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5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою “The Welsh”. Контроль.

5.1. Read the following text and fill the gaps with necessary words below: The Welsh

There is no other part of the British Isles where … traditions are more cherished than in Wales. The Welsh still proudly wear their national dress on festive occasions. The Welsh … is still very much a living force and is taught side by side with English in schools of Wales. And …, who have a highly developed artistic sense, have a distinguished record in the realm of poetry, song and drama.

Wales really begins with the Anglo-Saxon … in the 6th and 7th centuries which isolated the Welsh from the rest of their fellow – coast. Then came the Normans who penetrated into the south of the country and … many strongholds, in spite of strong resistance organized by the Welsh. However, the subjection of the people was completed by Edward I who made his …, afterwards Edward II, the first Prince of Wales.

Welsh is … by half a million people, 20 per cent of the population of Wales. Welsh and English are … official languages in Wales. Nearly all Welsh speakers are …, although most would think of English as their second language. The Welsh language is a … branch of the Indo-European languages and has some … in common with them.

The Welsh call their … Cymru, and themselves they call Cymry, a word which has the same root as “comrade, friend”.

roots A

country G

son B

language H

victories C

national I

Welshmen D

bilingual J

Celtic E

both K

established F

spoken L

6. Аудіювання тексту “Forks and Fingers”.

Vocabulary: inconvenient незручний; to argue сперечатися; indignant обурений; artificial штучний, роблений; lace trimmed collars комірці, з кружевною габою; to hinder заважати, перешкоджати

6.1. Listen to the text: Forks and Fingers

In 1608 an English man, Thomas Coryate by name, visited Italy. When he came back to England he brought little forks the Italians used to eat meat with. His friends looked at the forks and laughed. They thought the Italians were fools because the forks were very inconvenient.

Thomas Coryate argued with them and explained to them that it was not good to eat meat with one’s fingers because people’s hands were not always clean.

The Englishmen were indignant at this.

“Do you think that people in England don’t wash their hands before eating?” one of his friends asked.

“Isn’t it enough to have ten fingers for eating? Must we add two artificial fingers to eat meat?” asked the second friend.

Then the host decided to show how easy it was to use the fork. But the first peace of meat he picked up off his plate slipped off the fork to the tablecloth.

His friends couldn’t stop laughing and joking about it, so the poor host had to put his fork back into his pocket.

Now listen to the story about why people began to use forks. The story says that forks came into use when people began to wear lace-trimmed collars. Those collars hindered then when they ate. They held the chin up in the air and kept one from bending his head. It looked as if the head was on a big round plate.

With such a collar it was more convenient to eat with a fork than with fingers.