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reputed – відомий, colour plane – кольорова площина, special – особливість, canvas – полотно, shrill – гострий, stroke – мазок, artistry – артистизм, Washer-woman„Праля", diversity – розмаїття, exquisite – досконалий, Funeral of the Kish Otaman"Похорон кошового".

1. Make the sentences true.

1. Oleksandr Murashko originated from an artistic family.

2. His father participated in decorating St.Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

3. His uncle was the founder of St.Petersburg Academy of Art.

4. O.Murashko was awarded the artist's degree at Paris Academy of Art.

5. He gained world recognition in 1909.

6. His picture Carrousel won a prize at the International Art Show.

7. His works were exposed in different countries including America.

8. O.Murashko initiated the establishment of the Ukrainian Gallery of Art.

9. He died tragically at the decline of his creative performance.

10. His latest work was Flower Sellers.

2. Choose the words to complete the sentences.

refined, colour, diversity, artistic, compositional, decorative, sunlight

1. O. Murashko's works display bright... pattern.

2. His portraits attract with the ... of expressive technique.

3. They are original in ... solutions.

4. O. Murashko was good at using ... and light.

5. His paintings are full of... which outlines faces with warm glow.

6. They are ... and expressive.

7. The Self-portrait is an exquisite piece of ... excellence and aspiration.

3. Find the English equivalents in the text.

мистецька родина звання художника

іконописна майстерня мистецькі кола

рисувальна школа шедевр

початкова освіта навчальна студія

4. Define the base word of each of the following words.

originate earliest energetic training

artistic refined expressive joyfully

decorating skilfully painting graduation

painter practising creative recognition

educator diversity tragically performance

5. Points for discussion.

1. Murashko's formation as a painter.

2. Murashko's artistic works.

3. European recognition of the painter.



Composer, cultural and public figure

Platon Maiboroda went down in the history of Ukrainian musical culture as an artist of unsurpassed talent, eminent composer, author of songs, person of steadfast artistic and aesthetic principles. His music is a whole epoch of revival and flourishing of the Ukrainian song in the postwar time.

The classic of the Ukrainian song was born into a peasant family on the farm of Pelekhivschyna (now Poltava oblast). The father of the future composer (later subjected to reprisals) left for Zaporizhia to escape the famine, where Platon later joined him. There he finished a secondary school and worked at a factory. In 1936, he entered Kyiv music school and in 1938 – Kyiv State Conservatoire (class of L.Revutsky). The stormy war years did not pass by P.Maiboroda: he stopped studying at the Conservatoire and went to the front as a volunteer. After the war the composer's talent was concentrated on creating music.

P.Maiboroda's songs touch the innermost strings of a soul in a miraculous manner. The composer's legacy is a profoundly national phenomenon. Its sources are not only in folk songs, but, primarily, in the old national spiritual tradition.

The inimitable Maiboroda style is a flare of revelation, boundless melodiousness and openness of melody that flies "from heart to heart." A character of a Mother to which a composer gave a true devotional sounding became the composer's invention in song genre. The song Kyiv Waltz; We 'II go Where Grasses Are Bent; Song of the Teacher; Footpath, created in collaboration with the poet A. Malyshko, have really become classical song music independent of transitory fashion. They brought P. Maiboroda worldwide recognition. A prominent place among them is occupied by the song My Dear Mother (Song of the Embroidered Towel). Today it sounds all over the world as a symbol of Ukraine.

The composer possessed a unique gift of generalising melody and intonation. Apart from songs, choirs and solos these features are inherent in P. Maiboroda's vocal creations and symphonies.

The composer spared no effort to carry out cultural and educational activities on a large scale, giving concerts and organising meetings in various corners of Ukraine and beyond its borders. P. Maiboroda's selfless labour in this field continued traditions of the famous Lysenko choir tours round Ukraine.

Platon Maiboroda was Chairman of the Arts Section of the Ukrainian Society for Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.

People's Artist of the USSR (1979), Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1950), he was the first, among composers, winner of the State T.Shevchenko Prize of Ukraine (1962).