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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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It is known that expletives and terms of endearment very commonly have four letters,

or multiples of four. Eight letters allows the speaker more than one syllable for added effect.

This word uses a vowel sound associated with pain (arhh) twice, in a repeated syllable arg

which can be associated with the sound made while being strangled, followed by a sharp a and hard t

demonstrating that the user has lost patience somewhat.

Example: Argargat! Bloody Windows crashed again.

@arghmoment:= (arg-mo-mint) The moment you scream in profound anger, frustration or desperation.

Example: The teacher had an arghmoment. She hit someone.

@argusation:= Describes a particularly long-winded argument that never achieves the critical mass to

explode and finish, but goes on and on and on.

Example: I wouldn't go in there. Your parents are having another argusation.

@Ariba:= Exclamation. A victory yell over the theft of food from another, particularly in reference to French fries.

Example: Ariba! Thanks for the curly fry, loser.

@Arinkydink:= To be said when someone does something stupid and painfully obvious.

Example: Bob pushes on a door with a huge sign that says pull. His friends say in response: Arinkydink!

@aristobrat:= an aristocrat who acts terribly.

Example: Sarah-Jane, beware of that aristobrat slouching at the bar. He likes to flash more than his money.

@arm candy:= That exceptionally attractive and younger person walking with the older well-to-do person.

Example: I met Dr. Watson's latest date. He always has the best arm candy.

@armbow:= n. A much more sensible variation of 'elbow'.

Example: Lib kept getting armbowed as she tried to make her way into Westminster.

@armourous:= describing a less-than-disceet public show of affection

Example: Those kids are certainly feeling armourous

@Arniefest:= The act of people screening multiple Arnold Schwarzenegger films in the one sitting. Also known as the Arn Film Festival.

Example: Arniefest. My house. Friday. Be there. Or don't.

@arnoubi:= Arnoubi = my little rabbit. It's a Tunisian word.

Example: I love you, arnoubi.

@arrll-arse:= Peculiar to Liverpool, England. Ancient in origin, corruption of English with Gaelic normally follows.

Arrll generally considered to represent auld, Gaelic for old. Means an old trick, but more specifically used throughout the socio-demographic strata to describe someone who is sly.

Example: Yous did a really arrll-arse trick yesterday.

@arrove:= Past tense of arrive.

Example: He arrove yesterday.

@arse clown:= Someone who has screwed up or is stupid.

Example: Jerry Springer is a world-famous arse clown.

@arse pirate:= Intoxicated man (almost never a woman) who touches or pats the bottoms of female nightclub patrons.

Arse pirates nearly always dance casually in a swaying motion to conceal their intentions.

Example: Watch out, there's an arse pirate behind you. OR I just got caught by an arse pirate. OR This place is full of arse pirates.

@arsefication:= Making a mess of a job. Or saying something stupid

Example: What sort of arsefication is this.

@arseholic:= A person suffering from the condition of being unable to stop being an arsehole

Example: The condition became so uncontrollable I had to attend Arseholics Anonymous just to be nice to people.

@arsey:= Derived from arse, the British spelling of ass.

Describes someone behaving negatively in an angry or agressive manner.

Example: 1. on't get arsey with me.

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