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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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2. Using gobs of action verbs (reserved usage for snooty writing groups).

Example: Even Train! can be verbaceous if it's the last thing your character ever screams.

@verbicide:= An act of word destruction; i. e., a word ceases to exist or loses meaning due to the act

of an inividual. For example, some would consider the act of verbing to be verbicidal.

Example: Valley girls haved used the word like so inappropriately for so long that I would

like to charge them with verbicide.

@verbing:= The act of transforming a regular noun into a non-existent verb form.

Example: Our manager said we should work on price-pointing and gold-tagging tonight. Oh, I see she's been verbing again.

@verbology:= The study, science, or practice of creating new words.

Example: I decided to utilize my verbology skills, so I logged on to pseudodictionary.com.

@Vernacular of the Vacuous:= Vocabulary used in the practice of pretending like you do not know how to do


Generally designed to have a more capable person present take over the entire project.

Can be used to great effect around control freaks.

i.e. “I don’t have a head for numbers.”

“Which end of the hammer do you use?”

Example: It was easier to do all of Kelly’s homework than to listen to her vernacular of the vacuous

about math being hard.

@verschnergen:= a thingummy-bob, a whatsit, a little thingy.

Example: When you roll over a menu item, a verschnurgen pops out, so ya know where ya are!

@verse vica:= Like vice versa, only the other way around. (See visa versa, too.)

Example: Should we eat first and then shop, or verse vica?

@version:= Used for a person who frequently distorts the truth and reality in order to sound cool.

It's almost as though he makes his own version of events.

Example: J. Chris reckons he downed a bottle of vodka last night.

R. Yeah, he truly is a version, isn't he.

@Versioned:= Reffers to a task that one was doing to their satsifaction on the computer. After a software upgrade, they can no longer perform the task to their satisfaction. They have been versioned

Example: I was printing my widget reports just fine until I got versioned. Now my noun has become a verb.

@vertexulate:= the rate at which an androgenous person visually changes from appearing feminine to masculine in a continous cycle

Example: my friend vertexulates at such a high rate in a bar, people of both sexes will buy her drinks.

@vertically challenged:= a short person

Example: She's so vertically challenged she uses a step-stool to get in and out of her car.

@veter:= When you get better, then worse, then better, then worse, then better....

Example: I hate going through veter.

@vexeleration:= Excessive gunning of a car engine by a motorist who has just gotten out from behind a slow or otherwise annoying driver, chiefly as a message to the offending slowpoke.

Example: Mabel cheerfully went about her errands in her 1965 Rambler. She was oblivious to the tuned-up Hondas roaring by, vexelerators pressed to the floor.

@vexsome:= someone superficially appealing but ultimately a major problem for anyone who gets to know the person, i.e. initially winsome but ultimately vexatious

Example: Many powerful people you meet in a new job turn out to be vexsome

@Vhialthe:= (vee-all-the) n. (Spotspeak) Vhialthe is the greatest possible typo for chocolate.

Example: Spot likes vhialthe in great quantities.

@viagravate:= 1. To annoy with too much desire for sex.

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006