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2. Аудіювання тексту “Swift-footed Fellow”.

Vocabulary: swift-footed швидконогий; flockотара; scattered розкидані; gate ворота; wiping his forehead витираючи лоб.

2.1. Listen to the text: a Swift-footed Fellow

Jonathan, an old soldier who spent many years in the Army, was walking along a country road. The war was over and he thought of finding a good job for himself when he saw a farm house. The farmer was standing at the door and Jonathan said, “I have been walking all day looking for work. Will you give me a job?”

“Have you ever done any farm work?” asked the farmer.

“No,” said Jonathan. “I have been a soldier all my life, but I will do any job you will give me.”

The farmer thought and said: “All right. I’ll give you a chance. Do you see that flock of sheep scattered over the hill?”

“Yes”, answered Jonathan.

“Well”, said the farmer. “Get them all through that gate and into the yard”.

“Ok”, said Jonathan. “I’ll do that”.

About an hour later the farmer went into the yard. Jonathan was standing at the gate wiping his forehead.

“Did you get them all in?” said the farmer.

“Yes”, said Jonathan. The farmer looked and saw that, indeed, all the sheep were gathered in the yard and the gate was shut. And then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The soldier saw what he was looking at.

“Yes”, he said, “that fellow there gave me more trouble than all the rest put together”.

2.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:

1. The soldier’s name was James.

2. He had been at war for many years.

3. He had been working all day looking for a job.

4. He asked the farmer for some water.

5. The soldier had never done any farm work before.

6. The farmer asked the soldier to get the goats together.

7. The soldier had never seen hares before.

2.3. Retell the story close to the text.

3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.

4. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул.

4.1. Compose the dialogue using the following phrases:

When you want somebody to do something for you:

a) there is something I should very much like you to do for me. The point is … .(Я би дуже хотів звернутись до вас з проханням. Річ в тому, що … .)

b) do me a favour. (Зробить мені послугу.)

5. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення: переказ тексту This is London!” за планом.

6. Виконання квізів.

7. Граматичний аспект. Контроль.

7.1. Complete the chart below.


one person

many persons












7.2. Translate the following sentences:

1. Всі присутні гості були його друзями.

2. Я скажу тобі дещо хвилююче.

3. Я зголоднів та хочу пити.

4. Мій батько виглядає втомленим.

5. Він приїхав до Києву пізно восени.

6. Відповідь була конкретною та глибокою.

8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:

– опрацюйте текст «London»;

- опрацюйте текст за фахом;

  • підготуйте реферат (та його захист) з теми “Найвидатніша

подія (людина) в історії Великобританіі”;

– виконайте лексико-граматичний тест до модуля 3.1.