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        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What makes a person increasingly valuable to the organization?

  2. What are the routine expectations of individuals within an organization?

  3. What possibility helps subordinates adopt the values and orientations of their supervisors? Provide the example of this situation from the text.

  4. Summarize the characteristics of bureaucratic offices. How does the author define a bureaucracy?

  5. In what industries can the satisfaction with job, supervisor, company and industry itself be higher than in others?

  6. When do tensions in bureaucracies occur?

  7. What does one of the bureaucracies weaknesses derive from?

  8. What is the reason for the fallibility of planning?

  9. In what way can specialization and subjugation to rules influence the performance of a person in an organization?

  10. What can happen to the concept when it is too broadly applied, in the author's opinion?

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