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        1. Complete the table:

          Country (noun)

          Nationality (noun)

          Attributive function


          1. Egypt


          Egyptian history

          1. Asia

           history

          1. Croatia

           history

          1. Russia

           history

          1. Europe

           history

          1. America

           history

          1. India

           history

          1. China

           history

          1. Rome

           history

          1. Africa

           history

          1. England

           history

          1. Scandinavia

           history

          1. Brazil

           history

          1. Sumer

           history

          1. Mexico

           history

          1. Spain

           history

          1. Germany

           history

          1. Persia

           history

          1. Italy

           history

          1. Abyssinia

           history

        2. Complete the following sentences using the text:

  1. Culture has grown through … .

  2. In order for diffusion to operate on … , there must be … ways of life.

  3. As the culture base … and as societies become … , the large-scale … .

  4. It is not true that culture is … , simply … anything that … .

  5. According to Ralth Linton shaving is a masochistic rite which … either Sumer or ancient Egypt.

  6. Culture … with the passage of time and its growth tends … .

  7. Various groups of young adults around the country are … an ideology of … .

  8. The existing culture base largely … will be added.

  9. The tendency … integration influences whether … in the culture will become … it.

        1. Paraphraze the following sentences using the Complex Subject construction:

  1. It seems that the existing culture base largely determines what new traits of culture will be added.

  2. It appears that most of the content of modern cultures was gained through the process of diffusion.

  3. It seems that this masochistic rite was derived from either Sumer or ancient Egypt.

  4. It is unlikely that the idea of communal living and equal sharing will become part of the American way of life.

  5. It is known that culture has grow through a combination of the process of invention and diffusion.

  6. It is supposed that cultures grown randomly and unselectively.

  7. It was expected that some groups of American young adults would espouse an ideology of selflessness and sharing.

        1. Translate from English into Russian the definitions of the term “diffusion” given in the “Glossary” and from Russian into English the definition of the term “диффузия”. Compare the two definitions and comment on them.

        2. Give the main idea of the texts “Diffusion” and “The selective addition of culture traits”.

Section V.3. Definition of culture and Material culture and nonmaterial culture (p.78 – p.80)


to differentiate

to conceive

to focuse

to convey

to encourage

to estimate

to exclude

to argue

to trace

to own

to compose










material and nonmaterial culture

a vast store of learned behaviour

learned behaviour patterns

to encourage fuller understanding

to some degree

in a very strict sense

on the same grounds

to view sociologically

refinement of material artifacts

to trace the development of culture

human experience

literate societies

a major causal factor

to take some position

all-embracing concept

interrelated habit system

by now

at least

in turn

in short

rather than

as we conceive of it

sooner or later

Commentaries and notes:

  1. synoptic definition – сжатое определение.

  2. to be part of – быть составной частью чего-то в отличие от “a part of” – являться какой-то частью чего-то.

  3. disentwine: to entwine = сплетничать, обвивать; dis – префикс, придает слову отрицательное значение, указывает на разделение, отделение на составные части.

  4. formal (definition) – зд. официально принятый, официальный.

  5. the resulting material artifacts – получающиеся в результате (усвоенного поведения) материальные артефакты.

  6. Выражения “in turn”, “in short”, “not strangely” etc., отделенные запятой в начале предложения, являются вводными словами и переводятся соответственно “в свою очередь”, “короче говоря” и “не удивительно что …”.

  7. ,as such, – вводное слово “как таковые”.

  8. Neither can they be shared among the member of the society – инверсия, вызванная вынесением в начало предложения слова “neither”, указывающего на повторное отрицание (первое отрицание высказано в предыдущем предложении “… should not be included …”).

  9. specific – здесь и в большинстве случаев в социологических текстах имеет значение “конкретный”.

  10. precise – точный, конкретный (Ex. Can you be a bit more precise).

  11. a major causal factor – главный причинный (обуславливающий) фактор.

  12. increasingly – является определением к глаголу или прилагательному и переводится “все больше и больше, все чаще и чаще” и т.д. (Ex. Her job has become increasingly difficult. – Ее работа становилась все труднее и труднее. Increasingly, people are retiring younger. – Все чаще люди уходят на пенсию в более молодом возрасте). Adjectives frequently used with “increasingly”: common, competitive, difficult, important, popular, concerned.

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