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        1. Find English equivalents for:

данные, престиж, элита, значительный, модель, бесконечный, эффективность, продуктивность, потребитель, социальное взаимодействие, человеческие потребности, успешная конкуренция, подчеркивание (выделение), сводя их к логическому минимуму,

тип построенный таким образом, отражать реальность, преувеличение, шкала, возвращаясь прямо сейчас к нашей дискуссии, как показано на рисунке, возникает вопрос, располагаться ближе к середине шкалы, смешанные типы, печальная (горькая) правда, ясность, каталогизировать что-либо, быть обреченным на провал, гипотетический, биполярный, эффективность, неодобрение, работать лучше, достигать большего, отрицательное воздействие, враждебность, нежелательные последствия.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What does the term “competition” mean?

  2. How is an ideal type constructed?

  3. What is the use of constructing ideal types for social science?

  4. What do unimodal and bimodal distribution models show?

  5. Why hasn’t much been done to assess the respective roles of cooperation and competition in human societies?

  6. What do social scientists do instead of trying to classify whole societies as basically competitive or cooperative?

  7. Indicate how social approval and disapproval attach to the process of competition?

  8. What is meant by “bimodal distribution”?

  9. What is the meaning of the term “pure exclusive competition”?

  10. What is meant by “negative effects of competition”?

        1. Translate into Russian and paraphrase the following sentence taken from the text:

  1. Competition grows out of the fact that human needs and desires appear to be insatiable and the goods, prestige and perquisites that are the rewards for successful competition always are in short supply.

  2. An ideal type is a form of concept that is constructed by taking one or more characteristics of a phenomenon and accentuating those characteristics to their logical maximum or reducing them to their logical minimum.

  3. This often is done by taken a pair of ideal types and letting them represent the ends of a continuum or scale.

  4. Instead of engaging in what likely would be endless and not very productive efforts to classify whole societies as basically competitive or cooperative, sociologists have turned their energies to assessing the conditions and the effects of these social processes in more limited group settings.

  5. The competition of students for grades and of two production lines for output are examples.

  6. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that we do not know which pattern is more common in the world.

  7. In part this is because the task would be overwhelming.

  8. Whatever the specific categories recognized in any given society, there are always the ruling and the governed, the bosses and the workers, the elite and the common people, the well-to-do and the have-nots.

        1. Complete the sentences using the text:

  1. People everywhere…, for mates,…whether defined…cockle shells.

  2. Whatever the specific categories….the well-to-do… .

  3. Because the ends….are defined…but… .

  4. To return…, the situation…in Figure 4.

  5. The earlier comparison…. .

  6. In part, this is because… .

  7. One are…has been paid…of the family.

  8. But, at the same time…to be increasingly circumscribed.

  9. Specific negative…at least the following.

  10. Second,…and feeling of hostility.

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