A git is a person under the age of 16.

Example: You see that girl trying to pass for 20? Just a git.

@gitch:= Breif-style underwear for boys, ie: before the age where they learn to know them as 'breifs'. This is a common word throughout parts of Canada, and although 'gitch' can refer to numerous pairs of the underwear, 'gitchies' is the often-accepted plural form of the word.

Example: As was always the case, Christmas brought with it a new stock of socks and gitch for young Timmy.

@give-a-damn-dividend:= I know this is four words joined together but if you say it right it can sound like one. It means I don't give a damn, of course, but if you add the dividend on the end it really rolls of the tongue. No one can take you seriously if you say this when you're angry.

Example: Look pal I don't give-a-damn-dividend about the size of your swimming pool! Just shut your face and get on with your work.

@Give it a Roast:= To try something

Example: (Pulling the slot machine arm let's give it a roast!

@give it laldi:= Scots slang: making a fuss or a big noise.

Example: Hey, your Jimmy's giving it laldi out back.

@Give it some V's:= Another way of asking someone to turn the volume up.

Example: Joe: Hey, Jack, this album is cool, but could you give it some V's. I can't hear it.

Jack: No problem.

@givener:= the act of partying.

(giving her, gave her)

Example: we partied pretty hard last weekend, are we givener tonight?

@giveupmanship:= Pertaining to the act of dropping out of an activity in a particularly notable fashion

Example: And in a truly remarkable display of giveupmanship, after running only 200 metres of the circuit, Steve walked off towards a refreshment stand and bought himself some chips

@Gizmodgery:= A term for a small, useless, complicated man made device.

Example: The newest gizmodgery from Japan is the watch claculator and the earring cell phone.

@giznizzel:= A collective of goals or accomplishments that need to be addressed.

Example: What is all this giznizzel over here?

@Gizza Gussie:= Scots slang, a request for an orange segment.

Example: Gizza gussie y'orange, pal.

@gizzlefumper:= A person who tells long, pointless stories that are half off the subject.

Example: Megan is a gizzlefumper. Does anybody have any duct tape?

@glacial:= excruciatingly slow, inspired by the inch per year movement of glaciers


@gladiacious:= When one goes all out to defend himself.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006