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        1. Find English equivalents for:

приспосабливаться к чему-либо, конфликтующие стороны, ограничивать соперничество, перемирие, обычная речь, прекратить конфликт, компромисс, получать что-то в ответ, посредник, незаинтересованная сторона, быть объективным, толерантность (терпимость), сосуществование, дружелюбие, суеверный, невежественный, заменить что-либо, пойти на компромисс, постоянный, решение,

        1. Answer the questions:

1. What does the term “accommodation” mean? Provide some examples.

2. How long can the process of accommodation last? What does it depend upon?

3. What are the forms of accommodation?

4. What is the difference between the compromises that arbitrators impose and superordination arrangements?

5. What is meant by the term ”mediator”?

  1. What forms of unequal compromise do you know?

  2. What is meant by the term “toleration”?

  3. What is the role of the mediator?

  4. What is meant by the term “assimilation”? Provide some examples.

        1. Translate into Russian and paraphrase the following sentences taken from the text:

1. The term “accommodation” refers to several sorts of working agreements between rivalrous groups that permit at least limited cooperation between them even though the issues dividing them remain unsettled.

2. Mediators are frequently used in labor-management negotiations where concessions can be made to a third party without the same “loss of face” that would be involved if they were made directly to the adversary.

3. That is, there may be elements of victory and defeat involved.

4. The final form of the accommodation to be described here is that of toleration.

5. The one way in which given conflicts between particular groups may be eliminated permanently is through the process of assimilation.

6. The assimilation of European immigrants in the United States was a dramatic and highly visible set of events and illustrates the process well.

        1. Complete the sentences using the text:

1. Because of the pain…., rivalrous situations…

2. Of the many forms that accommodation… .

3. The term truce… .is clear

4. In the event that negotiations… appear likely to break down… .

5. That is there may be… .

6. Superordination… either with … .

7. The history of each.. .

8. Gradually, they moved… .

        1. Insert prepositions using the text:

1. Or, as is more often the case, the initial accommodation agreed… … the parties may be part… the process…seeking solutions to the issues that divide them.

2. Mediation provides assistance..achieving a compromise and is not a form…accommodation itself.

3. The term, “truce”, is so commonly used …ordinary speech that its meaning probably is clear.

4. Wars traditionally have ended in superordination arrangements, …the losers being placed…a position…disadvantage…having their ability to carry…the conflict curtailed.

5. But…and large, the differences have disappeared and so has the conflict that was based…those differences.

6. The truce points… some sort…compromise which is a total or a partial solution to the issues that involves those parties making some concessions and receiving some …return.

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