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        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

Управление, существенный, ремесло, происхождение, персонал (штат сотрудников), быстрая перемена (быстрое изменение), глубокое изменение (глубокая перемена), удовлетворять каким-либо условиям, не суметь сделать что-либо (потерпеть неудачу в чем-либо), столкнуться лицом к лицу с чем-либо (оказаться перед лицом чего-либо), разрешенный (дозволенный) церковью, быть исключением, быть правилом, сложность организации, государственная религия, укомплектовывать штат бюрократического учреждения (организации), производство продуктов питания, в отличие от чего-либо (в противоположность чему-либо), в свою очередь, привести к чему-либо (кончиться чем-либо), цепочка следствий, нравственное (моральное) превосходство, быть наброском (планом, проектом) чего-либо.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What is the decisive reason for the development of bureaucratic organization?

  2. What makes people recognize the superiority (advantages) of a bureaucratic organization?

  3. Why have some ancient and modern societies not developed bureaucratic systems?

  4. How does the state of food production influence a society's population?

  5. What economic and demographic conditions heralded the possibility of bureaucratic organization?

  6. What result does farming help achieve in food production, in contrast to hunting and gathering?

  7. How does this situation influence the state of crafts, governance and religion?

  8. In what way do the components of the complex division of labor accommodate one another?

  9. What helps historians reconstruct the appearance of ancient bureaucratic system?

  10. How did the organizational features spread in a society?

  11. What organizational characteristic was peculiar to an early bureaucracy?

        1. Transform the following words using the suffixes from the right column and translate them (Which of the words are used in the text?):

to introduce

- ision


- ity

to fulfill

- tion


- ure

to develop

- ment

to produce


- ical

to provide

to decide


to fail

        1. Match the definitions with the following terms:

value system, population, specialization, socialization, bureaucracy

  1. The aggregate of individuals or units from which a sample is drawn, and to which the results of any analysis are to apply.

  1. The system of standards used by members of society to judge behavior and to choose among various possible goals.

  1. The process by which we learn to become members of society, the essential part of it is our learning to perform our social roles.

  1. A body of administrative officials, and the procedures and tasks involved in particular system of administration, for example, a state of formal organization.

5) Means of communication in the form of large-scale organizations which communicate with large number of people through the use of relevant technologies.

        1. Complete the following sentences (using also some lexical patterns from Section 2):

to be oriented to a goal, to learn from one another, personnel, a blueprint for, to permit to do smth., rapid change, to fail to do smth., to interact regularly, craft, to fulfill the conditions, to result in, military control, to inquire into

  1. We have just started working over the project and what you are reading is only a... .. it.

  2. I don't think this organization ... all the necessary... We should look for another partner.

  3. I have not been here for two years and I don't recognize the city. I never saw such a... .. before.

  4. He believes the government will try to establish... .. over this region.

  5. All the ... of the company gathered in front of the building.

  6. Even after 6 years of learning he could not master that...

  7. The resources did not ... to organize food production in the area.

  8. It is the first time we are faced with this problem, so we need to ... ... it.

  9. People from these tribes were able to... .., which allowed them to... .....

  10. I could not understand whether the actions of that group were... .. any ..., so I kept watching them.

  11. A three-month work did not... .. any outcome.

  12. Many societies of the past, and some societies today, ... to fulfill the conditions for institution and elaboration of bureaucratic systems.

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