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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. A term for any body part that would otherwise be unfit for public discussion.

Example: 1. Oh, semprini! I dropped the bowling ball on my foot! 2. Oh, kiss my semprini.

@senignal:= description of a person who forgets to cancel their turn signal.

Example: There goes another senignal driver.

@senilosopher:= A combination of senile and philosopher.

Used to describe a computer that constantly sits and proccesses information for no reason at all.

Example: Mark finishes booting computer and moves mouse, causing computer to sit and think.

Dangit! I haven't even opened anything yet. Stupid senilosopher.

@Senior Citizen Effect (SCE):= 1. The anomaly in the space-time continuum where time dilates in direct proportion to your

distance from a Senior Citizen, slowing time as we know it to a crawl.

This effect makes one later and later for an appointment as one gets closer in proximity to a Senior Citizen.

2. The magic ability for time to appear to speed by faster as you get older,

making old age seem to zip by, however dilating time around you for everyone else.

Example: 1. I'm sorry I'm late to your wedding, I got caught by the Senior Citizens Effect when I passed by the Bingo parlor.

2. Thanks to the Senior Citizens Effect, the years when I had the dispeptic ulcer seemed to zip by quickly.

@Senior Citizen Factor (SCF):= The amount of time needed to account for senior citizens when trying to make an appointment.

When going through a high senior citizen density area (such as the supermarket at noon),

you must take into account the relative speed and delays propogated by senior citizens.

Example: We have to leave earlier if we take into account the Senior Citizens Factor.

@senior moment:= An exhibit of behavior that would typically be associated with growing older. example: forgetting your own phone number or what you were talking about in the middle of a sentence.

Example: Oh my god! I just had a senior moment!

@senioritis:= Behaviour characteristic of high school seniors, but can be contracted (it's like a disease) as early as middle school. Symptoms include rampant class-skipping and general apathy towards all things school-related.

Example: I won't be doing my homework tonight either. Senioritis has got me bad this year.

@seniprandicapsaphobia:= Fear of opening old lunch boxes.

Example: I was about to start sorting out my school bag after the holidays when I was suddenly

assailed by seniprandicapsaphobia.

@senseslut:= Someone who is open to any and all experiences, and enjoys each one thoroughly.

Example: Hi, my name is Ochre Orientis. I like to eat, swim, make love, and all that stuff. I'll do anything, I'm a senseslut.

@sentence finishing machine:= A statement or part of a statement made when a friend fuges out and doesn't finish her sentence.

Example: Bill: Last night I got a new.... (pause)

Wally: Sentence finishing machine?

@SEP:= Someone Else's Problem. Something you don't have to worry about, because responsibility for it belongs to someone else.

Example: A. Oh, no! There's a huge load of customers that walked into the door!

B. I've signed out and changed clothes. SEP.

@sephim:= Nocturnal angel. Seraphim=angel. Ra=Sun god. Seraphim-Ra=Sephim.

Example: My gorgeous gothic girlfriend is a sephim.

@Seppo:= American, mainly from USA. Derived from the SEParation of the USA from Great Britain.

Example: Mark is a Seppo.

@serfitude:= A catch-all describing both those classified under serfdom and also servitude.

Example: The peasants revolted against their terrible state of serfitude.

@sernerfer:= Would-be sophisticate, a snob. Used derogatively to describe someone overdressed for the occasion--or having her nose in the air.

Example: She tended to dress in a sernerfer fashion.

@Servant Distance:= that really awful distance when a group of people leave one person to walk behind them a good 4 meters

Example: Hey guys! what's up with this servant distance?!?

@set my 'nana down:= A positive response to a request or a favor, implying that in order to fulfill the request or favor you

must first put aside the banana you are eating.

Example: Hey, Roy, can I borrow your leather chaps for tonight's ice cream social?

Let me set my 'nana down.

@settin' it back:= describes a person who is eating rather voraciously, ie setting back the food already in their mouth, for more, before chewing it

Example: gee, that chappy must really like those flapsticks. he's settin' it back like nobody's business!

@seudo-p:= Adjective describing words that are fake or made up by people. Sodapea, sudapea.

Example: (While playing Scrabble.) That's not a word, it's a seudo-p.

@seven four seven (747):= When a conversation topic, joke, etc. goes straight over your head--

as a Boeing 747 does. Useful when you don't have a clue what's going on.

Example: I didn't get it. It was a 747 to me.

@severious:= severly serious

Example: this is a severious matter, damn-it.

@severiously:= a combo between severe and seriously....

Example: severeiously, I have no legs

@sewellesque:= A short, devout Mormon wrestler who almost goes pro grappling can be called sewellesque.

Example: Have you ever seen Goldberg post WWF? Hes pretty sewellesque.

@sewup:= The stitched seams on a teddy bear.

Example: The antique bears were in excellent condition, except for some torn sewup.

@sexable:= A person who is extremely sexy.

Example: That Elizabeth is one sexable chick.

@sexellent:= Excellent.

Example: That's sexellent! Claus exclaimed.

@sexified:= Getting dressed or preparing yourself to look sexy.

Example: John will be here in an hour. Let me go get sexified

@sexile:= To force your roommate to leave so you can have annoying, noisy sex.

Example: Andy: Jeff, why are you sleeping in the student lounge? Jeff: Got sexiled. Again.

@sexpert:= An expert of all things sexual.

Example: Jane is a sexpert, she knows all about it.

@sexpionage:= 1. To infiltrate someone's bedroom to gather information.

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