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        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

цели организации, регулярно взаимодействовать, сумма частей, усугублять что-либо, иметь в виду какую-либо цель, поддерживать мир, способы принятия решений, поведение в организации, применять к чему-либо, брать (что-либо) в отрыве от контекста (вырывать из контекста), продолжительность жизни, отдавать предпочтение (приоритет) чему-либо перед чем-либо, служить в качестве чего-либо, обучать кого-либо, оценивать что-либо, отслеживать что-либо (наблюдать за чем-либо), способы действия, список, прием (способ), быть интегрированным с чем-либо (входить составной частью во что-либо), иерархический, откровение, иметь поручение сделать что-либо, выживание, результат, начальник, границы системы, мораль, под прикрытием (покровительством) данной системы, подчиненный, расследовать (выяснять, исследовать) что-либо, разрабатывать что-либо, внедряться куда-либо (о технологии, напр,).

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What does the "large size" of a bureaucracy mean in practice?

  2. What is meant under the terms of "clear-cut membership" and "system boundaries" (of organization)?

  3. How does division of labor manifest itself in an organization?

  4. What kind of rules constitute the organizational system of rules?

  5. What is the function of the hierarchical structure in an organization?

  6. How do the multiple levels of supervision work?

  7. What is meant under "immortality" of a bureaucracy?

  8. What is a bureaucratic (organizational) mission? Provide some examples.

  9. What is the nature of rationality in an organization?

        1. a) Give the English definitions for the following terms (using glossary) and translate those definitions into Russian. Compare your translations with the Russian definitions in the glossary:

division of labor, culture, organization, socialization, bureaucracy.

b) Give the Russian definitions for the following terms (using glossary) and translate those definitions in English. Compare your translations with the English definitions in the glossary:

бюрократия, культура, разделение труда, социализация, организация.

        1. Compose as many meaningful phrasal verbs as possible using the following verbs and propositions, translate them and find the one-word synonyms (if there are any):













        2. Complete the following sentences:

organizational behavior, to monitor, legitimacy, to apply to, to abolish, to be charged with, to assess, revelation, (to be) involved in, the sum of parts, to keep the peace.

  1. It is a well-known principle of the system theory that a system is never equal to .... .

  2. I think, the rule does not .... this case.

  3. He already wished he had not got .... ... this enterprise.

  4. It was you, not me, who was... .. task. So, I don't want to be involved in this.

  5. Sociologists observed the features of .... ... within several departments of the corporation.

  6. The constitution does not recognize the .... of such a procedure.

  7. We need to .... the situation, before making a decision.

  8. The mission of the police department was to... .. in that district.

  9. The head of the department used to closely .... the performance of the employees.

  10. I never heard before that he had been there on a .... exactly during the wartime. It was kind of ... for me.

  11. Slavery was officially ... in the United States in 1861.

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