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Commentaries and notes:

  1. Amish community – a group of people who follow a branch of the Christian religion which has many rules about behaviour e.g. they must wear a certain kind of clothing and must not use machinery. They live mainly in the American states of Pensylvania and Ohio. The Amish have often gone to court to protect their religions way of life. The Amish – мормоны.

  2. delinquent youth – преступная молодежь.

  3. to be prone to smth. – быть склонным к … , иметь склонность к … .

  4. occupational groups – профессиональные группы, группы по профессиям.

  5. to be exposed to values of occupational success – зд. видеть ценность профессионального успеха.

  6. yet – can be used in the following ways: 1) as an adverb (наречие) in interrogative and negative sentences and then it is translated as “еще”, “уже”, “еще не” (I haven’t seen him yet <еще>. Have you had your lunch yet <уже>. He hasn’t come yet <еще не>). 2) as a conjunction (союз) when it connects two words, phrases or clauses and then it is translated as “однако”. (The weather was cold, yet bright and sunny. Her advice seems strange, yet I believe she’s right. The novel is 800 pages long. Yet I read it more quickly than many shorter books).

  7. to be referred to as – называться.

  8. quasi-legal (activities) – in some ways, partly, pseudo.


        1. Find Russian equivalents for:

to assume; to approximate; the acguisition of material goods; special way of life; presumably; modifiers; rudiments; frustration; specific culture; to reject; to replace; to approve/disapprove of … ; conformity; to perpetuate; to earn one’s living through quasi-legal activities; to meet the criterion; communal living groups; to find solace in smth.

        1. Find English equivalents for:

господствующие ценности; приобретение материальных благ; преступная молодежь; находить утешение (выход); совместно проживающие группы людей; основные ценности; социальное наследие человечества; особая культура; отвергать; со временем; быть ответом на … ; отвечать критерию; зарабатывать на жизнь незаконной или полузаконной деятельностью; культурные особенности; полигиния; находиться в прямом противоречии с … ; прожить жизнь; с полным осознанием чего-либо; заменить (сменить); неодобрить.

        1. Answer the questions:

  1. What may the term “culture” refer to?

  2. What does the term “culture”, used without any modifiers, refer to?

  3. What modifiers can be used and what do they imply?

  4. What universals in American society are supposed to be shared by all Americans?

  5. Are there any exceptions? If there are, give some examples.

  6. What is special about Amish communities?

  7. What does a subculture consist of and what does it represent?

  8. What term is often used to refer to distinct ways of life of occupational groups?

  9. How may the rudiments of a subculture be formed?

  10. Why cann’t we say that subcultures are completery separated from the larger cultures?

  11. How can the concept of subculture be most legitimately used?

  12. When did the concept of contraculture come into sociology?

  13. What kind of societies are prone to the development of contracultures? Provide some examples.

  14. What brought about contracultures? What can be seen as a reason for the emergence of contracultures?

  15. What are delinquent youth exposed to and what do they soon come to learn?

  16. What do they find solace in?

  17. What is loyalty to the larger society replaced with in the gang?

  18. Why can’t we say that contracultures are completely separated from the larger society?

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