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        1. Match the words with their definitions:

          1. perceive

          a) a question intended to get information about someone or something

          2. emphasize

          b) to say what you think will happen in the future

          3. inquiry

          c) to believe that something is true even though you have no proof

          4. predict

          d) as a result of

          5. assume

          e) special skill or knowledge that you get from experience, training or study

          6. confirm

          f) to give particular importance to something

          7. bias

          g) to understand smth. Or to come to a particular opinion about it by studying, observing, reading.

          8. by virtue of

          h) to prove that something is true

          9. expertise

          i) a tendency to show prejudice against one group and favouritism towards another

        2. Make up all possible meaningful word- combinations matching the words from the left and right columns:

          1. rational

          a) facts

          2. evaluate

          b) company

          3. undergo

          c) responsibility

          4. sociological

          d) established beliefs

          5. trustworthy

          e) scientist

          6. explanatory

          f) statement

          7. ivory-tower

          g) findings

          8. subvert

          h) modification

          9. disclaim

          i) model

          10. part

          j) inquiry

        3. Translate the following sentences from the text. Paraphrase them:

  1. What sociologists perceive the goals of their study to be is closely related to how they define their discipline.

  2. Although their specific preferences may vary slightly, virtually – all sociologists would readily accept this definition of sociology.

  3. If the statement holds up in subsequent investigations, the likelihood grows that a general relationship may have been discovered.

  4. This is where prediction comes in.

  5. This being so, how are we to know , when the store of existing knowledge is adequate.

  6. It was during this period that the stereotype of the ivory-tower scientist became popular.

  7. They agree further that bias must be constantly guarded against.

  8. One group argues that the only way in which bias may be eliminated from research is for researchers completely to disclaim responsibility for how their findings are used.

        1. Complete the following sentences using the text:

  1. Although their specific word preferences may … slightly, virtually all sociologists would readily …our definition of sociology.

  2. Most research sociologists … … two purposes of their study.

  3. Others – a growing number – would add a third …

  4. The general explanatory statements themselves are … … as sociological theory.

  5. If the relationship holds up in subsequent investigations, … grows that a general relationship may have been discovered.

  6. There is always the possibility that the relationship observed in the countries studied will not … … the next one.

        1. Word- formation.

The adjective “ worthy” combines with nouns to form complex adjectives. Adjectives formed in this way describe people or things that deserve or merit whatever the nouns refer to.

Form adjectives from the following nouns and translate them into Russian :

Trust, respect, credit, applause , praise, award, headline.

        1. Compose as many meaningful words as possible using the table:












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