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        1. Find Russian equivalents for:

to trace the development of culture; all-embracing concept; on grounds similar to the above; to be related to; literate society; interrelated habit system; as we conceive of it (culture); to differenciate; to focuse upon something; by now; learned behaviour; to encourage fuller understanding; to view sociologically; refinement of material artifacts; nevertheless; beliefs; frequently; ownership; vague.

        1. Find English equivalents for:

по крайней мере; в какой-то степени; раньше или позже; усовершенствование материальных артефактов; человеческий опыт; огромная база усвоенного поведения; скорее чем; на тех же основаниях; занимать какую-то позицию; всеохватывающая концепция; взаимосвязанная система обычаев (привычек); образованные общества; в узком смысле; иметь отношение к … ; оценивать; владеть; неясный (расплывчатый); конкретный.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What definition of culture do we find in the text?

  2. When did culture, as sociologists conceive of it, originate and what does it refer to?

  3. How many different human societies have existed in the world according to anthropologists estimates and what have most of them developed?

  4. What can encourage fuller understanding of the term culture?

  5. What do social scientists generally agree upon as to the essence of culture? And what do they mean by learned behaviour patterns?

  6. What should not be included within the definition of culture? Why not?

  7. Can nonmaterial culture be transmitted from generation to generation without loss? What happens to material objects when they are transmitted from an individual or a group to persons in the next generation?

  8. Why do some sociologists think that material objects may be included within the definition of culture and referred to by the term material culture?

  9. When did written language start developing?

  10. What makes it possible for us (enables us) to trace the development of culture?

  11. What do societies differ in?

  12. What societies generally have a much higher level of technological development?

        1. Match the words from the left column with their definitions on the right:

  1. to trace

a. to provide conditions that help something to happen, to give someone confidence or hope

  1. to convey

b. to see or show a difference between things, to be the quality or fact that makes one thing defferent from another

  1. to encourage

c. to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly, to give official information or a formal message to someone

  1. to compose

d. to say what you think an amount or value will be, either by guessing or by using available information to calculate it

  1. to argue

e. to deliberately prevent someone or something from being involved in an activity or from entering a place

  1. to estimate

f. to describe what happened in a long process or serious of events

  1. to exclude

g. to arrange the part of something (such as a photograph, a painting or a piece of music) in order to get a particular object

  1. to differentiate

h. to discuss something with someone who has a different opinion from you, to give reasons why you believe that something is right or true

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