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1.1. Remember the following words and word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Рurity of language, international business, to be welcome, throughout the history, to speak fluently.

1.2. Choose the right sentences.

Today English is the language of the world.

People of only a few countries speak English.

More then a half people of the world speak English.

A greal number of words are borrowed from Chinese.

Borrowed from English words arc not welcome.

It is certain that borrowed from English words must be used everywhere.

English is the major international language only in science.

English will be the language not only of business, diplomacy and international relations but of literature, education and international tourism as well.

An artificial international language will be introduced in our life.

1.3. Compose sentences using these words.

1. necessary, person, is, every, good, to know, specialist, every, English, absolutely, for, educated, for.

2. learning, speakers, when, a, native, and, foreign, of, language, you, the, history, learn, culture, the.

1.4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Знати англійські мову край необхідно кожному фахівцю.

2. Я вивчаю англійську мову, тому що вона стала важливою мовою всього світу, мовою політичних, культурних, наукових, торгових відношень.

3. Всі, хто знає іноземні мови, спілкується між собою, читають зарубіжних авторів в оригіналі.

4. Люди вивчають іноземні мови, тому що вони потрібні для праці.

5. Багато мислячих та високоосвічених людей є поліглотами.

1.5. Agree or disagree to these statements.

1. English is the official language only in England.

2. Words arе not borrowed from different languages.

3. To learn a foreign language is an easy thing.

4. The language of computer's technology is Russian.

5. English language has only one way of saying the same things.

6. Saying that knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors is not true.

1.6 Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the list given below:

of, or, by, as, and, like, for, by, and, of. to. in, by. of. for

Learning English is ... learning to swirn ... learning to play ball. We learn to swim ... swimming, to play ball, ... to speak English ... speaking English.

Foreign languages are needed ... the main ... most efficient means ... information exchange between the people ...our planet. Good luck ... you ... your learning ... English! Nobody can learn to swim ... you. Nobody can learn ... English ... you. Language is not to be taught, language is to be learnt.

1.7. Retell the text using the following situations.

Tell your friend idea about the importance of learning English.

Imagine that you have been invited to take part in TV program concerning English language. Write an outline of your speech trying to make it interesting.

Питання для самоконтролю.

1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:

Why do we need to learn foreign languages now?

What are English-speaking countries?

What are the difficulties in learning foreign languages?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “English is the Language of International Communication”.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Перевірте засвоєння лексико–граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових завдань до модуля 4.2.