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        1. Find Russian equivalents for:

advanced society, preliterate society, common forms, basic forms, age-old argument, mutual helpfulness, reciprocal aspects, to exist apart, in the absence of, respective roles, individual goals, collective goals, to conjure up, to cheat on an exam, to control access to a neighborhood, to fix prices, to combat other labor unions, to be subject to some degree of social disapproval, groups differ drastically, to tend to assume certain common forms, in spite of the differences, to be deeply rooted in.

        1. Find English equivalents for:

разные части, радикально различаться, иметь тенденцию, глубоко корениться в, давний спооор, стяжательство, чрезмерное упрощение, существовать отдельно друг от друга, наследственность, неподходящий, за неимением, одобрение, понятие, обстоятельства, уличные банды, контролировать доступ, установить цену, сотрудничество, конкуренция, социальное взаимодействие, социальные процессы, одобрение, неодобрение, списывать на экзамене.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What makes scientists think of either cooperation or competition as primary in human social life?

  2. What do levels of cooperation depend upon?

  3. Does American society appear to value cooperation in general?

  4. Can cooperation and competition exist apart from one another?

  5. What levels of cooperation do you know?

  6. What does the expression “to cheat on an exam” mean? What is your attitude to it?

  7. What forms of social interaction do you know?

  8. What kinds of cooperation, as a rule, don’t meet approval?

  9. Give examples of different kinds of cooperation.

        1. Translate into Russian and paraphrase the following sentences taken from the text:

1. Those who view social life in terms of sharing and mutual helpfulness tend to see cooperation as primary in human experience.

2. What are the respective roles of cooperation and competition in the human experience?

3. In general, American society appears to value cooperation.

4. The image that each of us conjures up when the word, cooperation, is spoken probably is a pleasant one.

5. These common forms of social interaction that sociologists call social processes are so nearly universal that one suspects that they deeply rooted in the biological, psychological , and social nature of man.

6. The cooperation of students to cheat on an exam, of street gangs to control access to a neighborhood, of corporations to fix prices, and of business and labor to combat other labor unions are all subject to some degree of social disapproval.

        1. Complete the sentences using the text:

1. Even today, one still…is the more basic form….

2. The argument…, the question of which…., is … .

3. Groups of different parts of the world…in the forms that…, but sociologists… .

4. They are, at bottom, not…from one another.

5. Cooperation, of course, involves…of their… .

6. … important …is that …to various …of … .

7. The image…up when the word,…,…is a pleasant one.

        1. Insert prepositions using the text:

1. They are…bottom, not completely distinguishable…one another an they do not exist apart…one another.

2. Groups…different parts…the world differ drastically…the forms that their behavior takes, but sociologists have discovered that social interaction the world…tends to assume certain common forms.

3. When one writes a letter …recommendation…another person, that person’s cooperativeness often is mentioned as a virtue.

4. …spite …the differences between Western and Eastern societies, certain common kinds..social interaction may be observed.

5. Another important point is that notions …social approval and social disapproval also attach …various forms …cooperation…various circumstances.

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