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2. Someone who will do anything to get as much email as possible. Zzqqyt@yahoo.Com

Example: Flowerchild is quite the email slut. She gets about 150 emails a day.

@emailable & faxable:= When I write someone a hand-written letter, or if I am asked to send them some literature from work, I always ask if they are emailable or faxable.

Example: These two are pretty obvious.

When I write someone a hand-written letter, or if I am asked to send them some literature from work, I always ask if they are emailable or faxable.

@emaze:= verb: To create amazement via email or other electronice communication.

Example: I was emazed this morning, upon opening my web mail. An emazing message was there.

@embalmed:= 1. To do or say something so inappropiate that there is no way to make amends.

2. To completely end a situation.

Example: 1. When I told Susan that the dress made her look fat, I really embalmed myself.

2. When Steve refused to pay me the $20 he borrowed, our friendship was totally embalmed.

@Embarcade:= (To ditch someone in favor of someone funner or doing something else.

Comes from embark when a boat leaves a port.

Example: Can you believe it? She embarcaded me at the party and went to the hotel.

@embare-assed:= What happens when you take your clothes in a public place.

Example: When I was changing in the bathroom stall, I became embare-assed.

@embiggen:= Presumed to mean something like To make bigger.

Seen on _The Simpsons_, episode 3F13 Lisa the Iconoclast, originally aired on 19960218..

(It's a prefectly cromulent word).

Example: A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man. - Jebidiah Springfield

@emerson:= Bald, hairless. (Beccehamian Cockney Rhyming slang, after Brazillian racing driver Emerson Fittipaldi (baldy)).

Example: One of the best examples of an emerson is Yul Brynner

@eminder:= A short reminder sent by e-mail

Example: I have just received an eminder about the 10:00 meeting.

@eminenemy:= The kind of pseudo-enemy rappers need so they can put someone down

Example: He's just an eminenemy for dissing--I kinda like the guy really.

@emo-speak:= A form of typing in which you either don't put spaces between words,

or instead of spaces you use periods. Commonly seen on diryland and live journal.

Example: Thisisanexampleofthefirsttypeofemospeak.This.an.example.of.the.second.type.of.emo.speak.

@Emo-vamp:= A shortened version of Emotion vampyr. A type of vampyr that feeds off emotions.

Very rare to find, because many die in their youth.

Example: Theda Bara was a silent film star who vamped her way throght many films. She always struck me as a bit of an emo-vamp.

@emo:= a broad title that covers a lot of different styles of emotionally-charged punk rock

~from http://www.fourfa.com/


a state of charged punkish emotion

Example: A friend of mine listens to emo almost exclusively; in fact, he embodies the scene.

@emocracy:= The illusion of democracy, where the source of general opinion is not a common set of values, but certain emotions that force a strong feeling about towards an election, a military retaliation, or sports event.

Example: In the Netherlands, a typical emocracy was evident in the huge election victory of an unknown party. The charismatic party leader had been assassinated two weeks before the election.

@emortant:= Combining emo from the musical genre emotional punk music and important,--

generally to describe emotionally important things.

Example: This new band is so emortant to its fans that I find it quite scary.

@Emoticate:= To communicate with someone using using only emotions.

Example: When I emoticate with my girlfriend she knows exactly what's on my mind.

@Emotional Vampire:= A person who sucks the energy right out of you.

Example: I was having a great day until all the emotional vampires at work arrived.

@empeeth:= An MP3 where the last bit of the song is missing. Pronounced em-pee-th

Example: I spent 10 minutes looking for an MP3 of this song, and all I found was an empeeth.

@empirical:= As adjudged by UK movie periodical _Empire Magazine_.

Example: _Attack of the Clones_ Empirically better than _Minority Report_? Sometimes I wonder why I pay my subscription fee.

@employee of the month spot:= The prime spot of any parking lot, located closest to the entrance.

Example: The mall was very crowded, but I still managed to get the

employee of the month spot.

@employfriend:= The person of higher seniority in an office relationship--i.e., you're dating your boss.

Works best when describing a male, 'cause it rhymes with boyfriend.

Example: I would never have an employfriend. If anybody's gonna be employin', it'll be me!

@Enamorable:= Able to be loved in a very cute way.

Example: Am I not enamorable? purrr

@endaufin rush:= Thrill at regal heirs. Excitement over princes.

Example: Reading the _Daily Mail_ gives all us English and British people a great big big endaufin rush.

@endearitation:= The state of annoyance, impatience, or exasperation brought about by prolonged exposure to well-intentioned, but oblivious, elderly female relatives.

Example: Grandma doesn't seem to understand the endearitation I feel when she tells my friends about my early potty-training.

@endgegner:= its a german word based on computergames, describes the big end-boss in oldstyle shootemupґs

Example: this guy is like an endgegner to me

@endorminical:= Relating to or during the process of sleeping.

Example: He tossed and turned beneath the covers, caught in an endorminical fit.

@Ends:= Money.

Example: I got no ends until Monday.

@endulge:= To be extremely generous and giving; to indulge outwardly.

Example: I went to her wishlist and endulged.

@enerdy:= When someone devotes a lot of energy to something that is only worth the attention of nerds.

Example: Chester is talking about the relative benefits of PERL with great enerdy.

@energator:= The ability of a device to produce an alternate form of power.

Example: We would have no power in this building without the emergency energator.

@enfenestrate:= To throw something in through a window. Opposite of defenestrate.

Example: Someone enfenestrated a water-balloon at me in my apartment.

@enginerring:= The application of scientific and mathematical principles to the design of error-prone systems;

or the area of a business in which poor-quality work is performed by engineers.

Example: Enginerring sent us another prototype that doesn't work.

@Engraged:= Descriptive of the situation when one person is trying to talk to you, but you're busy shouting at someone else.

Example: Hey, stop shouting at him! Raargh.... What? Oh, sorry. I'll talk to you later. I'm engraged.

@enh:= a verbal shrug of indifference

Example: You do know your muffler fell of, don't you? Enh.

@enron:= (verb) When corporate executives mismanage a company for personal gain.

Example: It was painful for Bill in engineering to sit back and watch the CEO and his biker-chick wife

enron the company.

@enron:= Big corporation's views that they are above the law; also an alternate pronounciation of end run.

Example: When it came time for financial disclosure, the big company tried to do an enron around the law.

Microsoft's trying to pull an Enron with its various state-by-state challenges to the proposed anti-trust settlment.

@enron:= To shred important documents so that they will not be seen by anyone else.

Example: 1. I made sure I enroned my bank statement before I threw it in the trash.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006