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        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What does the term cultural diffusion refer to?

  2. What is the role of diffusion in the development of modern cultures?

  3. What is needed for diffusion to operate on a substantial scale?

  4. What makes substantial borrowing possible?

  5. What classic illustration of cultural borrowing does the anthropologist Ralph Zinton provide? Describe it in brief.

  6. How has culture grown and why did it grow slowly at first?

  7. What made it possible for the rate of culture growth to become overwhelming?

  8. Do you agree with the assumption that cultures grow randomly and unselectively? Why?

  9. What determines the choice of new cultural traits to be added and incorporated into the host culture?

  10. What basic values has American society?

  11. What are various groups of young adults in the U.S. experimenting with and what ideology are they espousing?

  12. What would communal living and equal sharing require from the society if they were to become part of the American way of life?

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