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        1. Answer the questions:

  1. What final distinction should be made concerning the content of culture and why is it necessary?

  2. What do ideal culture patterns consist of?

  3. What is trumpeted through the press in US society?

  4. Will you give some examples of ways in which the actual behaviour of people conflicts with the society’s official norms?

  5. Are the discrepancies between the real behaviour of people and the ideal patterns fewer in more complex societies?

  6. What is American complex culture permeated with?

  7. What could one say about the real culture patterns? Why would it mean missing the point?

  8. How many functions do the concurrent existence of real and ideal culture pattern serve in the society?

  9. What can serve as constraints and checks upon the real patterns?

  10. What idea is inherent in the concept of culture?

  11. What do we close our eyes to?

  12. How does the real culture pattern help to preserve families intact?

  13. What does the ideal pattern of marital fidelity cause people to do?

  14. In what case might divorces be even more common than they are today?

  15. What is one of the functions of the ideal culture patterns?

  16. What is the second function of the ideal culture pattern?

  17. Are the ideal culture patterns better attuned to present conditions?

  18. When can a divorce be traditionally secured according to the ideal norms?

  19. Which norms help to hold down the divorce rate?

  20. What did judges come to realize when the conditions of marriage changed?

  21. Who was responsibility for disrupting the marriage generally shared by?

  22. On what concept did judges begin to grant divorces?

  23. Were the real patterns of divorce very much similar to the ideal ones?

        1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

  1. In our society people are supposed to be equal under the law, and our political leaders are supposed to work for peace.

  2. These ideal patterns are advocated from the pulpit, and are taught in the classroom.

  3. Manufacturers distribute goods that they know to be defective, congressmen support the expansion of military facilities in their districts, and high officials deliberatly follow policies that are likely to cause war.

  4. To correct the real culture patterns, however, would be to miss the point. The point is that the real patterns are as legitimate a part of the culture as the ideal patterns are.

  5. The idea of the regulation of behaviour is inherent in the concept of culture.

  6. Many real culture patterns probably represent concession to the fact that human behaviour cannot be controlled perfectly to promote the stability and welfare of the total society.

  7. Moreover, what responsibility there was for disrupting the marriage generally was shared by both spouses. Consequently, judges began to grant divorces on some kind of vague concept of the welfare of the parents and their children.

        1. Complete the following sentences. Use the text:

  1. Blacks and ethnic group members are … , nonconformists are … public, taxpayers … the Internal Revenue Service.

  2. The extent … from the ideal patterns … to another.

  3. Extramarital affairs … of emotional involvement … that might … their marriages in order to continue the relationship.

  4. A second function is almost … first.

  5. To some … , the ideal culture patterns represent … experiences.

  6. … a long period of time, however, … changed.

  7. The final distinction … of culture has … .

  8. Ideal culture patterns consist … .

  9. Some ideal patterns are … through the press, and … from the pulpit.

  10. Merchants give … , nonconformists … by the police and … .

  11. Only in such a society would … to “do as I say, and not as I do”.

  12. One could simply … and say that the real culture patterns … of man, that they are … and … .

  13. The real culture pattern, widespread … helps to preserve by not automatically … every time a violation occurs.

  14. The ideal pattern of marital fidelity … affairs.

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