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        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

анализировать данные, социальное поведение, социологическое исследование, дать определение чего-л., особое предпочтение, эмпирические данные, соглашаться с утверждениями, социальные изменения, установить контроль над, классифицировать знания, собирать информацию, увеличивать базу данных, накапливать знания, формулировать общие утверждения, получить подтверждения, ниспровергнуть принятые нормы, принимать ответственность, отказываться принимать ответственность, кабинетный ученый, разойтись во взглядах, достоверные данные, объективное (беспристрастное) исследование, угрожать чему-либо, защищать от предвзятого отношения, социологический опрос.

        1. Answer the questions on the text :

  1. What does sociology analyze? What is the main subject matter of the discipline?

  2. What definition of sociology is considered to be generally accepted?

  3. Who defines aims and goals of sociology?

  4. What are the purposes of sociological inquiry that most research sociologists agree upon?

  5. What another goal would a growing number of sociologists add to their field of study?

  6. What should sociological inquiry start with?

  7. How can a general explanation of relationship between classes of variables be achieved?

  8. What is referred to as sociological theory?

  9. How does the process of accumulating knowledge about society go on?

  10. What should be done to formulate general statements of the relationship discovered.

  11. What role does prediction play in sociological research?

  12. How is the accuracy of prediction confirmed?

  13. Why do some sociologists accept control as the third goal while others do not?

  14. Who was characterized as an ivory-tower scientist? When did the stereotype become popular?

  15. What tendency prevailed in social science when it was trying to separate itself from its roots in social philosophy?

  16. When was the trend of scientists’ assuming responsibility for the use of their findings set in sociology?

  17. How do value positions of scientists influence sociological inquiry?

  18. Is it possible to completely eliminate bias from research?

  19. How do sociologists help the society? What are their contributions to its development?

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