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        1. Answer the questions:

1. What distinguishes language from other means of communications?

2. In what sense can language be called a form of behavior?

3. How would you define the term “concept”?

4. How do concepts help us in being flexible when we communicate?

        1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Of the six characteristics, perhaps the only one that requires clarification is the description of language as vocal.

2. The uniqueness of language as a form of communication is further emphasized by Lindesmith and Strauss who have pointed out three characteristics of language symbols that distinguish them from other symbols or signs.

3. Second, language symbols are inherently social; that is, their meanings must be shared if effective communication is to take place.

4. Speech is often said to be the most primitive and ancient form of language behavior, but speech is meaningless unless it is addressed to an understanding listener.

5. Hence, we may say that conversation is the essential and original form of lan­guage, noting not only that language behavior originates in cooperative social action but that it is such action.

6. It is vital to a group's very existence and has a profound influence upon the development and maintenance of the human personality.

7. This process is so common that we are not usually conscious of it when we do it. It is also essential for communication for, without it, communication would be exceedingly complex and inefficient.

8. We use abstract symbols to group things together, to distinguish one type of object from another and, ultimately, to see the world as orderly.

9. They provide him with the flexibil­ity to see connections among things in ways that otherwise would be im­possible.

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