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        1. Answer the questions:

1. What is the difference between a system and just a sum of objects?

2. What can possibly be called a system?

3. What is the difference between presocial and social levels in the hierarchy of systems?

4. What enables scientists to state that ants have a kind of social organization?

5. What is the main difference between ant and human social organizations?

6. What are the three classes of ants’ behavior?

7. What can be said about the social organization of monkeys? Why is it “a step forward” compared to that of ants?

8. How would you define instinctive behavior?

9. Is human behavior always an automatic response to biological urges?

10. What (in addition to biological structure) is necessary for creating complex systems of social organization?

        1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Each unit is constrained by, conditioned by, or dependent upon other units.

2. At a level far removed from the human, for example, ants have been found to have a very elaborate social system.

3. Unlike human social organization, that of ants appears to remain relatively unchanged from generation to generation.

4. This stability is believed to be due to the fact that most ant behavior is strictly biologically determined.

5. Studies of rhesus monkeys in India have shown that they live in groups of up to 70 members and have a rigid hierarchy of dominance.

6. Most instructive are the differences between the social life of groups of monkeys who live in urban areas in India and those who live in the forest.

7. Urban monkeys score higher, initially, on monkey I.Q. tests for complex tasks until the forest monkeys have opportunity to learn the tasks.

8. Instincts promote uniformity rather than variability, and stability rather than change.

9. These complex systems of social organization which are the subject matter of sociology are the products of learned behavior and not simply of biological structure.

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