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3. Complete the following sentences:

a) There were three most dramatic experiences in the nation's history: … .

b) The economy is marked … .

c) For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed to capture the public imagination and is remembered in history … .

d) The journey from Iceland to the new colony was disastrous and at least … .

e) The coast of Labrador where they had landed was a freezing land of … .

f) The new settlers soon found that the land was … .

g) Some of the Vikings were Christians and others were not, and there was … .

h) During the first winter, there was a terrible lack of food and the colonists had to live under … .

i) War soon … .

j) The Vikings decided to go back to … .

4. Give the literary translation of the episode from the text “Who really Discovered America?” (For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed … increasingly desperate.).

5. Make up the plan and retell the texts. Питання для самоконтролю.

1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:

When did the history of the USA begin?

How many Britain's American colonies were there in North America in the 18 th century?

What were three most dramatic experiences in the USA history?

When did the Civil War happen?

When did the Great Depression happen?

When did Vietnam War happen?

When did the Cold War finish?

Who really Discovered America?

Was Columbus the first European to reach America?

Why did the Vikings decide to go back to Greenland?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “The Birth of New Nation”.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Позначення грошових знаків, читання телефонних номерів”.

Практичне заняття №4 (2 години)

Тема: “Episode from the History of the USA”.

Мета: узагальнення граматичного матеріалу за темою „Числівник”, розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання, охарактеризувати умови історичної події, сприяти моральному та естетичному вихованню.

План заняття

1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.

2. Виконання граматичних вправ. Контроль.

3. Аудіювання тексту „My Life in America”.

4. Робота з опорним текстом „The Episode from the History of the USA ”.

5. Повторення мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність”, складання діалогів.

6. Виконання квізів.

7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.

8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.

Зміст заняття

1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.

1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.

First impressions are most lasting.

A good name is better than riches.

1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.

1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.

2. Виконання граматичних вправ. Контроль.

2.1. Translate into English:

а. Зараз 10 година.

б. Сьогодні п’яте грудня.

в. Січень – перший, а грудень – дванадцятий місяць року.

г. Заняття закінчуються у понеділок 2-го червня.

д. Залиште своє повідомлення за номером 778954.

є. Йому – 17 років.

ж. Вона народилася дванадцятого червня 1984 року.

з. Купіть, будь ласка, 3,5 кг цукру.

2.2. Write in English:

а) 37.3; 5.46; 98.01; 448.9870;

б) ¾; 1/5; 7 ½ ; 3⅝;

в) 2s.11d.; £8,453/10/5; $3; $2,300.

3. Аудіювання текстуMy Life in America”.

3.1. Listen to the text.

My Life in America

Life in the United Slates is, of course, different from what it is like in most other countries. Many criticize American family life, saying there's too little friendship between family members. While it's true that relatives may seldom see each other, it's also true that most American families are very friendly.

Almost any American kid can say that his family is very important to him. And any mother or father will probably say their family is the most important part of their life.

American families have different ways of showing their love for their members. They may not be together as much as families in other countries, but the American family is still close. For example, a father may not spend much time with his family so he can work late at the office. But it's probably because he wants to earn enough money to send his son to college or to buy his family a nice house. Both things are very important for him. Examples like this one really show how much members of the American family care for each other.

One of the myths about life in the United States is that Americans take too much care of time and money. This may not be so much of a myth after all. For Americans "Time is money" and they hate to waste either.