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3. Remember the following word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian or Russian.

Official name, chief industry, total area, in practice, shallow waters, vast plain, shape of the country, thanks to, to look like.

4. Make up sentences using the following word-combinations.

To be surrounded by the waters of … , to be of no great importance, the whole year round, great well-ordered park, the world’s largest producer, the narrowest part of the English Channel, the longest river, the cost line, the type of the climate, the chief industry, to be ruled by.

5. Choose the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian sentences.

У Британії не існує великих перепадів температур через теплу течію, яка носить назву Гольфстрім.

A) The current of warm water called the Gulf Stream doesn’t influence on the extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain.

B) There are no extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain because of the current of warm water called the Gulf Stream.

C) The extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain depend on the current of warm water called the Gulf Stream.

Гольф шотландська національна гра, яка була винайдена у цій країні.

A) Golf is the Scottish national sport and it seems to have originated in this country.

B) Golf the national sport of Scotland was originated in this country.

C) The Scottish national sport is golf.

У 60-х роках уельський мові було надано статусу офіційної мови, нарівні з англійською, та вона почала використовуватися у судовому діловодстві.

A) As an official language Welsh was given equal status with English in the 60’s.

B) In the 60’s Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and it was used in the law courts.

C) Welsh is used in the law courts as an official language because in the 60’s it was given equal status wish English.

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the official name of the country we call Great Britain?

2. Is the United Kingdom situated on the mainland?

3. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

4. What channel separates the British Isles from the continent?

5. What is the Strait of Dover?

6. What are the main ports of Britain?

7. What is the highest mountain of Great Britain?

8. What can you say about the surface of Great Britain?

9. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?

10. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

11. What does the United Kingdom produce and export?

12. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?

6. Complete the following sentences.

The country is ruled by… .

a) the Queen

b) the elected government

c) the Parliament

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by… .

a) the Pacific Ocean

b) the North Sea

c) the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea

Britain’s principal ports are… .

a) Chester, Cambridge and Oxford

b) London, Glasgow and Liverpool

c) Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast

The climate of Great Britain is influenced by… .

a) the current of warm water of the Gulf Stream

b) the cold water of the North Sea

c) the mountains situated in the northern and the western parts of the country