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3. Remember the following words and word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.

To imagine, commercial port, to occupy, generous land, to destroy, oil and lubricants, to rebuild, cargo, to appear, grain crops, to improve, health-resort.

4. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

Трояндовий кущ, клумба, крісло бажань, запах трави та квітів, палац спорту, пишатись своїм містом.

5. Make up sentences to illustrate the meaning of the following word combinations.

A lot of small enterprises; thousands of tons of cargos; the warm Azov Sea; beautiful fountains; a smell of grass and flowers.

6. Complete the following sentences.

Berdyansk was founded here due to

    1. good climatic conditions.

    2. convenient harbour.

    3. generous, fruitful land.

Every year in summer thousands of people come here

  1. to see the Armchair of Wish.

  2. to visit the largest enterprises of the town.

  3. to improve their health.

On a summer evening people like to tramp down the streets because

а. there is nothing to do at home.

b. they want to meet some of their friends.

c. they want to refresh themselves near the beautiful fountains and to breathe in fresh air.

Berdyansk is a cultural centre because

а. it is one of the largest cities in Ukraine.

b. there are many educational establishments, museums, libraries here.

c. a lot of concerts are held here.

7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the box given below.

in, out, in, of, and, of, over, and, from, to, from, and

Today people all ___ the world are moving ___ of small villages to go ___ live ___ big, noisy cities. They are moving ___ the peaceful hills, fields, rivers ___ the country-side ___ the busy world ___ streets, buildings, traffic ___ crowds. Many people live ___ the suburbs, far away ___ the industrial area ___ the city centre.

8. Choose the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English sentences.

The monument is in the centre of the town.

    1. В центрі міста – пам’ятник.

    2. Пам’ятник розташований в центрі міста.

    3. В центрі міста також є пам’ятник.

This is the house we live in.

  1. Це будинок, де ми проживаємо.

  2. Цей будинок придатний для проживання.

  3. Ми збираємось жити в цьому будинку.

9. Choose the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian sentences.

Район, де ми проживаємо, дуже зелений.

    1. We live in this new green district.

    2. We are going to live in the district which is very green.

    3. The district we live in is very green.

Обладнання, яке вони поставляють на завод, новітнє.

  1. Up-to-date equipment is being supplied by them to the plant.

  2. This is the plant which they supply with up-to-date equipment.

  3. The equipment they supply the plant with is up-to-date.

10. Translate into English.

  1. У нашому місті немає театрів та широких вулиць, але я його дуже люблю, тому що тут народився.

  2. У місті є можливість займатися спортом.

  3. Якщо ви бажаєте морозива або кави, в місті є багато затишних кафе.

  4. Чимало розваг знаходиться на вулиці Горького.

11. Retell the text using the following situations.

  • You have got a letter from an English-speaking friend who asks you about the town you live (study) in.

  • Give a short information arguing for and against living in Berdyansk.

  • You work in a travel agency. Give the main information about Berdyansk.

Питання для самоконтролю.

1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.

Where do you prefer to live: in town or in the country?

Is Berdyansk your native town?

What do you know about the place where Berdyansk was founded?

Berdyansk was founded as a commercial port, wasn’t it? Prove it.

Explain the fact that Berdyansk grew very quickly.

Why is Berdyansk known as an industrial town?

Why does Berdyansk attract thousands of people every summer?

Where do people of Berdyansk like to spend their free time?

Berdyansk is a cultural centre, isn’t it? Prove this fact.

What famous people were born in Berdyansk?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in Berdyansk?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Hobby ”.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових завдань до модуля 1.1.