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        1. Find Russian equivalents for:

the totality of the learned behaviors; the products of learned behaviour; under the rubric of learned behaviour; the whole store of human knowledge and creativity; to acquire knowledge; to conceive; to deal with; persecution; cultural alternatives; occupational groups; modes of behaviour; to be binding upon smb.; specialties; appropriate norms; so far; unlike smth./smb.; general public; discrepancy; depravity of man; inconsistencies; arbitrarily; the level of abstraction or generality of a discussion; to organize culture traits into larger wholes; segments of a society; to dissect smth. into its component parts; to vary by age, sex and occupation; by virtue of; to be justifified in doing smth.; creativity; complex culture; to apply to; medical care; identification; to range from … to; at all.

        1. Find English equivalents for:

элементы культуры; рассматриваемый вопрос; делить что-либо на значимые части; соблюдать обычаи; подобным же образом; в рубрике; произвольно (условно); благодаря (чему-либо); без исключения; разделение труда; сфера занятости; нормативная система; реальные (существующие) и идеальные образцы; быть обязательными для кого-то; особенности; соответствующие (подходящие) нормы; иметь дело с … ; в отличие от; общественность; порочность; в другой крайности; разделять взгляды с кем-либо; короче говоря; до сих пор (пока); культурные образцы; всякий раз когда (когда бы ни); культурные универсалии.

        1. Answer the questions:

  1. What does culture consist of and what does it include?

  2. Why do most social scientists believe the essence of culture lies in its nonmaterial aspects? How do they explain it?

  3. What other elements of culture besides the knowledge acquired in different ways are included within culture?

  4. What culture elements dealing with habits and customs are mentioned in the text?

  5. What is culture in brief?

  6. How are culture elements classified?

  7. How are the smallest units of culture defined and what do they form?

  8. What minimum and maximum number of related traits are necessary to organize culture traits into larger wholes? (Complex culture).

  9. When do we begin calling related traits culture patterns?

  10. What terms are useful in communicating about culture?

  11. What is the aim of discussion about culture?

  12. How can culture traits and culture complexes be classified? And how have social norms been classified?

  13. What does the term “universals” refer to?

  14. What are United States’ norms as far as the police persecution of blacks is concerned?

  15. What is not accepted by growing numbers of young people in U.S.?

  16. Give us the definition of cultural alternatives? Provide an example.

  17. What are cultural specialties and how do they vary? Provide some examples.

  18. By what means does culture promote order in a society?

  19. Are all norms binding upon all members of the society?

  20. What is permitted for some individuals and groups of the society?

        1. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Whenever the item under consideration cannot be devided into meaningful parts, we are dealing with culture traits. (If necessary consult “A Grammar Workbook” p. 270 – 271).

  2. Instead, they exist in relation to other traits, with which they form what are called culture complexes. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 272).

  3. To illustrate: the capitalist ethic may have been a universal in the United States only a generation or so ago but appears not to be accepted by growing members of young people. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 215, 179 – 180).

  4. The concept of specialties takes us one step further to norms that are neither universals nor are they equally available to all of the members of society.

  5. Most social scientists believe the essence of culture to lie in its nonmaterial aspects. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 179 – 180).

  6. Also included within culture are habits and customs of a people. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 267 – 269).

  7. Going to bed at 10.00 P.M. or 1:00 A.M. – in fact, using a bed at all – is an element of culture.

  8. At some point in this process where the number of related traits has become very large and has come to permeate many aspects of life, we generally stop referring to them as culture complexes and begin to call them culture patterns. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 203).

  9. Cultural alternatives are norms that offer to individuals a choice of behaviors, with the various possibilities being almost equally acceptable. (“A Grammar Workbook” p. 198 – 199).

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