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        1. Write antonyms to the following words , using the negative prefixes : de, dis, in.

Complete the following sentences with the antonyms.

Increase, definite, dependence, encourage, organize

1. The population of the village has … by 150 from 650 to 500.

2. This researcher has rather … views on the question.

3. Several of these colonies have claimed and have been given … from the mother country.

4. The train service was … by fog.

5. Don’t let one failure … you , try again.

        1. Make up sentences of your own with the following verbs:

decrease, enlarge, include, redefine, restate.

        1. Find words with close meaning . Arrange them into pairs of synonyms.

arbitrary, precaution, to protect, to enlarge, a law to oneself, to restrict, a preventive attempt, to guard, to increase, to limit.

        1. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary.

  1. Выборочное обследование – одна из разновидностей эмпирического исследования.

  2. Некоторые эмпирические исследования могут осуществляться в форме сплошных обследований. Примером таких исследований служат общенациональные переписи и референдумы.

  3. Большинство социологических исследований имеет выборочный характер.

  4. Генеральная совокупность – все возможные социальные объекты или та их часть, которую социолог намерен изучить.

  5. Выборочная совокупность – это часть генеральной совокупности, отобранная с помощью специальных методов. Ее объем всегда меньше генеральной совокупности.

  6. Вероятностный тип выборки основан на использовании таблиц случайных чисел. Если генеральная совокупность имеет небольшой объем, единицы отбора удается пронумеровать, и каждая из них получает возможность попасть в выборку.

  7. Систематический отбор – это упрощенный вариант вероятностной, случайной выборки.

  8. Процедура систематического отбора проста: количество единиц генеральной совокупности, предположим 2000 работников предприятия, делится на количество анкет, скажем 200, и определяется шаг выборки. Он предполагает, что, начиная с любого номера из списка, опрашивается каждый десятый. Таким образом, обеспечивается принцип равновероятностного попадания в выборку всех единиц генеральной совокупности.

        1. Find English definitions for the following terms using the glossary. Translate them into Russian:

sample, population, variable, hypothesis.

        1. Find Russian definitions for the following terms using the glossary. Translate them into English:

генеральная совокупность, выборочная совокупность.

        1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between a population and a sample?

  2. What is more reliable in conducting sociological research: a population or a sample? Can you justify your answer?

  3. What role does sampling play in conducting a research?

  4. What techniques are used in selecting a sample?

  5. What should be done to minimize the amount of error in sample selecting?

        1. Give the main idea of the text “Population and samples”.

        2. Translate the following text into Russian

Conducting a survey

The survey is a method that sociologists frequently use to collect evidence. It plays a similar part in sociology to the part played by the laboratory experiment in the natural sciences. A survey about pupils and smoking is a typical piece of research that might be carried out by some sociology students. Like researchers in the natural sciences, such as biology or physics, the social science students would follow the same six stages of research:

1. Observation They notice that fewer 14- and 15- year-old girls take part in sports than boys.

It also seems that more female pupils take up the habit of smoking in Years 10 and 11 at secondary school.

2. Hypothesis Our researchers may test the proposition that active teenage sports enthusiasts are more likely to be non- smokers and male.

3. Selection of methods It might be decided to interview some pupils from Years 10 and 11.

4. Collecting data A sample of pupils are interviewed using a standard schedule of questions.

5. Analysing and interpreting data The answers show whether there is a correlation, or connection, between smoking and gender. There may be a significant difference between the proposition of males and females who smoke.

6. Making conclusions It might be clear that fewer girls take part in sports and that these same girls are more likely to smoke.

Choosing a sample

It is important that the sample of pupils from Years 10 and 11 chosen for the survey is a representative cross-section of all pupils from Years 10 and 11. If general conclusions about a group under study are drawn from findings about an unrepresentative sample, then we cannot be sure that these generalizations are accurate.

How can we try to make sure that those selected for the sample are typical? First, the survey population must be defined and, second, a sampling frame, or list of the survey population, must be drawn up. In our case, the survey population is all pupils from Years 10 and 11 in our school and a suitable sampling frame could be compiled using up-to-date form registers. We can now choose between three sampling procedures:

1. A systematic, or quasi-random, sample If we want to select a 20 per cent sample, then all we have to do is take every fifth name on the list of all pupils from Years 10 and 11.

2. A random sample In a truly random sample everyone listed on the sampling frame has an equal chance of selection. We can ensure this by picking the names out of a hat or by numbering the list and then getting a computer to select numbers at random. If there are 200 pupils in Year 10 and 200 in Year 11, then we take the first eighty random numbers in order to get a 20 per cent sample.

3. A stratified random sample We are interested in comparing boys and girls and we might also want to ensure equal numbers of Year 10 and Year 11 pupils. In this case we would stratify, or layer, the survey population into four separate sampling frames: for example 100 Year 10 girls, 100 Year 11 girls, 100 Year 10 boys and 100 Year 11boys. We then select twenty names at random from each group to get our 20 per cent overall sample. A stratified sample reflects accurately the major characteristics, such as age and gender, of the survey population.

Having selected a sample of pupils from Years 10 and 11, information can be collected from each pupil using a number of different methods. Each method has its weaknesses as well as its strengths.

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