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        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English words and phrases:

to be different from smth., dramatic decreases in child mortality rates, to emanate, rare instances, to be calculated at 30,000, merely, a sweeping set of social changes, the forms of social organization, in some respects, the average life span, to rebel against smb., the overall dissolution of a social order, dramatically, an expansion of cities, current concerns, to trace to, to be put at 90,000, social changes, at the heart of smth., increase in the number of people, humankind, the rise in life expectancy, virtually, massive social transformation, impact, pre-industrial societies, unwitnessed, cosmopolitan centres, to stand at 900,000, citizenry, manufacturing production, reductions in taxes, to be subject to, urbanised, to estimate, to remove smb. from power

        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases:

увеличение средней продолжительности жизни, ряд радикальных социальных изменений, снижение налогов, подлежать, приблизительно составлять, сущность, промышленный переворот, достигать, отстранить от власти, полный распад общественного строя, редкие случаи, насчитывать, городской, рост численности населения, отличаться от чего-либо, формы общественной организации, государство, грандиозное социальное изменение, в основе, восставать против кого-либо, средняя продолжительность жизни, значительное уменьшение коэффициента детской смертности, империя, превосходить, серийное производство, распространяться, рост городов, безвозвратно, в некотором отношении

        1. Answer the following questions on the text:

  1. What two great social changes of the eighteenth and nineteenth century can you name?

  2. In what way was the French Revolution of 1789 different from rebellions of previous times?

  3. What were the ideals of the revolutionaries and how did they influence the further course of history?

  4. How did the French Revolution affect the development of sociology?

  5. What major social processes were triggered off by the 'industrial revolution' of the late eighteenth century? Can you describe them?

  6. Comment on Table 1.1 showing the percentage of world's population living in cities. Complete your commentary with the examples from the text.

  7. What other phenomenon except industrialism and urbanism associated with the great social transformations can you describe?

  8. Speak on the origins of recent population growth. What was the situation prior to the last two centuries?

Comment on the following:

'For most of human history, there has been a general balance between birth and death rates.' How do you understand this statement? How was this balance achieved? Give arguments and examples proving your point of view.

        1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. to socialise with

  2. to create

  3. to outstrip

  4. to promote

  5. core

  6. to expand

  7. to mention

  8. to realise

  9. to be subject to

  10. index

  11. complexion

  12. merely

  13. virtually

  14. to remove from

  1. actually, in fact

  2. to be affected by smth unpleasant

  3. essence

  4. to dismiss, to eliminate

  5. to effect, to accomplish

  6. to design, to compose, to invent

  7. the general character or nature

  8. only, solely, just

  9. to support, to encourage, to give an incentive

  10. to spend time with other people in a friendly way

  11. to exceed

  12. feature

  13. to dilate, to enlarge, to increase

to cite, to refer, to adduce

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