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        1. Match the words making as many meaningful combinations as possible:



to keep


to educate


to assess


to fulfill






to man


to maximize

to monitor

        1. Make your own sentences using the words from a) the list of words; b) Exercise 1, c) Exercise

        2. Answer the following questions using the material of the previous text section where necessary:

  1. Explain the idea of hierarchical supervision in a bureaucratic organization.

  2. In what way can organization be considered immortal?

  3. How do the stated missions help organizations perform their tasks?

  4. What can be viewed as rational within an organization?

  5. When do people begin to feel the need for bureaucracy?

  6. What characteristics must people possess, to make a bureaucracy function properly?

  7. Why, do you think, were the several institutions not organizationally separate during many historic periods and in many societies?

  8. Do you agree that armies may well have been the first social systems to possess all of bureaucratic characteristics? Provide arguments for or against, depending on your opinion.

        1. Give the main idea of the text.

Section VI.4. Later historical development of bureaucracy (p. 103 – p.105)




competition (ch. 4, # 3)


economic monopolies

holding companies








to handle smth.

to foster smth.

to subsidize smb./ smth.

to highlight smth.


social operation

the realm of

impetus to

emphasis upon

to compete with smb.

to contribute to smth.

stimuli to change

to run one's course

stable political systems

accomodating political systems

business concerns

strong central government

shares of enterprise

(it) cannot be overemphasized

to urge smb. to do smth.

to place a positive value upon

to meet the competition

mass organization of production

double-entry bookkeeping

the quality of life

except for smth.

to have a profound effect on smth.

Commentaries and notes:

Protestant Reformation - The religious revolution that took place in Western Church in the 16th century, its greatest leaders were Martin Luther and John Calvin. Having far-reaching political, economic, and social effects, the R. became the basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity. Luther insisted (in his 95 theses) that the Pope had no authority over purgatory and that the doctrine of merits of the saints had no foundation in the gospel. Scripture alone is authoritative and justification is by faith, not by works. In 1521 Luther was excommunicated. The R. spread to other European countries in the course of the 16th century. By mid-century, Lutheranism dominated northern Europe. Other main trends of Protestantism, initiated in the 16th century: Zwingli's Christian theocracy (Zurich), Anabaptism (Switzerland), Calvinism (Switzerland), Presbyterianism (Scotland).

Parareligious motives - the meanings of the prefix para-: beside; alongside of; beyond; aside from.

The trends 1| | that began with the Industrial Revolution 3| | are still running 2 their course. (p. 102) - 1) подлежащее, 2) сказуемое, 3) определение к подлежащему, выраженное придаточным предложением (см. Грамматика: раздел "Эмфатические конструкции")

The time period 1 involved 2 is roughly 3 ... (p. 102) - 1) подлежащее, 2) сказуемое, 3) определение к подлежащему, выраженное пассивным причастием (см. Грамматика: раздел "Герундий - Причастие").

The efficient use of machinery 1| | driven by the water wheel... 3| | requires 2| | that many machines be located together 4. (p. 103) - 1) подлежащее, 2) сказуемое, 3) определение к дополнению "machinery", выраженное пассивным причастием с зависимыми словами (см. Грамматика: раздел "Герундий - Причастие"), 4) придаточное условное предложение, которое вводится сказуемым главного предложения (см. Грамматика: раздел "Условные предложения" - сослагательное наклонение).

This development simply validated... 1| | what had already become... 2| (p. 103) - 1) сказуемое главного предложения, 2) дополнение к сказуемому, выраженное придаточным предложением (см. Грамматика: раздел "Эмфатические конструкции").

Whether 1 they are... routines in a hospital,... activities in a factory,| | or what have you, 2| | they are fundamental to the organization's being 3. (p. 104) - 1) союз, вводящий косвенный вопрос (см. Section 2), 2) риторический оборот, вариант перевода: "...все, что угодно...", 3) отглагольное существительное.

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