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        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases:

to amend constitutional provisions, the bloodless dismissal of government, civil servants, to make smb. accountable for smth., to get rid of smth., in theory, to change constitutional provisions, to put the problem, to constitute a state, uncivil, ultimate ruler, to make a bad use of smth., so-called, to abandon smth., jokingly, to provide for a change, to persuade smb. of smth., to cause harm.

        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

теоретически, государственные служащие, бескровное смещение правительства, сделать кого-либо ответственным за что-либо, избавиться от чего-либо, так называемый, кровопролитие, невоспитанный (грубый), подчеркнуто (наречие), верховный правитель, формулировать (излагать) проблему, быть существенным, вносить поправки в положения конституции, убеждать кого-либо в чем-либо, избегать чего-либо, причинять ущерб, изменять положения конституции, в шутку (шутя), парадокс(ы).

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What is the new problem that should be recognised as the fundamental problem of a rational political theory, according to K. Popper?

  2. What is the main difference of this new problem from the old one?

  3. Why can the modern democracies be regarded as good examples of practical solutions to this new problem?

  4. What ideology does Popper consider to be completely impractical, in regard to politics?

  5. Who actually rules in a state, according to Popper?

  6. How is Popper's theory related to the practice of western democracies, in his own view?

  7. What does Popper's theory postulate, in the first place?

  8. What problem of the old theory does Popper's theory easily avoid, in his opinion?

  9. What do most constitutions require to amend or change constitutional provisions?

  10. What is the new and practical problem of politics, as suggested by K. Popper?

  11. What is good about the majority vote, in Popper's view?

  12. What did Winston Churchill once say about democracy?

  13. What are the political alternatives to democracy, known to us, according to Popper?

  14. What is the political choice, suggested by Popper, based upon?

  15. What is the sufficient basis for deciding in favour of democracy, in Popper's view?

        1. A) Give the English definitions for the following terms (using a special dictionary) and translate those definitions into Russian:

constitutional provisions, qualified majority, unqualified majority, proportional representation, natural right, electorate, constitutional status, constituency

  1. Give the Russian definitions for the following terms (using a special dictionary) and translate those definitions into English:

положения конституции, квалифицированное большинство, неквалифицированное большинство, пропорциональное представительство, естественное право, электорат, конституционный статус, избирательный округ

  1. Compare the results you obtained in (a) and (b).

        1. Translate the following sentences. Paraphrase them, using synonyms or syntactic constructions with a similar meaning:

  1. Royal legitimacy was no longer a reliable principle, nor was the rule of the people.

  2. And even those who rejected the state altogether, in the name of freedom, could not free themselves from the fetters of the misconceived old problem; for they called themselves anarchists - that is, opponents of all forms of rule.

  3. For they all adopt what is simplest solution to the new problem - that is, the principle that the government can be dismissed by a majority vote.

  4. In theory, however, these modern democracies are still based on the old problem, and on the completely impractical ideology that it is the people, the whole adult population, who are, or should by rights be, the real and ultimate and the only legitimate rulers.

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