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3. Find the synonyms of the following words:

important to separate

descent all the same

neutral significant

nevertheless sick

duty power

to fulfill ancestry

adult obligation

ill indifferent

to divide into grown-up

authority to execute

4. Try to guess the antonyms of the following words:

to interrupt to connect

opening danger

to divide into to continue

highest baby

compulsory dispensable

security lowest

adult dissolving

5. Give the definitions of the following words:

election; constituency; authority; welfare; security.

1) the power or right to give commands, enforce obedience, take action, or make final decisions, jurisdiction.

2) a) condition of health, happiness and comfort, well-being; prosperities; b) the organized efforts of government agencies that grant aid to the poor; the unemployed; etc.

3) the state of being or feeling secure; freedom from fear, anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.

4) a choosing or being chosen for office by vote;

5) the district of such a group of voters.

6. Say if it is true or it is false:

1. Parliament first met in the 15th century.

2. Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

3. The monarch should not make political decisions.

4. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth the second.

5. Members of Parliament are elected every four years.

6. The House of Lords is presided over by the Prime Minister.

7. The functions of Commons are legislation and security of government activities.

8. Voting is compulsory in Britain.

9. The Lord Chancellor chooses the cabinet consisting of the most important ministers in the government.

10. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.

Питання для самоконтролю

1. Перевірка розуміння тексту “Government in Great Britain” за допомогою питань.

How many branches does the constitution of Britain have? What

are they?

What is the most important authority in Britain?

Does Great Britain have its constitution?

What are the parts the Parliament made up of?

Does the monarch have any duties?

How many peers are there in the House of Lords?

Does the House of Lords have a real power?

How are the Members of Parliament elected?

How many Members of Parliament are there in the House of


Who becomes the Prime Minister?

What are the main political parties in Britain?

Which of these people are not elected: a peer, a civil servant, the

Prime Minister, a Member of Parliament?

2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Government in Great Britain”.

3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання завдань до тексту.

4. Граматика

What do you know about the adjective? (forms; suffixes)

5. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових завдань.