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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I got such a bad case of narapoia, that I kept going past my house until it was safe.

@Narc:= One who tattles, the act of tattling.

Example: That tool just Narc-ed me out!

@narc:= To fall asleep suddenly, specifically from the lack of sleep. Often used in the context of college.

Derived from narcolepsy.

Example: Your couch is so comfortable, I could narc out right here.

@narcosleepy:= A feeling of being so intensely tired that one is convinced one is suffering from narcolepsy.

Example: I know it's early, but I'm truly narcosleepy right now.

@narf:= A stupid, bumbling person.

Example: Andrea I have too many narfs in your life.

@narf:= A word usually said after laughing after one of your own jokes. From _Pinky and the Brain_.

Example: So I said, Tell me about it! HA HA HA! Narf!

@narf:= Snarf. To shovel food into one's mouth very fast and messily.

Example: Quit narfing your food, Chris. You look like a pig.

@nargle:= A nargle is one of those really annoying, cloying people who makes you want to tear your hair out.

Example: Roseanne is a nargle to end all nargles.

@narkit/fair narkit:= Scottish slang. Narkit = angry. Fair narkit = pretty darn angry.

Example: Your wee laddie made me fair narkit.

@narkmaster:= A person who is in a bad mood.

Example: John: `Where's Sarah?' Kevin:`She was being such a narkmaster that I left without her.'

@narky potato:= stupid or irritating person.

Example: nobody likes a narky potato

@narraty:= Usually preceded by that's my... A proclamation of one's sincerity; an affirmation.

Example: Are you serious? That's my narraty, dog.

@narrowgulleted:= a person born with only a thin passage in their throat

Example: Martha was too narrowgulleted to eat large sandwiches

@narsty:= Extremely nasty.

Example: Whew, that smell is narsty.

@narvey:= A hairy bastard, often large and ogre-like as well.

Example: Dave, you're a bloody narvey!

@nasa:= Your significant other.

Example: I can't hang out with the guys tonight, I have to go see nasa.

@nasadal:= No ass at all.

Example: That chick has nasadal. Help is on the way with science.

@nasodenial:= The delusion shared by televised baseball players and motorists stopped in traffic that no one can see them publicly picking their noses.

Example: Ugh, the director groaned. Camera two, pan away. That outfielder is in serious nasodenial.

@nast:= Generic noun for anything nasty. Similar in texture to mung.

Example: The drain was clogged,so I augered out a ton of vile nast and it works fine now.

@Nasta:= Pasta that is eaten with corn chips.

Example: At first I thought it was pasta, then I thought it was nachos, now I realise it was nasta.

@nastified:= A combination of nasty and putrefied. Extremely disgusting to the point of being repulsive.

Example: Check out the mold on those dishes. That's nastified.

@Natch:= Naturally. To clarify something that pretty obviously fits and doesn't require any more than a one word response.

Example: A. So we're going to Tomb Raider FOR SURE! Opening night, right? B. Natch.

@nation:= Used by CDN Bobsled wannabe's to describe an effort so good that the performer should be on the national team.

Example: Paula set a track record last night. She was nation.

@naughties:= To describe the current decade.

Example: Great music from the eighties, nineties and the naughties.

@naughty:= not behaviour, describes an item, usually clothes, meaning ugly or looking bad.

Example: Those shoes are naughty.

@navel-fluff:= The lint that collects within the belly-button cavity.

Note: This word is unknown to people with outies (where the belly-button protudes out, not in).

Example: Look at all my navel-fluff. I could make a jumper out of that.

@naven:= an idiot, a jerk, ala Steve Martin's character Naven Johnson in The Jerk

Example: You've never parallel parked before in your life, have you? What a naven.

@Naw:= Naw means no. Just plain no.

Example: John said Naw I don't want to go to the lake.

@nay:= A condescending way to say hell no.

Example: Frat Dork: Will you go with me to the fraternity semi-formal?

Cool Girl: Umm, nay. Do I look like hang out with people who buy their friends?

@Nazi-Stache:= The mustache style that Hitler had. The little press-on one.

Example: He's got a Nazi-stache. Must be the next Hitler

@nazi gambit:= The rhetorical habit of being unable to disagree with anyone without accusing them of being Nazis.

Example: Professor David Pense is a dab hand at the old Nazi Gambit.

@nazi:= Any person who feels that they must deprive you of something just because they want to

or that they own an extremely popular soup shop.

Example: That damn soup nazi told me No soup fer you! Come back, tree years!

@nazza:= Not really.

Example: Do you want to get some food?


@NBA:= Nice Big Arse. When a chick has a really nice backside.

Example: Jacqueline has a NBA.

@NBC:= Nobody Cares.

Example: So she took you to the cleaners and also trashed your reputation? Don’t you get it? NBC.

@ne:= nay

Almost like huh? only used when no one is/has said anything to you, and its said, not only to tell them you don't understand, but that you want their attention

Example: ne! I'm over here! Whats going on

@neanderthilic:= One who is like a neanderthal; an ill mannered

person;a large, clumsy individual.

Example: His neanderthilic behavior was threatening to ruin the party.

@nearest and dearest:= Your absolute best buddy in the whole wide world.

Example: You are my nearest and dearest.

@nearn:= A dork, someone you think can't get a clue, dimwit.

Example: Bill, you are such a nearn.

@neat:= Bar room slang for straight up.

Example: I'll have a whisky neat with a beer back.

@neatolicious:= The extreme form of neat or neato.

Example: I'll pick ya up at 8. Neatolicious.

@neck drapery:= Used to describe the layer of fatty tissue built up under the jaw--synonymous with double-chin or wattle.

Example: I think my boyfriend's neck drapery is causing him to snore.

@neck joey:= A built-up layer of fat under a person's jaw that makes a person to appear have a double chin.

The joey part of this word is derived from a kangaroos pouch, known as a joey-pouche.

Example: David, who was so skinny he was called stick-boy in high school, now sported a neck joey,

a result of countless pitchers of Milwaukee's best and BIG M Subs.

@neckbeard:= Short curly hair growing on the back of your neck.

Example: Can you shave my neckbeard for me? I am beginning to look like a furry beast.

@Necrocosm:= 1. A dead system or world 2. Vision that is no longer subject to life.

Example: After nuclear winter, Earth was reduced to a necrocosm.

@nectar of the clods:= Coffee, expecially the first cup in the morning.

Example: Ahhh, morning coffee, nectar of the clods.

@ned:= A low form of human, usually male and sporting Fila or Kappa colours.

Example: Guy staring at you aggressively, making it clear he wants to harm you physically? That'll be a Ned.

@neddy:= A foolish person, particularly somebody who is useless with technology.

Thanks to Mrs C Williams, Bishop of Llandaff High School.

Example: If any old neddy walked in here she wouldn't know a piggin' thing about AN-THRO-PO-METRICS.

@nedogodemophobiac:= Someone who can and does talk a lot, but when giving a presentation collapses into total speechlessness.

Example: Ryan is a nedogodemophobiac. He completely bombed on his speech.

@Needing a Taco:= The state of being in which a person is taking him- or herself wayyyyy too seriously. Most commonly used in the context of love and romance. (Taken from the South Park cd Chef Aid in which Chef gives Meatloaf a taco because he gets carried away singing about Meredith Baxter-Birney.)

Example: Now that is a man in dire need of a taco!

@NeedlessMarkup:= An apt description of the department store Neiman Marcus.

Example: 1: You paid ninety bucks for that shirt? 2: What do you expect? It's from NeedlessMarkup.

@needlister:= A person who makes lists for no appparent reason.

Example: Bob is a needlister--he just made a list of all the people in the phone book with his last name.

@negligeent:= Describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.

Example: I can't believe I was so negligeent that I answered the door for the FedEx guy wearing my naughty nightie.

@negs:= short form of negative

Example: Do buffalo have wings? Negs!

@neh?:= 1. Don't you think? Used to question the wisdom or veracity of something.

2. Right?

Used to ask if a bit of information is right.

Originally Japanese slang. Always used at the end of a sentence, like the French n'est-ce pas?

Example: 1. Eating three baskets of French fries in an hour is a little much, neh?

2. Utah is south of Idaho, neh? I always get the big states out west confused.

@Neil:= Can be one of two things. To be extremely insane, or to do something incredibly embarrassing.

Example: 1. Richard was being a Neil last night--he said he worked in a fish factory.

2. Tom Green does a Neil every day.

@Nekedwork(ing):= Pronounced: (rapidly) Neck-Ed-Working. This word should be substituted in casual/business conversations about Networking. If asked what you said, insist you merely said networking.

Example: We need to add another port to the Nekedwork.

@nelly:= It's like coolio

Example: That shirt is nelly!

@nematoad:= 1. An elusive pond animal that was always being sought after in the television show _Doug_. (A nematode in the show?)

2. To describe someone who does something in such a ridiculous or excessive manner that it is quite humorous.

Example: Whenever I try to sell my used CDs to the record store, the guy who works there inspects them like a nematoad. He whips out a magnifying glass to look for scratches.

@nen-em m's:= How a 4-year old describes candy-coated chocolate candies.

Example: Daddy, Katy took the rest of my nen-em m's and I know cuz she got's them in her mouth now.

Make her give me back my nen-em m's!.

@neo maxi zoom dweebe:= An extended version for the word moron.

Example: That guy Chris is a neo maxi zoom dweebe.

@neonazifem:= Woman involved in the feminist movement.

Usually wearing combat boots and having short hair.

Something along those lines.

Example: Ooh, noooooh, How did I end up involved in a conversation about shaving with this neonazifem.?

@neotrad:= Short for neo-traditionalist. One who tries to embody anachronistic behaviours or appearance.

Example: Where are all these neotrads coming from; there isn't a retro shop in this town.

@nerbie:= Someone who is book smart, but street dumb

Example: Chris is such a nerbie.

@nerd-e-bonics:= computer speak or technical talk used by nerds that normal non-nerd people don't understand.


@nerdbox:= computer

Example: Spending time on the nerdbox

@nerdcake:= A smart but soft person.

Example: Sean shouldn't be such a nerdcake because people will continue to take advantage of him.

@nerding out:= Having a sudden attack of abnormally high nerdy or geeky feelings and impulses.

Example: I walked into the computer lab and immediately started nerding out -- I must have drank three gallons of Tang and sat there programming for eight hours.

@nerdlinger:= Someone who does something slightly nerdish, while being otherwise cool.

Example: A: Yeah, I went to a LAN the other night.

B: Oh, nerdlinger.

@nerdlode:= Matter formed when an IT department spontaneously congeals.

This usually happens when the department is left to its own devices

for more than 5 years with the same infrastructure and technologies.

Managers (and cleaners) abandon and forget the area before it finally goes critical.Occasionally Lode Raiders break into a nerdload to extract valuable Star Wars collectibles and Lara Croft memorabilia.

Example: Pizza boxes crunched as he forced open the door.

He sniffed the air: rarely washed t-shirts, disappointment, and that strange minestrone soup smell.

His canary fainted. This was pure nerdlode.

@nerdly:= Nerdy, but in a respectable and admirable way.

Example: Adam's really great in science. He's a real nerdly guy.

@nerdvana:= The infinite bliss of technical perfection.

Example: On configuring the final router, I reached nerdvana.

@nerf:= In motor racing, when one car bumps another without it being severe enough to be called a crash.

Example: ...and that was Villeneuve nerfing Frentzen off the track.

@nerf:= When something that was not intended (and being used as an exploit) in a computer game

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006