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        1. Make your own sentences using a) the phrases from Exercise 1, b) the words from Exercise 2, c) the words from Exercise

        2. For the following words give the meanings different from those which are implied in the text:

roll, device, superior, to charge, division.

        1. Answer the following questions (* use them as material for discussion):

  1. What are the psychological consequences of creating the large-scale organization?

  2. What are the ways of establishing boundaries between the organization and its environment?

  3. Why does an organization need system rules? (What are the functions of the system rules in an organization?)

  4. How close can the real bureaucracies approach the ideal type in the terms of rationality? Give some reasons for the deviation of the real bureaucracies in the ideal type (if you spotted any).

        1. Give the main idea of the text.

Section VI.3. The origin and development of bureaucracy (p.102 – p.103)


value system (ch. 5, # 5)

population (ch. 2, # 9)

institution (ch. 1, # 12)


cause and effect











to permit smth.

to provide smth.

to matter

to control smth.

to allow smth.



moral superiority

to be faced with

to find worth in smth.

to fail to do smth.

to fulfill some conditions

social change

rapid change

profound change

to man a bureaucracy (an organization)

large complement of personnel

food production

production of smth. by less labor

military control

to result in smth.

in contrast to smth.

in turn

developments of this age

the chain of effect

to learn from one another

to be the blueprint for

organizational complexity

state religion

governmentally supported


to be the rule

to be the exception

Commentaries and notes:

...a people must be faced with tasks of a type and magnitude, where this superiority will be effective (p. 101) - Вариант перевода выделенных слов: " такого..., для которого...".

To start with, ... (p. 101) - риторический оборот; вариант перевода: "Прежде всего...".

Only when man began to induce..., did any society's population reach substantial numbers (p. 101) - эмфаза и инверсия сказуемого (см. Грамматика: раздел "Эмфатические конструкции"),

The first social systems 1| | that possessed all of the characteristics of bureaucracy 3| | may well have been armies 2. (p. 102) - 1) подлежащее, 2) сказуемое (вариант перевода may well: "вполне могли быть"), 3) определение к подлежащему, выраженное придаточным предложением (см. Грамматика: раздел "Эмфатические конструкции").

Out of this conflux grew bureaucracy... (p. 102) - инверсия сказуемого (см. Грамматика: раздел "Эмфатические конструкции").

... it continued almost unchanged from that point (p. 102) - определение к слову "it", выраженное пассивным причастием (см. Грамматика: раздел "Герундий - Причастие").


        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases:

to be faced with smth., organizational complexity, state religion, governmentally supported, church-sanctioned, to fulfill some conditions, to provide smth., to result in smth., to man an organization, to fail to do smth., to find worth in smth., in turn, to be the blueprint for smth.

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