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        1. Compose as many meaningful words as possible using the table:














        2. In the following list find the words with opposite meanings . Arrange them into pairs of antonyms :

appropriate, equal, precaution, rarity, ability, effective, facilitate, different, hazard, frequency, inadequate, incapacity, inefficient, complicate.

        1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. В измерении номинального уровня каждая величина представляет особую категорию.

  2. В измерении порядкового уровня величины размещаются в ранговом порядке: а больше в ; а в больше f . Из этого следует, что а также больше f ; хотя измерения порядкового уровня не дают указания на относительные удаленности между категориями.

  3. Измерения интервального уровня - продолжение переменных с порядковым уровнем, за исключением того, что расстояние между категориями зафиксированы и равны.

  4. Измерения пропорционального уровня используют реальные числа, а расстояния между категориями фиксированы, равны и пропорциональны. Ноль определен естественным образом и позволяет проводить пропорциональные сравнения.

  5. Большинство переменных в социальных науках имеет номинальный или порядковый характер, вследствие чего можно оперировать ограниченным числом тестов.

        1. Give definitions of the following terms. Use these terms in sentences of your own.

A variable, a scale, a quantitative variable, a qualitative variable, nominal measurement, ordinal measurement, interval measurement, ratio measurement.

        1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Which of the main measuring scales are more popular among the researchers? Can you justify your answer?

  2. Can you compare levels of quantification provided by the main types of measurement? Will you illustrate your answer using a diagram.

        1. Give the main idea of the text “Measurement”.

        2. Translate the following text into Russian

Measurement Levels. Data can be measured at different levels, on scales of measurement of different strengths. The lowest level is the nominal scale. In this, a score indicates simply to which group an individual datum belongs. For example, a population replying to an attitude survey might be divided into those replying 'yes' and 'no' to various questions, 'yes' being given the scale point I and 'no' point 2. The numbers denote categories and nothing else: those saying 'yes' could just as easily be numbered 2, while 2 carries no sense of being of a greater order of magnitude than 1. Indeed, the two categories could be given any other numbers.

The next level of measurement is the ordinal scale. In this, categories are arranged in a hierarchy. For example, attitude surveys often use a technique of measuring attitudes know as the Likert scale, which asks respondents to indicate the strength of their agreement with certain statements according to the following ordi­nal categories: Strongly Disagree; Disagree; Uncertain; Agree; Strongly Agree. Each point is given a number, in this case I to 5. Replies are ordered and movement along the scale indicates an increasing or decreasing magnitude of agreement. Ordinal scales, however, do not allow measurement of the differences between categories: it is not possible to say that Strongly Agree indicates a feeling that differs from Agree by a precise amount.

Interval-level scales are also ordered, but have the additional property that the distances between points on the scale are uniform. Thus scores on an interval scale can be compared in terms of the distances between them as well as their order, since they represent equal units of measurement. Ratio measurement shares the properties of interval scales and in addition has an absolute zero point. The Centigrade scale for measuring temperature is an interval scale, because o° in fact refers to the amount of heat available at the freezing point of water and not to the absence of heat. The Kelvin scale, however, is based on ratio measurement because o° here represents an absolute zero at which no heat is present. Measurement at the interval and ratio levels is metric, while nominal and ordinal levels are non-metric.

Measurement levels are important because they influence the sorts of statistical techniques that can be used in the analysis of research data. At the nominal level, there is a restricted range of techniques based on frequencies or counting, such as the mode, chi-squared test (q.v.), contingency tables and cross tabulation (q.v.). Ordinal-level measurement is appropriate for the full range of non-parametric (q.v.) statistics. Interval and ratio levels allow all statistical techniques to be employed.

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