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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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In all games.

Example: All right, guys. Ante up. Five card draw, Reynolds' Rules.

@RFA:= Ready, Fire, Aim.

Example: A. Can you believe it? They waited until we delivered the software, then told us it had to be platform-independent.

B. RFA, as usual.

@rhinestone:= A stupidly humorous event, especially the results of a Google web search.

Example: Fidel Castro enjoys the color green returns 209 results on Google? Now, that's a rhinestone.

@rhodamine:= a bright pink colour

Example: my, my, tarquin, look at what a wonderful shade of rhodamine the setting sun is this evening!

@rhubarb:= Word used to describe anywhere you didn't originally intend to be, usually a roadside ditch or somewhere off of a sled or ATV trail. Occasionally, rhubarb functions as a verb.

Example: He got goin' too fast and put 'er in the rhubarb or He got goin' too fast and rhubarbed 'er.

@rianbow:= No, it's not a misprint...it means the kind of 'backwards rainbow' you see above a regular one.

Example: That's a beautiful rianbow.

@ribitulous:= when a (sassy) female does something really weird or particularly attention-seeking

Example: Did you see how short her skirt was? It was ribitulous.

@ribofaction:= The act of turning someone into a gooseberry--acting as a couple so as to exclude someone.

From botanical Latin Ribes, the genus including gooseberries, + -faction (making)

standard ending from Latin facere, to make.

Example: Adam and his girlfriend ribofied me for three-quarters of an hour until I was forced to throw a bucket of cold water over them in order that they would notice I was there. They stopped their ribofaction pretty quickly.

@rice-burner:= Any Japanese manufactured motorcycle.

Example: Honda is one of the better built of the rice-burners.

@rice Christian:= One who becomes a Christian for what s/he thinks s/he can get out of it--from food distribution programs.

Example: Evangelism is more complicated than it seems. Many new converts are just rice Christians.

@rice rocket:= beefed up japanese import car that's real popular now


@Ricer:= A guy/girl that makes their car look like it has engine power, put it doesn't.

Example: (ex. Dodge Neon 106hp engine with yellow sitckers and fake chrome hub caps supposedly = +60hp)

@rich kid killer:= Expensive import racing motorcycle.


@rich:= Irony: something bad has happened to a person who deserves it.

Example: A: Vivian W. (girl who always dumps people) got stood up last night. B. That's rich.

@richter:= Richter is a word used when someone goes into a momentary state of complete shock, anger, or insanity. It can also be used to describe and out-of-hand situation or event.

Example: The crowd went richter after the upsetting defeat of their soccer team.

The blazing inferno was utterly richter, and the firefighters were unable to salvage the old warehouse.

@ricockulous:= Ridiculous, yet to a more extreme level.

Example: I find it ricockulous that curling is an Olympic sport.

@ricstious:= Something exciting, a thrill or rush


Example: For the first time in my life I went skydiving. I was strapped to some guy's back, and I tell you it was ricstious, my heart was going 100 miles per hour.

@Rictor:= Gush of creamy goodness.

Example: I pulled a rictor.

@ride hump:= To ride in the middle of the back seat of a car, where the hump is.

Example: Everyone piled into the car and I had to ride hump.

@Ride The Bike:= To do something in a group of two people

Example: Joe and I were riding the bike on that project we turned in on Thursday.

@ride:= a person's vehicle.

Example: Let's take your car, my ride's out of gas.

@ridiculi:= 1. Plural of ridiculous.

2. A multitudiousnous of strangeosity in extreme forms.

3. A Sheehy term designed for optic nerve directional centralization.

Example: Zoobaz: Erin, what shakes?

Erin: Meh.

Zoobaz: How's yer film?

Erin: Actually, it's quite ridiculi.

@ridiculosity:= when a situation has gotten out of hand

Example: Waiting 5 hours to get your drivers license at the DMV...this situation has reached the point of ridiculosity!

@riding bitch:= The middle seat of three in the backseat of small cars usually designed just for two;

usually has a slight contoured hump making it a not so comfortable ride. The bitch seat.

Example: I'm not sliding over. I rode bitch on the way here. It's your turn.

@ridleypearson:= A ridleypearson is a word usage worth noting. In _The Pied Piper_ (Hyperion, copyright 1999 Ridley Pearson) see pages 33 (razor man = surgeon), 321 (pocket protector = computer geek or guru or nerd), 356 (prison talk: conjugal visits = jungle visits), and 376 (Blue Line = boundary that divides cops from criminals) for a taste. (Ridley Pearson is the author of some 15 to 20 novels, generally combination thriller and police procedural.)

Example: Great phrasing, Dana--that's a ridleypearson.

@ridonculous:= Like ridiculous, but ridiculously ridiculous.

Example: I don't understand why the two of them stay together; their relationship is ridonculous

@ridonkulous:= Utterly silly. A most unbeleiveable set of circumstances.

Example: Did you see that ridonkulous story in the paper this morning?

@ridonkulus:= More unbelieveable or crazy than what ridiculous could describe

Example: He got promoted after bitching at his boss? That's just plain ridonkulus.

@ridorkulous:= Ridiculously dorky.

Example: You look ridorkulous in that gorilla suit.

@riff raff:= a bunch of people up to no good, there to cause trouble

Example: WOW look at all the riff raff's standing at that corner

@rifle load:= Really simple--when anything you're downloading comes in faster than a speeding bullet.

Example: That five meg file downloaded in 10 seconds. That was sure a rifleload.

@rig:= A computer, usually a nice one.

Example: Nice rig you got there... What games you got on it?

@right arm:= An affirmation of a suggested plan, variation of Right on.

Example: Do I want to head out to the club now? Right arm.

@right hand rule:= Fear itself

Example: The only thing I fear is the right hand rule.

@Right on:= you say this when something good has happened.

Example: Wow! Right on, that's so cool!

@Right quick (r.q.):= Similar to the phrase real quick. More commonly used in the r.q. form.

Example: Do you want to go out? Hold on, I have to finish my paper, r.q.

@rightawaynow:= Not just immediately, but 5 minutes prior to. Said vigorously and quickly for effect.

Example: Craig! Get me the crescent wrench rightawaynow! The gasket's gonna blow!

@rightwheeliebout:= I made this word up in 1966 when I was a Lance-Corporal with The Boys' Brigade.

It is a combination of two commands: Right-wheeland About-turn.

It is, therefore, a command for Left-turn.

Example: Squad! Atten-shun! By the left.... Quick march. Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left,

Rightwheeliebout.... Left, Right, Left, Right.... Squad Halt. Stand-at-ease.

@rigid:= A person who has it all going for him.

Example: Mike is rigid.

@rigoddamndiculous:= Ridiculous, emphasized by tmesis.

Example: Seeing the elephant trying to fly was so rigodamndiculous that it made the spectators laugh 'til tears came to their eyes. Then, next thing they knew, Dumbo was airborne!

@riiight:= From Austin Powers--used in reply to stupidity.

Example: Your mom is so hot. Uhm, riiight.

@rimson:= Wanting something, but not knowing what that something is.

Example: She looked into the fridge and sighed I'm so rimson! I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want.

@rindless:= Used to describe a person who is one of the most attractive people you are likly to come across. A very attractive person. Works with both sexes.

Example: Look, theres a rindless by the bakery.

@ringmenutes:= Used when you cannot remember someone's name, synonym to whatsisname.

Example: I hope he doesn't bring ringmenutes along for the ride.

@rinse & repeat:= To act in an extremely anal-retentive way, such as following directions word for word, and doing everything by the book.

(Lather. Rinse. Repeat.) Can be used in several ways.

To describe someone: rinse & repeater.

To use in the immediate sense of the word: rinse & repeat(ing).

Example: Dave is a rinse & repeater when it comes to dinnertime. Heaven forbid anyone pass food to the left.


Quit rinse & repeating, and start the car. You've already done two walkarounds, and checked the air pressure in all of the tires!

@rip it up:= To decribe an action done with extra effort or high energy. (See the old song, Rip It Up.)

Example: I'm bringing my Les Paul and tube amp and Malcolm's gonna spin. We're gonna' rip it up.

@Ripe:= To leave an area quickly.

Example: Let's ripe this place

@ripostasy:= Derived from riposte (quick retaliatory thrust or retort) and apostasy (abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause).

Example: You are hereby charged with the heinous crime of ripostasy, as you have apparently lost interest in this debate.

@rippery:= The sensation of an ice cold refreshment scoring your throat.

Example: This Coca Cola is rippery!

@ripplehead:= The descriptive term for the rippled appearance on certain people's heads

after they shave it--usually for the first and last time.

Also known as KLINGONHEAD.

Example: Did you see when Jon shaved his head? He had major ripplehead, and now he wears a hat.

@ripsnorter:= Australian word to describe a good time or thing.

Example: The footy game on Friday was a ropsnorter.

@risofrette:= When you are worried about something and this worry finally goes away or is resolved,

you think that you will be worry free, but alas, another worry always seems to rise to the surface.

Example: I thought I would be worry free once I quit smoking,

but a risofrette occurred and now I worry constantly about money.

@risquanchy:= To be slightly more lewd than risque, but not quite raunchy.

Example: The girl with too much make-up on was dancing a bit risquanchy at the show last night.

@rithered:= Similar to stoned, but more severe.

Example: Better slow down a bit, I'm rithered.

@ritter:= Trouble, relating to sexual acts and or heart- breaking.

Example: The girl is just a ritter.

@River Chicken:= A duck. More so a duck that is white with brown speckles and is too far away for ready identification.

Example: Frank: Look, Barry. I had no idea that chickens could swim. Perhaps it's a river chicken.

Barry: It's a duck, Frank.

@rizzle:= The most improved version of the word real. Used to tell people what you are doing.

Example: I am just trying to keep it rizzle.

@roached:= When something is destroyed disrupted or otherwise not working.

Example: I finished some code last night that works fine on my pc but its all roachy on mac netscape.

@road booger:= An accumulation of ice and snow in the wheel well of a car or truck.

This is a winter phenomenon, generally in the northern U.S. and Canada.

Example: That there's a rilly big road booger on yer truck.

Ya want me to kick it off?

@road dog:= homey, homeslice, partner, buddy, cool one

Example: Karen is my road dog.

@Road Pizza:= The unfortunate result of some animal or person getting hit by a car, bus or train.

Example: We were wondering when the town would come clean up that road pizza.

@road rain:= The phenomenon suffered by highway drivers when it stops

raining but car spray still obscures your vision.

Example: Get out from behind that truck. How can you see with all this road rain?

@road rash:= The severe skin injuries that occur as the result of a motorcycle accident.

Example: He was thrown from the bike and went scuttering down the highway for 50 yards.

The worst case of road rash I've ever seen.

@road schmutz:= The stuff left on your car (especially the windshield)when the road rain dries.

Example: I used up all the cleaner trying to get the road schmutz off the windows!

@road soda:= An alcoholic drink consumed while driving or riding in a vehicle.

Example: The drive's over twenty minutes. Better grab some road sodas.

@road:= Means leave or go away in a forceful manner. Exerpt from the movie Excess Baggage.

Example: You've worn out your welcome. I think its time for you to road.

@robble:= Exclamation, used to indicate the compulsive need for a hamburger made

of mostly synthetic substances. Often used by puppets dressed like Zorro on crack.

Example: Robble Robble.

@robevent:= something contrary to nature

Example: That manifestation was a robevent!

@robophobia:= Fear and revulsion of robots, caused by their humanoid appearance but lack of body language

and organic subtleties, thus causing the sufferer to believe that she is surrounded by walking,

talking dead people.

Example: Don't take that thing near Bob. He suffers from robophobia.

@robosteckler:= An empowered individual or entity exercising a blatant and needless abuse of authority,

particularly at the expense of the less fortunate.

(robostecktorian adj. steckle tr.v.)

Example: That cop gave me a speeding ticket for going 3 miles over. What a robosteckler.

@Robustify:= The act of making someting more robust.

Example: Just get the web site working, we will robustify it later.

@Robustitron:= An undescribable mystery mechanism that when broken brings the system or machine in question to a complete stop or when added to something inferior makes it infinitely better than everything.

This word is used to confuse lay people when no one cares to figure out the real reason for things.

Example: You see, your web site went down because the robustitron in the web server started artifacting the data stream.

@rock'n'roll:= Mid-20th Century US black slang for sex. Came to mistakenly stand for a sub-genre of music. Brings whole new meaning to Rocking All Over The World, Rock Around The Clock, Jailhouse Rock, and Hard Rock Cafe.

Example: Well, time for some rock'n'roll.

@rock chestnuts:= Used to describe something which is the epitome of coolness.

(Invented by Jerame Barriga of Carson, CA.)

Example: Mrs. Monson rocks chestnuts!

@rock grapefruits:= Used to describe something which is the epitome of coolness. Cf: Rock chestnuts.

Example: Jerame, you rock grapefruits!

@Rock On!:= Said as either enthusiastic or sarcastic encouragement..

Example: A. Well, I'm gonna mow the lawn. B. Rock on!

@rock star:= Used to describe an extreme situation or personal actions.

Example: You got rock star parking. I parted like a rock star last night!

@rock steady:= To be cool in a conspicuously uncool manner.

Example: You bought a new boba fett poster for your office? Rock Steady!

Need to lay it on even thicker? use baby as a modifier= Rock steady, baby!

@rock the funky beat:= Superlative of rock.

Example: Your mom's cinnamon rolls rock the funky beat.

@rock:= To display a certain style.

Example: That guy was rocking a mullet.

@rockasaurus:= Senior citizen that loves rock-n-roll or plays in a rock-n-roll band,

still has the intensity but is marked by long hair and leather like skin.

Example: Mick Jagger is a real rockasaurus.

@rocket-star:= A hybrid of rocket scientist and rock star, generally used as a back-handed compliment for achieving the mundane.

Example: You remembered to sign the cheque this time? You're a rocket-star!

@rocket monkey:= A person who does work somewhere between rocket science and monkey work. Often used in IT for cut and paste work that requires thinking.

Example: You need to think about those figures; get a rocket monkey to enter them.

@rocket surgeon:= sarcasm; a very stupid person

Example: The sign says pull, you rocket surgeon.

@rocks-for-jocks:= Geology 101 in any undergraduate program.

Thought to be the easiest the science requirements.

Example: He's unable to count his fingers without giving himself a hemorrhage,

so he took rocks-for-jocks as his science.

@rocks (optional: the house):= To be extremely pleasing to ones tastes or senses.

Example: That _Mission Impossible_ movie rocks. That new 7-11 slurpie flavor rocks the house. That rocks--do it again. That last skateboard trick rocked.

@rocks sheep:= Something that's particularly awesome or entertaining

Example: Wow, Paul, your new story really rocks sheep!

@rocks the casbah:= describes when something comes across as very exciting or when a situation turns out to your extreme liking

Example: When Fred's uncle gave him a new car he said Whoah, this rocks the casbah!

@rocktropolis:= Very similar to cool.

Example: I get a raise?! ROCKTROPLIS!

@rocky collar:= When the collar on a shirt does not lay properly, it can referred to as a rocky collar.

Example: Fix your rocky collar before we leave.

@rodee:= Unsuccessful attempt to make a pass or to pick someone up

Example: Did you hear about John last night? He pulled a rodee on this chick, and she turned him down flat.

@rods to the hog's head:= A quaint and antiquated measurement of absolutely anything. The unit of measurement is a rod, checked against a hog's head. The implication is that whatever it is you're measuring, it's either very old, or happened a long time ago.

Example: 1. Abraham Simpson: I said the metric system is the tool of the devil... My car gets 40 rods to the hog's head, and that's the way I likes it!

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006