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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. Worthless or nonsensical collection of objects.

Example: There was a huge amount of shump in the closet.

@Shunk:= To stuff something into something anyway even though it doesn't quite fit.

[Cf. Procrustes, procrustean. http://www.entrenet.com/~groedmed/greekm/mythproc.html]

The word has even more meaning when lubrication would normally be used but was forgone.

Example: I watched as Billy tried to shunk the puzzle piece into the puzzle.

@Shunnington:= a place which is the opposite of Shangri-La, in essence an Angry-La. So-called Christians exercise their anger at those who have fled from the flock via the cult-like practice of shunning.

Example: Because you have left that religious group, you have elected to live in your self-created Shunnington. Should you not leave, you could very well become a Shunningtonite.

@Shunningtonistic:= relating to or having the nature, symptoms, and/or characteristics of anything to do with Shunnington, that spiritual place in which a person lives as a result of being victimized by the practice of shunning.

Example: The practices of that quasi-Christian group border of the Shunningtonistic.

@Shunningtonite:= One who lives in Shunnington, in that state of being an outcast from a religious sect.

Example: The person living in a spiritual place called Shunnington because of his breakaway from a sick cultic group would be a Shunningtonite.

@Shunningtonosis:= a weakened spiritual state which has befallen one as the result of cultic practice of shunning which causes the victim to feel like a pariah, an almost inexplicable form of spiritual psychosis.

Example: Because of leaving the Christian-like cult and as a result of years of being shunned, Buddy suffers from an acute form of Shunningtonosis.

@shup:= Shut up.

Example: Hey! Shup!

@shuped (sh-a-pid):= Outrageous, dumb, stupid, etc

Example: What are you acting shuped for?

@shut it down:= Shut up. To tell a person or group of people to be quiet.

Example: You need to shut it down.

@shuttlecock:= A sexually loose male. There are many such words for females, but not for males. I submit this one.

Example: He's such a shuttlecock, he's slept with half the women in town.

@Shuush:= What you do to someting....

Example: I schuushed all the stuff in the drawer.

@shwa?:= Used in times of confusion, similar to what?

Example: 1: (Talking jibberish no one can understand.) 2: Shwa?

@shwack:= To end, to kill, to make non-existent. Usually used in violent actions. Shwacked.

Example: The A-10 fighter aircraft shwacked several enemy soldiers with his 30mm Gatlin gun.

@Shwag:= Really bad.

Example: You won't wanna watch that, it's completly shwag.

@shway:= Synonym for cool, sweet, or awesome. From the cartoon Batman Beyond

Example: You mean you're going to give me that camera for free? Shway!

@shwing:= An exclamation used by an innocent onlooker to indicate that someone has just been insulted. Usually accompanied by a wince.

Example: Shwing! Y

@shwip:= slick, smooth, small, on the covert tip. can also describe an action.

Example: I saw a guy on the subway today with this shwip little camera.

@Sick is for the sleep and weak:= Slurred Sleep is for the weak and sickly, when one is really really tired.

Generally spoken at sci-fi conventions at 4am.

Example: The con suite is closed, it's time for bed.

Sick is for the sleep and weakly. It's still early.

@sick:= possessing exceptional talent. bad-ass.

Example: You need to check out this band, they have a sick bass player.

@sicknasty:= Only the best of the best.

Example: You thought the catch was nasty? No, that was sicknasty.

@sickophant:= A freak of nature.

Example: You're a freakin' sickopohant.

@SICKUS:= used when someone's/something's appearance is more than just repulsive i.e. v unattractive

Example: that food/clothes/boy/etc is sickus!

@side wickered:= pretty much the same as half bubble off plumb


@sideass:= when a girl has lovehandles

Example: She is having a little trouble fitting in those jeans with that sideass.

@sidebrows:= Originally a mistake for sideburns but transformed into a word.

A person who has abnormally long eyebrows or abnormally long sideburns.

You may refer to these sideburns/eyebrows as sideburns.

Example: Did you check out Alex's sidebrows?

@sideburns:= what a woman has when she puts on a swimsuit but hasn't been properly shaven or waxed


@sidewalk sale:= The collection of people hanging outside a club after it closes, hoping to get a date to finish off their evening.

Example: There was this cute guy there at the sidewalk sale, but someone else walked up to him before I got up my nerve.

@SIDS:= Standing In Doorways Syndrome. This refers to those inconsiderate people who choose a doorway or other restricted area to stop and have a conversation or otherwise hold up the traffic.

Example: I'm sorry I'm late but I was held up by a load of SIDS in the shops.

@sieve:= A hockey goalie, often used as a chant during a game for the opposing team's goalie referring to him being full of holes and the ability for the puck to easily pass into the net.

Example: Sieve! or The goalie is a sieve.

@sif:= Contraction of as and if.

Example: And then the wheels flew off. Sif that would ever happen.

@siffler:= the part of a computer mouse that you take off to clean it and it won't go back on again

Example: Can you come and help me fix the siffler on my mouse?

@sift:= to hang about doing nothing for extended periods of time.

Example: What did you do today? Nothing, just sifted about the place for a few hours.

@sifted chair:= A soft chair that one sinks into and doesn't want to get out of


@sightsee-sick:= The Yes, old building, ancient...where do you get an ice cream in this place? feeling when youґve visited 20 monuments in 3 days.

Loosely translated from the Dutch Monumentenmoe.

Example: This is a picture of a temple in Egypt, no idea what it is or where it was, because I was sightsee-sick when I took it.

@sigint:= Signals Intelligence: Cryptographic espionage and code breaking.

Example: The overwhelming majority of American intelligence assets are culled by sigint agencies like the N.S.A.

@sike-naw:= (v) Being disappointed, embarrassed, or made a fool of by an individual who abruptly does something unexpected. Also, exclamation of the individual who does this act when it occurs.

Example: Mollie pushed the down button. When the elevator arrived, she saw that it was full, but started to get in, anyway. Sike-naw! yelled Charlie from the back of the elevator. And Mollie was thus sike-nawed.

@silico:= Any life form based on silicon, like intelligent computers, androids or maybe even aliens, based on silicon.

Example: TovarisSilicij is a silico.

@Silicon Alley:= n. - The competitive technology sector based in New York, NY.

Example: Although San Francisco continues to draw new business, more and more technology graduates are migrating to Silicon Alley.

@silkwyrm:= A lucky dragon. A 6-legged dragon that spins a silk cocoon to morph into a flying dragon.

Example: You're smart, you're beautiful, you're wealthy. What you got, a silkwyrm?

@silliminarity:= Resemblance--sarcasm about how closely unlike things are related.

Example: I've often noticed the silliminarity between a chopstick and an elephant.

@silly rabbit:= the look of amused disbelief you give someone for asking a stupid question, inspired by the trix cereal commercials

Example: I asked if I could borrow his new car and he gave the silly rabbit

@sillying:= Joking around.

Example: When Franklin called the boy squirt, he was'nt being mean--he was just sillying.

@Silver:= Any bit of change apart from pennies.

Example: Hey, I need some silver for the toll booth.

@silverback:= Elderly driver.

Example: That silverback can't even see over the steering wheel.

@similarize:= To make two or more things similar; the act of making things similar.

Example: By comparing dollars to donuts, you similarize two objects.

Finding similarities in them should be the result.

@similie:= THIS SPACE RESERVED. Submit the best description and example for this misspelling of the word simile and you will gain a measure of immortality--(well, at least fifteen minutes of tame infamy).

This spot corresponds to the 8000th word added to the pseudodictionary.

The word submitted for this space was a duplicate, so here's your chance.

Is a similie similar to a simile? Is a similie something like a smiley?

(If it's similar to a smiley, show what it looks like in ASCII characters.)

Or is it something else altogether?

Example: Send your description and example to the editor's pseudoaddress PDZJLVKSNXCW@spammotel.com.

This particular pseudoaddress will be shut down, so jump in while you can.

PS. The spammotel software is a great way to get an address that you can discard if it turns out you get a lot of spam.

It's free at www.spammotel.com.

Oh, by the way, in several months of use the spammotel people haven't done anything to cause me to get any

spam either.

@simmadown:= Calm down, chill, relax, take a breath

Example: You need to simmadown now.

@simple-sibyl:= A woman who survives by the simpliest means possible, i.e., trading sex for everything she wants.

Example: Ex: She’s such a simple-sibyl that she traded sex for some shrimp scampi.

@simplexity:= The emergence of complex, non-predictable behaviours from simple initial conditions. The whole field of chaos mathematics essentially revolves around this concept.

Example: Weather algorithms demonstrate classic simplexity. If one develops a system with 3 or 4 initial interacting parameters, it is quite impossible to predict the outcome once the algorithm is run.

@Simpsono:= Simpson addict.

Example: You are Simpsono.

@Simstordonary:= (sim-store-don-ary) any state in which a computer program manages to simulate real life (that thing outside the box) almost without fault (mainly refering to graphics)

Example: 'Didja see Tiberium Sun's cut scenes !? they were Simstordonary!'

@sin-laws:= The parent or parents of a person you are living-in-sin (cohabitating, shacking-up) with.

Example: I have to go over my sin-laws' house this weekend with Suzie.

@sindrom:= From a mispeling of syndrome, with much the same meaning. Could be especially useful to refer to infractions related to the seven deadly sings. Can also involve generally immoral, unethical, or unlawful behavior. Enron (WorldCom, Global Crossing, Adelphia, etc.) Sindrom = Greed. Clinton Sindrom = Lust.


@sinesthesia:= Committing all seven deadly sins at once.

Example: I think I have sinesthesia--where all seven deadly sins are combined. I covet anger, envy sloth, and take pride in my greed and lust.

@singing to the choir:= Telling me something I already know.

Example: You are singing to the choir. I've heard it before and I don't want to be bothered hearing it again..

@singleton:= Non gender specific term somewhat akin to spinster, with less negative connotations (as popularized by Helen Fielding in Bridget Jones's Diary).

Example: Just because you're a Singleton doesn't mean you can't lead a normal fulfilling life...

@Singlish:= The Singaporean dialect of English. Liberally drop adjectives, nouns, verbs

and practically anything you want from a sentence, end with a lah, lor,

ah, eh and/or include words from any one of the following languages:

Teochew, Hokkien, Cantonese and Malay, and you're probably pretty close.

Example: Ah Beng: How come we walk walk walk, still haven't reach ah?

Ah Seng: Wah lau eh, so far, of course take long lah!

@singriluck:= To plug one nostril and suck in through the other for the purpose of clearing the nasal passage.

Example: I singrilucked really loud during math class today.

@sinnerstatica:= Politically correct word for the Christian Limbo.

Example: We prefer the term Sinnerstatica, the eternally imprisoned entity said.

And we're not heathen sinners, we're piety-challenged static souls, thank you very much.

@Sinseriously:= To be earnestly sincere, to be seriously honest.

Example: I know you don't believe me, but I really did see that UFO, sinseriously.

@sinshield:= Just as a windshield shields you from the wind as you're driving along, a sinshield shields you from sin as you drive through life.

Example: Turn on the sinshield wipers. I can't see what's right and what's wrong.

@sinsister:= A sinister, evil, malicious, sinful female.

Example: She was a sinsister who stole his tools and left him with a bug he couldn't kill.

@Sique:= Sique (pronounced sick) means very cool.

Example: Those were some sique moves you pulled on your skateboard yesterday

@sitation:= Award given to an outstanding website.

Example: Pseudodictionary was awarded a sitation by English Online.

@sitch:= Situation. A bad personal issue that you and one of your nearest and dearests have gotten yourselves into.

Usually causes major depression.

Example: I don't wanna go with you to the cafй; Bob might be there and we've kind of got a sitch.

@sitch:= Situation.

Example: All right, here's the sitch.

@sitemare:= Website and nightmare--to describe the horrible website you're developing for a client who is probably equally as horrible.

Example: A. Hey, how's the _______________ site going?

B. Ugh. It's a total sitemare.

@sitifacient:= This is, I believe, an etymologically accurate word meaning 'thirsty-making', and should be used by pedants eating peanuts in pubs or bars. Invented at my request by the late Dr. Anthony Ladd.

Example: Dean: Packet of sitifacient, Dr. Picklegruber?

Dr.: Thank you, Dean. I don't mind if I do.

@sitiot:= The person who sits directly in front of you in an uncrowded theater or arena.

Example: I can't believe that sitiot just sat there--let's move.

@sittin' in tall cotton:= Southern U.S. expression meaning doing great or got it made;

common variants add an h in sitting or use initials SITC.

Example: Win the lottery and you'll be sittin' in tall cotton.

@situwized:= another way to say situated

Example: Let me get situwized.

@sixhead:= A forehead, only larger. Also can be used to describe the person with an abnormally large forehead.

Example: Did you see his date? Whe was a sixhead.

@sixteened:= Unpopulated or to depart quickly.

For my cousin who would state, EVERY TIME, when she would attend an event,

see a movie or go to a club where very few people had shown up: Are you kidding?

There was like, sixteen people there.

Example: Odd that the bar should be so sixteened on a friday night.


After I told Maria Mark had planned on comming to the party after he got off work,

she sixteened before midnight.

@sixty-six and ninety-nine:= Quotation marks, from the way they look when written: 66 99. Mainly used in the learning processes of young children.

Example: When you are quoting someoneput sixty-six and ninety-nine around what they said.

@size of Wales:= British Imperial measurement of area. Used to convey biggness of ecological damage etc.

Example: The fire destroyed an area the size of Wales in 6 hours.

@sizz:= The sound made when wearing corduroy pants and walking.

Example: At the winder fashion show for seniors, the announcer could not be heard due to the sizzing of the models.

@sizzlethighophobia:= The fear of sitting down in shorts in a vehicle after it has been sitting in the hot, summer sun.

Example: I knew that in the 90 degree weather that the seats would be scorching. Sizzlethighophobia caused me to

place towels under me before I sat down.

@skabibidibobidiska:= A dance that is danced to while listening to ska music.

Example: Me and my friend went skabibidibobidiskaing at the discotec.

@skabid:= Shut up, stop that noise. Used in the middle of someone's sentence to interrupt her.

Example: Hey, Chris, how's the.... Skabid, Chris said.

@skad:= a lot, heaps, more than 100 but less than 1,000,000,000.

Example: Brian has skads of DVD's!

@skadroplaning:= While driving, to apply hand brake whilst on gravel, dirt or other viscuous though dry surfaces,

sending your vehicle into a slide--preferably with a fish-tail action.

Example: Brad was driving down my dirt road and left a mess from his obnoxious skadroplaning.

@skag:= An ugly woman. Similar to skank, but in this case a shower isn't going to help.

Example: Did you see Mark's new girlfriend? Geez, what a skag! My watch stopped.

@skank pants:= The tight black pants that girls wear to clubs.

Example: Skank pants really show your assets--or your liabilities, as the case may be.

@skank top:= A very skimpy tank top, usually white or see-through.

Example: You can almost always see their breasts through the skank tops.

@skank:= Dirty, nasty-looking woman--haven't had a shower forever.

Example: Did you see the skank who just came in. The horror! The horror!

@skank:= Undescribable ailment.

Example: I must have caught some sort of skank at school. I feel like hell.

@skankalous:= Something you aren't supposed to be doing, because the situation is skanky; filled with skanks.

Example: That party was skankalous; I can't believe she invited those people.

@skankarilla:= Scantily clad drama queen.

Example: Look what that skankarilla almost has on.

@skankified:= To be changed from a nice normal young girl into a skanky ho.

Example: When Liana started going out with that pimp, she got thoroughly skankified.

@skanking:= To skank is to dance like a crazy person.

Example: I was skanking and couldn't stop.

@skankle:= Any word that one writes in one's notes while falling asleep during a lecture.

Example: Ooh, look. I came up with new skankle in government today.

@Skanktastic:= A girl you know you should stay away from but you can't help yourself.

Example: I know I shouldn't go out with Betty, but she sure is skanktastic.

@skanktopotomus:= A fat hooker.

Example: Look at the hooker on the corner--that's one very big skanktopotomus.

@skanky:= Smelly, bad, or ugly.

Example: These sheets are starting to get skanky. Guess I better change 'em since it's been 3 months now.

@skants:= A skirt made from old pants.

Example: This pants didn't fit me anymore, so I made some skants out of it

@skarejur:= 1. any small piece of bark, mulch, or plant matter found in the backyard

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006