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Section II.3. Populations and Samples (p.26 – p.29) Words:

universe n

sample n

arbitrarily adv

consequently adv

concept n

random adj

to estimate

to guard against

precaution n

to enlarge

to decrease

to increase

adult n

adolescent n

empirical adj

user n

to state

to restate

voter n

heterogeneous adj

homogeneous adj

feasible adj

to define

to redefine

to restrict

confidently adv

crucial adj

beyond prep

requirement n

to underlie

to resort


a feasible research

crucial facts

a concept of probability

random sampling

to estimate an error

heterogeneous population

probability sampling

to guard against

to take precautions

high school seniors

appropriate population

to yield findings

to select a sample

to complete a project

Commentaries and notes:

1. These advantages are not inconsiderable.

В этом предложении отрицательная форма сказуемого нейтрализует негативное значение префикса “in” в прилагательном “ inconsiderable”. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на действие этого лексического закона.

2. Simple formulas are available to show how much the size of a sample must be increased.

Существительное “formula” может образовать множественное число либо по правилам английского языка при помощи окончания “s”, либо при помощи окончания “e” по правилам латинского языка, из которого это слово заимствовано. Множественное число “formulae” чаще используется в научной литературе.

3. The size of a sample must be increased in order for the researcher to keep the known error in his data to a level that is acceptable in his project.

В этом предложении используется инфинитивный оборот, вводимый предлогом “for” (for-phrase). Определите, какую функцию этот оборот выполняет в данном предложении. Переведите предложение на русский язык. // О функциях и способах перевода инфинитивного оборота с предлогом читайте в II части учебника, “Grammar Workbook” pp. 175-176 //.


        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases.

a research enterprise, slum clearance program, to seek an answer, the empirical world, to vote Democratic, to be predictive of smth., to undertake a test, whatever the hypothesis, to conduct a research, random sampling, probability sampling, heterogeneous population, to yield findings, to take precautions, to evaluate findings, high school seniors, a feasible study, an efficient research, a principle underlying the research, sampling procedure, probability techniques, inconsiderable advantage, to depend heavily upon statistics, the adequacy of the sample, to introduce bias in a research, to guard against bias, representative samples, homogeneous population.

        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

генеральная совокупность, эффективное исследование, выборочная совокупность, репрезентативность выборки, структура выборки, единица генеральной совокупности, случайная выборка, вероятностная выборка, включать в выборку, значительные преимущества, размер выборки, горизонтальная ось, вертикальная ось, столкнуться с проблемой.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. Why is modern sociology defined as a research enterprise?

  2. What can be a subject matter of the sociological research? What is the link between the research and the empirical world?

  3. How is research project made up?

  4. What is considered to be a population or universe for the research?

  5. How is a population usually defined?

  6. What is a sample? Why is sociological research mainly based on samples?

  7. What is a basic principle underlying all sampling procedures?

  8. What role does the concept of probability play in the process of sample selecting?

  9. How can random sampling be defined?

  10. Why is it considered to be more preferable than other types of samples?

  11. Is random sampling often used in practice? Why not?

  12. What are the advantages of using probability techniques in selecting samples?

  13. What do probability techniques guard against in sample selection?

  14. What is the general relationship between the size of a probability sample and the amount of error? What does it depend on?

  15. Why would most researchers prefer using entire universes in their study?

  16. Why do they use samples in practice?

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