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        1. What meaning does the suffix and prefix “en” add to the word? Use the following words to derive new ones (verbs) with this suffix or prefix and translate them into Russian:

sharp force

strength large

wide courage

short trust

loose rich

less slave

length danger

light able

like act

mad circle


        1. Give the opposites to the following words using the following prefixes: dis, ex, un, il, im, over, under, non, mis:

encourage, include, belief, similar, estimate, correctly, related to, precise, literate, material, distinctive, behaviour, agree, essential, use, definitly, separable, possible, experienced, steady, specific, likely, formal, typically, developed (societies), balance.

        1. Complete the following statements using the text:

  1. The concept of culture is so … that it is difficult … .

  2. The terms, society and culture, … .

  3. Societies … of people who … culture.

  4. The level of technological development in societies is related … language.

  5. We take this position because … and … in a society are not … .

  6. All learned behaviour patterns are widely … members.

  7. Social scientists generally agree that the essence … culture.

  8. Although material object … to some degree, there is always … .

  9. The social scientists who argue that material object should not be … do so … above.

  10. Societies … not only in language … but also in the level … and in … that they produce.

        1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Paraphrase them paying attention to the underlined word combinations:

  1. Culture, as we conceive of it, does not refer to just the cultivated prestigious patterns of upper-class groups in a society: our use of the term does not focus upon art or music or manners.

  2. Culture refers to the vast store of learned behaviour that has been passed down through the generations and which, increasingly, has differentiated the human way of life from that of other animal species.

  3. Without such a definition this concept is likely to remain too vague and imprecise, while a formal definition will help to sharpen our usage of the term and can be expanded to encourage fuller understanding.

  4. In some societies, such as the United States, the level of technological developments is so high as to have itself become a major causal factor in the process of social change.

        1. Translate into English without using the text:

  1. Передаются ли из поколения в поколение усвоенные образцы поведения, распространенные среди членов данного общества?

  2. Можно ли утверждать, что всеобъемлющую концепцию культуры трудно передать в одном определении?

  3. Определение культуры включает в себя усвоенное поведение (ценности, нормы и язык) а также полученные в результате этого материальные артефакты, которые составляют образ жизни членов общества.

  4. Подпадают ли материальные предметы под концепцию культуры?

  5. Материальные предметы являются продуктом культуры, а не самой культурой, и к ним относится термин “материальная культура”, не так ли?

  6. Как можно проследить развитие культуры до возникновения письменности? Можно ли это сделать только по сохранившимся материальным предметам или также по каким-либо другим доказательствам?

        1. Translate from English into Russian the definition of “beliefs” given in the Glossary and from Russian into English the definition of “религиозная вера”. Compare the two definitions and comment on it.

        1. Give the main idea of the texts “Definition of culture” and “Material culture and nonmaterial culture”.

Section V.4. The problem of cultural lag (p.80 – p.83)


to evaluate

to predict

to fluctuate

to compete

to stem from

to subordinate

to facilitate

to lack

to envision = зд. to see

to premise [pri´maiz] – предпосылать

´premise – предпосылка












to be responsible for

in addition to

the rate of invention

a matter of taste

to put emphasis on

to receive most emphasis

generally agreed-upon standards of efficiency

to measure something against some standards

to make adjustments

at great distances

parental observation

to resolve the issue

fads and fashions

to keep current with smth./smb.

among other things

at one and the same time

to be under continuous observation

reciprocal relationship

to upset a balance

as the discussion implies

requirements of this century

to accept the premises

to fluctuate unevenly

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