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Словари - 2006 / словарь.doc
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I am goin' to open up a serious can of whup-ass on your head. The Duke: So, block me.

@pseudodictinquiry:= An inquiry sent to the Pseudodictionary.

Example: Naomi realized she had forgotten to give credit where it was due for a word she submitted.

To avoid getting barbecued, she sent a pseudodictinquiry asking that her entry be edited.

@pseudodiction:= The use of words from the pseudodictionary in your writing to enhance the composition.

Example: Nice pseudodiction--it made your report very colloquial.

@pseudodictionary:= A place to discover new words or to bring new words into being.


Slim. What the heck's a moofie?

Bob. Search for it at pseudodictionary.

@pseudodoctrinati:= Persons whose made up words get added to the pseudodictionary.

Example: Should the pseudodictionary change its policy and opt for elitism rather than egalitarianism, then the pseudodoctrinati might become a subset of the literati.

@pseudodork:= Actually pretty much the same as dork, but specifically reserved for a person who goes around abusing words he got off this site. Mistakenly has high self-esteem, due only to his awareness of pseudodictionary.com.

Example: Quit trying to baffelgab me with that pseudodork talk of yours.

@pseudojudo:= The art of creating new words for the pseudodictionary.

Example: I fried my brain with pseudojudo thinking up new words for the pseudodictionary.

@pseudoklepto:= Someone who steals things with the intention of returning them later.

Example: Brian stole my pencil, then gave it back an hour later. He's a pseudoklepto.

@pseudold-school:= A new design, like the VW New Beetle, that is a modern take on something that was made back in the day.

Example: I just love your Powerpuff Girls pseudold-school ringer t-shirt.

@pseudolebrity:= Someone who only thinks she is famous.

Example: The Corner Bar band's lead singer acted like a pseudolebrity, waving to his fans.

@pseudolosophy:= The paradigm of philosophy in which the practicioner actually knows nothing of the sujbect.

The pretense that one knows or actually understands one or more important questions about life.

Example: He's not much of an intellectual, but at 6:00 he's all about some pseudolosophy.

@pseudoneologists:= People who do not put much effort in their construction of words for pseudodictionary.com.

Example: Virgio submitted the word pseudoneologist and is thus a pseudoneologist.

@pseudonomenclature:= The property possesed by a person whose name rhymes with a description of her personality.

Example: I know a person I don't like--Paul Blackhead, which is also his pseudonomenclature.

Phillip Anchors has a pseudonomenclature, also.

@pseudonumb:= How your brain feels after looking through this site for more than three hours at a time.

Example: Hey, Bill, what's another name for a pseudonym?

Dunno, Ben, I've been looking at this site for so long my mind's gone completely pseudonumb!

@pseudopodophobia:= Pseudopod, from the Greek pseudes (false) pod (foot).

Add to it phobia--an intense, irrational, unrealistic fear of an object, an event, or a feeling.

The result is a fear of false feet...in my case, fear of overly large feet - platform shoes. :-)

Example: Man, those shoes are causing my pseudopodophobia to act up again...keep her away from me!

@pseudorigami:= A term used in hindsight to rationalize a failed origami experiment as anything but worthless scrap.

Example: Kevin refused to admit failure as he presented his pseudorigami to his unimpressed friends.

@pseudoroom:= Of or pertaining to a virtual enclosure,

usually designated as a space for presenting digital media works.

Example: I downloaded numerous icons and fonts during my brief tenure in the pseudoroom,

and now I'm sorry to be leaving for the night.

@pseudoselfpromotion:= When somebody uses a website she [See her.] created (called pseudodictionary) to try and get people to vote

for a t-shirt she [See her.] designed.

Often followed by boring articles that attack President Bush and mentions (sic) there (sic)site.

Example: See right column, main page. [ED.

Beau failed to use his word in his example.

Despite that shortcoming, the word was added to the pseudodictionary.

We're way too cool to reject a word because it's critical of us.

Besides, we might see endless complaints about censorship if we rejected them.

C'mon, Beau.

Take another whack at us, if you dare. We can take it.] [Supposedly, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt

was President he got into an argument with the publisher William Randolph Hearst.

When their war of words was finally over, he was asked if he had learned anything.

He responded, I learned not to argue with people who buy their ink by the barrel.

Also attributed to Mark Twain as I never argue with people who buy their ink by the barrel

and Never pick fights with people who buy their ink by the barrel.

Added by Alan C. Page (NFL Hall of Famer and Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court)

Соседние файлы в папке Словари - 2006